A short guide to the computing environment at
Åbo Akademi University

Please see reverse side for details on the services

Newest version of this document is available at: http://web.abo.fi/dc/guides/intro/introcheatsheet.pdf

v1.51 02.01.2017/jw

As a student of Åbo Akademi University you are granted access to the computer facilities at the university, i.e. computer rooms, backed up storage and e-mail, for free. Printing is free up to a certain limit.

Security: In order to be able to use the computers, you need a personal username and a password. These are private and must neither be mentioned, nor lent, to anyone.

The staff at ICT Services will never ask for your password.

If anyone asks for your password, don't give it, not orally, not in writing, not in e-mail, not on web forms. Not to your girl-/boyfriend, not to family members, not to friends, not to personnel. No one!

Passwords: Do not use the same password on other systems. Choose a good one. That's minimum 8characters (preferably over 16characters) of which some are digits and special characters. Change it using the application on the ÅA web page.

Antivirus and VPN: Antivirus software is available for download for ÅA users. In order to use a secure network connection to the ÅA-environment you may set up and connect through a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to the ÅA network.

E-mail: Your (and everybody else’s) ÅA e-mail is backed up on the e-mail server. You are allowed to store 500MB of mail on the server. Use the Thunderbird mail client to delete attachments and transfer mail from the server.

Spam: Several methods of filtering out spam before it reaches your mailbox are in use.

Document storage: You have access to home directories, which are backed up. They are intended for the documents related to your studies only. There is one home directory for Windows-use (1GB) and another for Unix/Linux-use (1GB). The latter is created automatically for certain groups of users and on request for others.

Web page storage: The space for web pages can be accessed from both Windows and Unix environments.

Scratch-disk: For temporary, non-backed up storage of large amounts of data you may use the scratch-disk. You can access it from both Windows and Unix environments.

Internet from home: Connection type as well as the application form varies depending on where you live. Please see the next page for details.

Wireless network:

The wireless network is eduroam. Please see next page for configuration information.

Computer classrooms: Several classrooms with computers running Windows or Linux are available for use related to your studies; please see the next page for details.

Special equipment: Various special equipment (e.g. scanners, color printers and tools for editing pictures, video and sound) are available for use in the facilities of or close to ICT Services, please ask for directions at the Helpdesk.

Please see reverse side for details on the services

Newest version of this document is available at: http://web.abo.fi/dc/guides/intro/introcheatsheet.pdf

v1.51 02.01.2017/jw

Please see reverse side for details on the services

Newest version of this document is available at: http://web.abo.fi/dc/guides/intro/introcheatsheet.pdf

v1.51 02.01.2017/jw


Change password: https://selfservice.abo.fi

Printouts and copies: http://www.abo.fi/stodenhet/utskrifter
Certain amount of printouts free of charge, more credits can be bought. Please see link above for more information.

Wireless network: http://www.abo.fi/stodenhet/wifi (Alternatives and configuration in Swedish).

Network at home: TYS apartments (Turku):

The network application is included in the apartment rental contract and signed at the Student Village Foundations office (TYS). No separate application is needed. In case of questions or problems, please email .

Lärkan and VOAS apartments (Vaasa):

Network included in the rental contract, please check the details with the landlord.

Kåren (Tavasthem, Turku):

Application forms at http://www.abo.fi/stodenhet/tavastnet. You will need the mac/hardware/ethernet-address of your computer in order to complete the application. Illustrated instructions (in Swedish) at: http://www.abo.fi/stodenhet/macaddress.

Other locations:

Order a connection (ADSL or cable) from one of the commercial providers.

VPN (Virtual Private Network): Illustrated instructions (in Swedish) at: www.abo.fi/stodenhet/vpn

Software to download: Links to free and site-licensed software are found at: https://www.abo.fi/stodenhet/studprog You need to be logged in to the portal in order to view the software page. Please observe the licenses.

Diskspace Windows path Unix path

Windows home (1GB) H:\ (in classrooms) smb://pchomeX/pchomeX/username
\\pchomeX.abo.fi\pchomeX\username X depends on username, either 1 or 2

Unix home (1GB (if applicable)) \\unixhome.abo.fi\unixhome\atonY\username ~/
Y depends on username

Personal web pages (600MB) \\web.abo.fi\username /wwwusers/username
Accessible over the web at: http://www.users.abo.fi/username

Scratch-disk (Turku) \\scratch.abo.fi\scratch\username /scratch/username

Scratch-disk (Vasa, Windows only) \\scratch.vasa.abo.fi\scratch\username

Computer classrooms

Details about locations, installed operating systems and software are found at: www.abo.fi/stodenhet/datacentralen, IT i undervisningsutrymmen – Datorklasser och allmänna datorer.



Phone: +35822154777 (8:15–16:00)

Location: Turku Vaasa

Street address: Fänriksgatan 3 B Strandgatan 2

ASA B, ground floor Academill B, third floor

Hours of service: 8:15–11, 12–16 8:15–12, 13–16

Åbo Akademi ICT-service/Åbo Akademi University ICT Services


For contact to the local helpdesk and for telephone numbers, please see above.