Full Name (with qualifications in brief):
Sqour, Saqer Mustafa Mahmood, B.A Arts, M.A. Arabic Literature, B. Arch., M. Arch., PhD. Architecture
Date of Birth: / 1st. May, 1960 / Place of Birth: / Sele – Tafilah - Jordan
Nationality: / Jordanian / Citizenship: / Jordanian
Marital Status: / Married / Religion: / Islam
Sex: / Male / Country of Domicile: / Jordan
Address of correspondence: / Architecture Department – Engineering College – Al al-Bayt University – Mafraq,130040, Post Box 25113, Jordan
Telephone [Office]: / +962777785367 / E-Mail: /
Telephone [Home]: / +962797785367 / Fax No.:
Present Post: / Assistant Professor
Secondary Schools Attended: / TafilahSecondary School, Tafilah Governorate, Jordan
PostSchool Qualifications: (with institutions attended, dates and brief details of subjects, grades and qualifications)
University & Country / Date of Graduation / Specialization / Duration / Degree
To / From
Cairo - Egypt
/ 2006 / Architectural & Urban Theories / 2006 / 2003 / Ph.D.Faculty of Architecture & City and Regional Planning
Lahore- Pakistan
/ 1993(1st. Division)
(1st. Position) /Islamic Architectural & Urban Design
/ 1993 / 1991 / M. Arch.Faculty of Architecture & City and Regional Planning
Lahore - Pakistan
/ 1987(1st. Division)
/ Architecture / 1987 / 1981 / B.Arch.Ph.D. Thesis Title:
أنسنة العمارة ( نحو نظرية انسانية في العمارة المعاصرة )
Humanizing Architecture: “Towards Human Theory in Contemporary Architecture”
M. Arch Title:
Islamic Architectural Thought: Origins, Development and Implementations in the Residential Environment
Educational Qualification( other than Architecture )University
Country / Date of Graduation / Specialization / Duration / Degree
To / From
The PunjabUniversity
/Arabic Literature
/ 1994 / 1993 / M. A.The PunjabUniversity
/ English , Arabic, Sociology / 1982 / 1979 / B.A ArtsMembership of Professional committees and Societies
Duration/ year / Society / Rank
2008 – 2012
2014 - Date / Different academic and professional committees at department and university level,
University of Al al-Bayt –Jordan / Member
1987 - Date / Jordanian Engineers Association / Member
1988 – Date / Jordanian Environmental Society / Member
2012 – 2014 / Master Plan Committee for Northern Region of Jordan / Member
1990 – 1991
1993 – 2003
2006 – 2008
2012 – 2014 / Regional Planning and Design Committees
Tafilah & Irbid Governorates
Ministry of Municipal Affairs / Member
1990 – 1991
1993 – 2004
2012 – 2014 / General Planning Committee, Ministry of Municipal Affairs. / Member
2010 – 2012 / AECOM Study for Planning Legislations, Ministry of Municipal Affairs
(Representative of Al al-Bayt University) / Consultant
2007 – 2009 / Steering committee of Tafilah Development Foundation. / Member
1995 – 2008 / Jordanian Society for Preventing People from Road Accidents. / Member then
Vice President
2004 – 2007 / Tafilah Regional Government Council / Member
1993 – 2004 / Common Services Council
Ministry of Municipal Affairs / Ex. Chairman
1999 – 2003 / Master Plan Committee for Southern region of Jordan / Member
1995 -2000 / Improving Health Society
University of Jordan / Member
Institution: / Al al-Bayt University - Mafraq - Jordan
Faculty/School/Department: / Department of Architecture Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Duties: / Assistant Professor (Teaching)
Previous Posts and Responsibilities in this Institution: Assistant to Dean
PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT [in chronological with dates]
Names and Dates of Previous Institutions/Employers with brief details of posts and responsibilities.
Academic Experience ( Teaching )
Nature of Employment / Duration / Country / Name of Institution / Positions held
To / From
Teaching & Supervising / 2014 / 2009 / Jordan / Al-al-BaytUniversity / Assistant Professor
Teaching & Supervising / 2013 / 2012 / Jordan / University of Jordan - Amman / Visiting Teacher
Teaching / 2012 / 2011 / Jordan / YarmukUniversity / Visiting Teacher
Teaching / 11-2009 / 4-2008 / Jordan / Al al-Bayt University
Mafraq / Lecturer
Teaching / 2008 / 2007 / Jordan / Tafilah Technical / Lecturer
Teaching & Supervising / 2008 / 2007 / University of Jordan
Amman / Visiting Teacher
Teaching & Supervising / 2005 / 2004 / Egypt / 15 May Institute of Architecture - Cairo / Visiting Teacher
Teaching & Supervising / 1993 / 1991 / Pakistan / Faculty of Architecture & City Planning
Lahore / Visiting Teacher
Other Employers: ( Professional Experience )
Nature of Employment
Tasks assigned (Responsibilities) / Date / Institution
Organization / Position
To / From
2013 / 2012 / Ministry of Municipal Affairs,. / Assistant to Undersecretary Minister / 1
2008 / 2006 / Tafilah Greater Municipality / Mayor of Tafilah Greater Municipality / 2
- Urban planning & Civic Design, LeadingEngineering Division.
- Environmental Affairs.
- Leading a Department of about 80-114 employees working for solid waste treatment.
Ministry of Endowment, Jordan / 1 - Directorof Municipal Affairs
2 - Mayor of BsairaMunicipality
3 - Deputy Governor (Mayor of TafilahGreatMunicipality
4 - Chairman of Steering Committee of Regional Cultural Center, Tafilah Government, Jordan / 3
- Urban planning & Civic Design, LeadingEngineering Division.
- Environmental Affairs.
- Leading a Department of about 80-114 employees working for solid waste treatment.
Jordan. / 1. Director of Municipal, Rural Affairs and the Environment
2 - Chairman of Common Services Council, Tafilah Government
3 - Deputy Governor for Municipal Affairs, Tafilah Government. (Mayor of TafilahMunicipality) / 4
1991 / 1990 / Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs, and the Environment Jordan / Director of Municipal, Rural Affairs & the Environment, Tafilah, Government, Jordan / 5
1. To prepare Architectural designs for buildings.
2. Land use plans
3. documents for tenders
4. Site supervision. / 1990 / 1989 / Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs, and the EnvironmentJordan. / Head of Architectural, Civic & Urban Design and Buildings Department / 6
To prepare Architectural designs and land use plans for different Municipalities. / 1989 / 1987 / Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs, and the Environment. / Architect, Urban Planner, Designer / 7
I teach the following courses:
- Architecture Design
- Free-hand and technical Drawings
- History of Architecture
- Islamic Architecture
- Urban Design
- Urban Planning
- Regional Planning
- Landscape
- Specifications and Quantity Surveying
- Architectural Criticism
- History of Architecture
- Islamic Architecture and the Environment.
- Urban Design
- UrbanPlanning
- Regional Planning
- Islamic Cities
- Landscape
Throughout the last five years:
- I supervised final year architectural and urban design projects for 78 students. Subjects of these projects were as follows:
- Islamic Complexes including mosques, libraries, theatres, schools, playgrounds etc.
- Cultural Complexes including entertainment areas, different building containing different activities, etc.
- Cultural Villages including a compete site for different cultural activities.
- S.O.S. Villages including a complete neighbourhood and its service buildings.
- Urban Development of historic sites.
- Urban Development of down town of different cities in Jordan: ( Such as: Amman, Irbid, Mafraq, Ajloun, Madaba, Zarka, Karak and Aqaba )
- Urban studies for newly established towns and neighbourhoods in Jordan, such as: Amman Suburb, Zarka and Irbid
- Urban planning and design for different future expansion lands in different cities, such as: Southern Amman, eastern Irbid, eastern Zarka and southern Mafraq.
- Tourist Villages, including motels, museums, playgrounds, landscape, swimming pools, partings etc.
- Development of existing universities' sites.
- University campus." Master plan ( urban) engineering and medical colleges (architectural)"
- Multi use commercial high-rise building.
- And others.
- I was a Coordinator or Chairman of Coordinating Committee for different local and national professional conferences
- I delivered Hundreds of public lectures over the past years in the areas of Architecture, Environment, Urban Planning and Design, and Municipal Affairs in different places.
- I was a member of several arbitrating juries of Semester and Graduation projects as well as Master level in Fine Art Departments, Urban Planning and Design Departments, and Architectural Departments in different universities, such as: University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan, Cairo University, Egypt, Jordan University, Al al-Bayt University, Jordanian University of Science and Technology, Jordanian German University, Yarmuk and Applied Science University in Jordan.
- I worked as Chairman, Director Advisor and Head of Many department and organizations.
Scientific Papers in Referred Journals and Conferences:Article s title / Journal/Conference / Issue / Date / Publisher/Organizer
1 / A Jordanian Model in Conservation of Architectural Heritage, Case Study: Dar As Saraya Government, Madaba, Jordan / Architecture and Modern Information Technologies
ISSN (1998-4839) / Published
Feb. Issue, 1(30), 2015 / Feb. 2015 / «Moscow Architectural Institute» (State academy), Moscow
2 / المفهوم الاسلامي لعلاقة المعمار مع البيئة و تطبيقاتها المعمارية والعمرانية
The Relationship Between Architect and Environment and its Implementation in Architecture and Urban Fabric / المجلة الاردنية في الدراسات الاسلامية
Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies / منشور
المجلد (10)، العدد (3)، ايلول،
Vol.10 No.3 September, 2014 / ايلول،
2014 / University of Al al-Bayt
جامعة ال البيت - الاردن
3 / Urban Planning and Urban Design in Times of Rapid-moving Events in Jordan / 8th. International Conference of Engineering and Technology / "Journal of Modern Science and Technology Vol.2 No.2 September 2014 / Sep.
2014 / Global Institute of Science and Technology, Australia
American Research and Publications International, USA
4 / Islamic Religious Architecture in Historical Context in Jordan / Architecture and Modern Information Technologies
ISSN (1998-4839) / Published
September. Issue, 3(28), 2014 / Sep.
2014 / Moscow Architectural Institute, (StateAcademy), Moscow
5 / تمهيد الأرض للحياة وهندستها ضمن المنظومة الكونية
Preparing Earth for Life Within The Cosmic system / مؤتمر اربد الهندسي الدولي الأول
1st. Irbid International Engineering Conference / وقائع وسجلات المؤتمر
Proceedings / 14-16 تشرين اول (اكتوبر) 2014
2014 / نقابة المهندسين الاردنيين
جامعة الغلوم والتكنولوجيا الاردنية
JordanianUniversity of Science & Technology
6 / التصميم الحضري ضمن الظروف السياسية و الاحداث المتناقضة
Urban Design During un stable Political Events / المؤتمر الأردني الأول للعمارة والتصميم
عمّان – الاردن
1st. Jordanian Conference for Architecture and Design / وقائع المؤتمر
Proceedings / نيسان 2014
April, 2014 / جامعة عمان الاهلية
نقابة المهندسين الاردنيين
JordanianEngineersAssociation & AmmanUniversity
7 / الأبعاد الإنسانية والاستدامة الفكرية في العمارة بين فكر العقل البشري و فكر المنهج الإسلامي
Human Dimensions & IntellectualSustainabilitybetweenthe Thought ofHuman MindandIslamic Approach / مؤتمر التقنية والاستدامة في العمران- الرياض
Conference on Technology and Sustainability in the Built Environment / وقائع وسجلات المؤتمر
Proceedings / كانون الثاني
2010 / كلية العمارة والتخطيط
جامعة الملك سعود-الرياض
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
8 / أثر الحوافز على المهندس المعماري و ابداعه كقائد للفريق الهندسي المصمم
Influence of Incentives on the Architect as the Leader of Designing Team / مجلة جامعة دمشق للعلوم الهندسية
Journal of DamascusUniversity for engineering Sciences / العدد الثاني
االمجلد 25
Issue 2
Volume25 / 2009
2009 / جامعة دمشق – سوريا
9 / Contemporary Mosque Architecture in Jordan / International Conference “Islamic
Historic Cities and Modern Architecture” / Conference Events
Proceeding / 2-3 June, 2009 / Ministry of Culture
& Research Centre for Islamic Art, and Culture (IRCICA)
10 / الابعاد الانسانية في العمارة العربية التقليدية
Human Aspects in Traditional Arabian Buildings / المؤتمر المعماري الرابععمان-الاردن
4th. Architectural Conference / تم تأجيل المؤتمر / 2007 / نقابة المهندسين الاردنيين
Jordanian Engineers Association
11 / المهندس المعماريو دوره في تحقيق التوازن البيئي على والحد من استنزاف الموارد
Role of Architectin Achieving Environmental Balance and Reducing Depletion of Natural Resources / المؤتمر المعماري الثالث
3rd. Architectural Conference / وقائع و سجلات المؤتمر / 6-10 تشرين اول
2003 / نقابة المهندسين الاردنيين
Jordanian Engineers Association
12 / Public Participation in Protecting Urban & Civic Lands / Conference about Environmental Pressures in the Region / Conference Events
Proceeding / 1999 / Yarmuk University- Irbid
13 / كيف يساهم الفكر المعماري الاسلامي في بلورة الهوية المعمارية الاسلامية
How does Islamic Architectural Thought Achieves Islamic Architectural Identity / المؤتمر المعماري الاول
3rd. Architectural Conference / وقائع المؤتمر
و مجلة المهندس الاردني- ع 71 سنة 35، 6-2001 / 1998 / نقابة المهندسين الاردنيين
مجلة المهندس الاردني
14 / Experience of Pakistan in Conservation of Architectural Heritage / Symposium on the Conservation of Arch. Heritage / Conference Events
Proceeding / Nov. 1993 / University of Jordan
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture
15 / أثر الحوافز و تطوير اساليب التعليم على الاداء التصميمي لطلبة العمارة في الاردن
Effect of Incentives and Development of Teaching Methods on Performance of Architectural Students / مجلة العمارة والتخطيط
جامعة بيروت العربية
بيروت – لبنان
Architecture And Planning Journal
Beirut Arab University-Lebanon / Accepted / نيسان 2015
2015 / جامعة بيروت العربية
17 / "Development and Trends of Urban Growth in Mafraq City, Jordan" / CONTEMPORARY ENGG. SCIENCES
ISSN 1313-6569 / Accepted / April 2015 / Hikari Ltd.
Written Ability / Spoken AbilityFluent / Good / Fair / Fluent / Good / Fair
English / * / *
Arabic / * / *
Urdu: / * / *
Hindi / *
Signature : / Saqer Sqour / Date: / 15th. May, 2015