Meeting Minutes from the CSIM TC

December 3, 2003 held at Globecom'2003

San Francisco, USA

17:00-18:00 (Pacific I Room)


Itamar Elhanany, Fabrizo Granelli, Changcheng Huang, Ron P. Smith, Baek-Young Choi, David Meng, Stovore Wright, Franklin Fu, Moode Ma, Omar Cherkaoui, Yoon Kim, Jun Seok Hwang, Georgios Lazarou, Bobby Ninan, Pascal Lorenz, Gérard Damm, Hussein Mouftah, Oliver Yang, Shashi Phoha

1. Minutes from ICC'2003

The minutes from the ICC'2003 CSIM Technical Committee meeting (Anchorage, USA) were approved by all participants.

2. TAC report

Mike present the TAC report:

- Technical committee on Gigabit Ethernet has been renamed to TC on High Speed Networking.

- Two new technical committees are to be formed: Network Security and Sensor Networks.

- Online tutorials have been introduced, the cost of each tutorial is 200 USD.

- Distinguished lectures are also to be provided online.

- An emerging technologies column has been launched in the communications magazine.

3. Conference representatives report

- ICC'04 (Paris, France, June 20-24). CSIM co-sponsor: High-Speed Networks Symposium and Communications QoS and Performance Modeling Symposiums. ICC'04 will be located at Disneyland. 2903 submissions. The acceptance rate will be 30%. There will be 9 technical symposia and 18 parallel sessions.

- Globecom'04 (Dallas, USA, 29 November - 2 December). CSIM is involved in the different symposiums. The TPC is composed by 44 members.

- Infocom'2004 (Hong Kong, China, March 7-11)

- ICC'2005 (Seoul, Korea, May 15-19). CSIM will be involved in the different symposiums.

- Milcom'2004 (Monterey, USA, Oct. 31 - Nov. 3)

- CAMAD'04 (International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling, Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks) will be organized during Globecom'04. CAMAD'04 has also a good intendancy. The link with the other committees should be developed. We should prepare quickly CAMAD'04 CfP and the Web site.

- ICT'2004 (Fortaleza, Brazil, August 1-7, 2004). The deadline is January 15 2004)

- ICN'2004 (Guadeloupe, French Caribbean, February 29-March 4, 2004). 300 papers has been submitted.

4. Other Business

Presentation of the ICSS'2004 CfP (22nd AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems, Monterey, 9-12 May, 2004)

5. Mike thanked the attendees for their participation and the meeting is adjourned at 6:20