
1. Therainbow is ………………………. .
2. Central Anatolia ……………………isin thecentre of Turkey.


5. ‘Summer, Autumn, Spring, Winter ‘are………………… .
6. Athens is the…………………..ofGreece.
7. A: How is the………………….inAegeanRegion?
B: lt’ssunnyandsometimesrainy.
8. Lionsare…………………..animals.

Months of theyear

– January – February – March
– April – May – June
– July – August – September
– October – November – December

1. January is the…………….month oftheyear.
2. February is the…………….monthof theyear.
3. March is the…………….month oftheyear.
4. April is the…………….month of theyear.
5. May is the…………….month of theyear.
6. June is the…………….month of theyear.
7. July is the…………….month of theyear.
8. August is the…………….month oftheyear.
9. September is the…………….month of theyear.
10. October is the…………….month oftheyear.
11. November is the…………….monthof theyear.
12. December is the…………….monthof theyear.

Seasons of theyear

-Spring – Summer
– Autumn(Fall) – Winter

Activity Exercise

Complete withtheseasons.
1. You can swimandsunbathe in…………………. .
2. You can ski andplaysnowball in………………… .
3. Theleavesfall in ……………….. .
4. You can seecolorfulşowers ontrees in ……………. .



Days of theweek

– Monday – Tuesday
– Wednesday – Thursday
– Friday – Saturday
– Sunday

1. Monday is the……………… oftheweek.

2. Tuesday is the…………….day oftheweek.
3. Wednesday is the…………….dayof theweek.
4. Thursday is the…………….day oftheweek.
5. Friday is the…………….day of theweek.
6. Saturday is the…………….day oftheweek.
7. Sunday is the…………….day oftheweek.


What is thedaytoday?
-It is Sunday. OR
Whatday is it today?
What is thedatetoday?
It is twentyfirst of May. (21.05)
Whatyear is it thisyear?
-It is twothousandeight. (2008)
When is yourbithday?
It is on thetwelfth of April. (12.04)
07.08.1997 – seventh of August, nineteenninty seven

NOT:İngilizce’de 2000 den önceki tarihlerikili gruplar halinde; 2000’den sonrakiseneler tüm olarak söylenir
1987 – nineteen , eighty seven
2009 – twothousand nine
12.05.2007 – twelfth of May , twothousandseven
22.11.1986 – twentysecond of November,nineteeneightysix.
15.12.1999 – fifteenth of December,nineteenninty nine.
09.09.2009 – ninth of September, twothousand nine

Activity Exercise

Write thenames.

Write thenames.
1. Who is thesecondhorse? 4. Who is thefifthhorse?
…………………………….. . …………………………….. .
2. Who is thesixthhorse? 5. Who is theforthhorse?
…………………………….. . …………………………….. .
3. Who is thefirsthorse? 6. Who is thethirdhorse?
…………………………….. . …………………………….. .


1. Whatday is it today?
A) It is fifteenth of May.
B) It is Monday.
2. My birthday is on thethirteenth ofAugust.
A) When is yourbirthday?
B) When is yourdate?
3. It is Summer.
A) What is yourfavouritemonth?
B) What is yourfavouriteseason?
4. It is 1998.
A)Whatyear is it thisyear?
B) Whatdate is it thisyear?
5. Whatseason is it thisseason?
A) It is spring.
B) It is January
6. What is yourfavouritemonth?
A) It is Thursday.
B It is July.
7. It is third of December.
A) Whatdate is it today?
B Whatday is it today?
8. When is Mothers’ Day?
A) It is thesecond Sunday of May.
B) It is thesecond Sunday ofMarch.
9. What is yourfavouriteday?
A) Theyare Sunday andSaturday.
B) It is May.

10. When is TheRepublicDay?
A) It is on thetwenty nine of October.
B) It is on thetwentyninth of October.

NOT:İngilizce’dezamanlarla birlikte aşağıdaki edatlar kullanılır.

A) Günlerden ve tüm tarihlerden önce‘on’;
On thethirteenth of FebruaryOn Friday
B) Aylardan, yıllardan,günün bölümlerindenve mevsimlerden önce ‘in’ ;
in December
in 1887
in theafternoon
in spring
in weekdays
C) Saatlerden ve aşağıdaki kullanımlardanönce ‘at’;
at 21:00 o’clock
at noon
at night
at midnight
at Christmas
at theweekend

Activity Exercise

Write thedate.

1. 31.10.2023–
……………………………………………. .
2. 23.04.1923–
3. 02.06.2005–
4. 16.02.1981–
5. 04.12.1987–

Put at,inoron


Thenews is …………twoo’clock.
2. Shopsareopen………..Sundays.
3. Thedoctorsare at theiroffice………thefirst of September.


Can youvisitthemuseums……….Saturdays?
5. Thisnightclub is closed………….noon.

I say ‘goodmorning’ tomyparents………themorning.
7. Shallwemeet………midnight?

TheVictoryDay is ……….thethirtyfirst of August.

Theparty is ………Fridaynight.
10. Theschoolsopen………Decemberandclose………..June.

Activity Exercise

1. When is yourbirthday?
2. What time doestheconcertstart?
3. What is yourfavouritemonth?
4. When is yourholiday?
5. When is Teachers’ Day?
6. Whenshallwemeet?
7. What time doesthelessonstart?
8. When is Muzaffer’sbirthday?
9. When can youvisit me?
10. When is themeeting?
a) Wego on a holidayfromthethird ofJulytofifteenth of July.
b) It is on thetwentyfourth of November.
c) It is on Sunday evening.
d) My birthday is on theseventh ofMarch , 1978.
e) Itstarts in theafternoon.
f) Let’smeet at noon.
g) Thelessonsusuallystart in theevening.
h) His birthday is on theseventeenth ofSeptember,1967.
i) I can visityou on Tuesday.
j) It is July.



– It is hot.
– It is warm.
– It is cool.
– It is cold.

Activity Exercise

1. What’stheweatherlike in Adana?
…………………………………………… .
2. What’stheweatherlike in Kars?
…………………………………………… .
3. What’stheweatherlike in İstanbul?
…………………………………………… .
4. What’stheweatherlike in İzmir?
…………………………………………… .
5. What’stheweatherlike in Ankara?
…………………………………………… .
6. What’stheweatherlike in Konya?
…………………………………………… .
7. What’stheweatherlike in Erzurum?
…………………………………………… .
8. What’stheweatherlike in Muğla?
…………………………………………… .

Activity Exercise

1. Theweather is sunnyand hot in……….… .
a) summer
b) spring
c) autumn
d) winter
2. Theweather is snowyandcold in…………… .
a) summer
b) spring
c) autumn
d) winter
3. Theweather is windy, rainysometimesthunderyandfoggy in …………… .
a) summer
b) spring
c) autumn
d) winter
4. Theweather is sometimessunny,rainyandwarm in …………… .
a) summer
b) spring
c) autumn
d) winter

Activity Exercise

Read andanswerthequestions


Hi! I’m LittleJenny. I live in Englandandthis is boring. It is sometimesfoggyandthundery but it is neversunny in England.Italwaysrains.Thecloudsarealwaysgrey.
I can’tgotothe park withmyfriends. I can’tsee a bluesky. I can’tgofor a picnicwithmyfamily. My parentscan’tgofor a walk. Youneverseechildrenaround.
Wealwaysstay at homeandwatch TV. People aren’thappybecausewecan’tseetheSun. I loveEngland but I don’tliketheweather.
1. WheredoesLittleJennylive?
2. Is theweatheralwayssunny in England?
3. Whatcolouraretheclouds?
4. Does it alwaysrain in England?
5. Wherecan’tshegowith her friends?
6. Where do theystay?
7. Arethepeoplehappy?
8. Whyaren’ttheyhappy?
9. DoessheloveEngland?
10. Doessheliketheweather?


1. It’ssunnyandhot.What can youwear? …………….. .
2. It’ssnowyandcold.What can youwear? …………….. .
3. It’sfoggyandcool.What can youwear? …………….. .
4. It’swindyandcold.What can youwear? …………….. .
5. It’scoldandrainy. What can youwear? ……………..

Activity Exercise

Write theprices


A: How much is theblackbag?
B: It is twopoundseighty nine.

A: How muchdoestheswimsuitcost?
B: Itcosts ten poundsandninety nine.

A: How mucharethegloves?
B: …………………………… .
A: How much do theglovescost?
B: ………………………………. .

A: How much is thelamp?
B: …………………………… .
A: How muchdoesthelampcost?
B: …………………………..…. .


A: How much is thepen?
B: …………………………… .
A: How muchdoesthepencost?

A: How much is thecamera?
B: ………………………… .
A: How muchdoesthecameracost?
B: ……………………………….

Activity Exercise

WinterSpring / AutumnSummer

Winter Spring / AutumnSummer


bootstrainers T – shirt





İngilizce’de fiyat sormak ya da fiyat söylemekiçin aşağıdaki yapılar kullanılır.
1. İlk olarak bilinmesi gereken para birimleridir.
’£ ‘(pound) İngiltere’ninbüyük para birimidir. ’p’ (pence)İngiltere’nin küçük para birimidir.
100 p = 1 £
1. 45 p + 43 p = 88 p
2. 65 p + 98 p = 1 £ and 63 p
3. 56 p + 78 p = ………
4. 26 p + 76 p = ………
5. 67 p + 9 p = ………
6. 89 p + 76 p = ………
7. 56 £ + 78 £ = ………
8. 78 p + 9 £ = ………
9. 67 £ + 90 p = ………
10. 67 p + 76 p = ………

2. Bir ürünün fiyatını sorarken;
– How much is/are……………… ?
– How much do/does…………….cost?

NOTE: ‘Pound’ olarak söylenen fiyatlar da‘pence’ olarak bir miktar da varsa omiktar yanında ‘p’ ya da ‘pence’ olmadanyazılır.

A: How much is thebook?
B: It is one pound andsixty seven pences.
A: How muchdoesthebookcost?
B: Itcostsone pound andsixty seven pences.

A: How mucharetheballoons?
B: Theyareseventyeightpences.
A: How much do theballoonscost?
B: Theycostseventyeightpences.

A: How much is thecoat?
B: It is ten pounds.
A: How muchdoesthecoatcost?
B: Itcosts ten pounds.

Activity Exercise


How mucharetheearrings?
– How much do theearringscost?

How much is a kilo of meat?

How much is a bunch of şowers?

How much is a washingmachine?

How mucharethelemons?

How much is a Ferrari?

How mucharetheplanes?

How much is a concertticket?

How much is thatreddress?

How much is thislighter?