Abbotsford Senior PAC
Minutes from September 12, 2017
At ASSS Library Conference Room
- Call to order
- Meeting called to order at 7:06 pm by Ralf
- Adoption of Agenda
- Motion by Sherri Anderson to accept the Agenda and seconded by Sheelah Meade
- Adoption of June Minutes
- Corrections of Tracy name and Sherri. Motion by Sherri Anderson to accept the Minutes and seconded by Corinna Landsberger
- Principal Report – Rob Comeau
- Our last Chef Jodi went to Maple Ridge and our new chef is Chef Roberts
- Our music teacher moved the first week of school. Grant McDonald has been hired as the new Music teacher.
- The Pump house has become the new Art Room; ceramics, drawing and paint room
- Sweeney conference room is being used by ELL students
- Abby Arts Annex room has been secured.
- We are short space for second semester at this moment
- There are 3 designated students permitted per class. Remedy then has to go to prep time in some way.
- School Plan is being presented to the staff
- Focus on resiliency as we still have staff off. Bruce Cuthbertson is off for a bit. Mr. Sidhu is in for now.
- Fall sports has started; rugby, volleyball and football
- September pro-d the staff is going to Whistler.
- Common Learning Outcomes in curriculum district wide standardizing
- End of Semester new report card on Outcome base (more to come)
- Bevan entrance is open until the Library closes unless there is an event. Gate near the 711 entrance closed between 5 and 6pm
- Possible speed bumps to be placed to help slow down traffic
- No security Guard at the Library. There is a Library Technician and a teacher in library all day
- Students who are late attend PAC: Panther Achievement Center
- Collab and XBlock are continuing this year
- There is 1100 students at the school 60/yr for IB and there is 24 in the Career Programs
- Treasurers Report – Corinna Landsberger
- See attached
- Not sure what we are receiving from Gaming this year at this time
- DPAC Report – Tracy Fogarty
- No report at this time meeting is at the end of September
- Elections
- Chair: Ralf Landsberger
- Vice Chair:Sherri Anderson
- Treasurer:Corinna Landsberger
- DPAC: Tracy Fogarty
- Secretary: Diane Horner
All those nominated accepted their positions and are in by acclamation.
- New Business
- Letter to the School Board to have Security Guard put back in place at the Library. Letter to go to Kevin Godden, Shirley Wilson and the School Trustees
- Motion by Sherri Anderson to have the letter done. Seconded by Kathy Pauls
- Letter to be done by Sherri Anderson ad given at the next Board meeting on Monday September 18, 2017.
- Find out about a possible memorial bench/tree with a plaque. Revisit this conversation at next PAC meeting. Ralf to check on process and the possibility of this happening
- Adjournment at 8:22
- Send minutes to Betty to have placed on website