Carlinville Park District
Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, March 3, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Larry Smith,Dale Chapman, Michelle Tiburzi, Chris Gibble, Regie Byots and James Foster. Guest: Enquirer/Democrat, Kim Harbour. Not present: Bob Duckels
Smith called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Motion was made by Chapman and 2nd by Tiburzi to accept the minutes from the regular meeting on February 18, 2016.
Correspondence: Byots spoke with Nick Kravanya with the Lions Club regarding an April 23rd Spring Clean Up at Tom Thumb Park. They will be replacing the back stop on the ball field and spreading new mulch. Plus they will do any other jobs that need done at Tom Thumb.
Motion was made by Gibbel and 2nd by Chapman to approve the Treasurer’s Report for February 2016.
Administrator’s Report: David Schwartz donated umpire equipment to the CPD. Byots discussed their visit with the Litchfield Park District.
Old Business: George Cerar talked to the city attorney regarding the Hainsfurther wall on CNB field. The city doesn’t have a problem with the wall being up as long as we have a contract with Hainsfurther. However the city will NOT insure it. Discussion of re-installing a IHSA approved fence was suggested and Smith will have Duckels draw up a contract. Smith called Hainsfurther regarding this project. Hainsfurther said he can insure it for a premium of $300 a year which he will have on his homeowner’s insurance policy. He wants the CPD to pay for it.
CPD responded to Matt Turley’s questionnaire pertaining to the gate that was installed at Loveless Park.
New Business: CPD purchased a new pavilion for Denby Park from Glass Cutters. The cost is $2155.00. Motion was made by Chapman and 2nd by Gibbel to approve the purchase of chains and swings for the parks. The cost is approximately $2400.00. Commissioner Gibbel as for Foster to get pricing on a gate at Loveless Park. The current gate was installed by the city and he would like something that is more appealing than the current gate. Tiburzi asked permission for David Schwartz the conduct a Pitch, Hit & Run camp April 17th on Starr Field from 1-4 p.m. Board approved the purchase of a wireless scoreboard for Cisco Field $3189.00.
Good of the Order:
Executive Session: CPD went into executive session at 7:37 p.m. and adjourned at 7:49 p.m.
Next CPD meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m.