Academic year: 2013/14
Subject identification and characteristicsCodes / 501669 / 501620 / 6 / ECTS Credits
Spanish denomination / Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales: Didáctica de la Historia
English denomination / SocialScience Education: Teaching History
Degree / BA in Primary Education
College / College of Education and Teacher Training College
Semester / 4 / Type / Compulsory
Module / Didáctico Disciplinar
Subject matter / Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de las Ciencias Sociales
Name / Office / College / E-mail / Website
Antonio Pantoja Chaves / 2.2-L / FPP /
Juan Andrade Blanco / 2.2-D / FPP /
Juan Luis de la Montaña Conchiña / 2.9 / FE /
Inés Rodríguez Sánchez / 2.8 / FE /
Alejandro Pachón Ramírez / 2.14 / FE /
Knowledge area / Didactics of Social Sciences
Department / Didactics of Social Sciences, Languages and Literature
Teacher coordinator (if more than one) / Antonio Pantoja Chaves
General competences
CG7: To collaborate with different sectors in the educational community and in the social context. To take on the educational dimension of the teaching function and encourage democratic education for active citizens.
CG8: To maintain a critical and autonomous relationship with respect to knowledge, values and public and private social institutions.
CG9: To appreciate individual and collective responsibility in the achievement of a future
CG11: To be familiar with and applying information and communication technologies in the classroom. To selectively distinguish audiovisual information that contributes to learning, civic formation and cultural richness.
Transversal competences
CT3: To acquire and demonstrate an ethical commitment as a professional, enhancing the idea of integral education, critical and responsible attitudes and ensuring effective equality of women and men, equal opportunities, universal accessibility for people with disabilities and the values of a culture of peace and democracy
CT3.1 To understand the evolving nature and plurality of current societies and develop attitudes of respect, tolerance and solidarity towards different social and cultural groups.
CT3.2 To understand and practice the values of democratic societies such as tolerance, solidarity, justice, non-violence, freedom, responsibility and equality, and in general, use value systems like the Declaration of the Rights of Man.
CT3.3 To be conscious of the right to equal treatment and opportunities for women and men, implementing and promoting measures to eliminate obstacles to the full and effective equality between them.
CT3.5 To promote and encourage the values of a culture of peace
CT3.6 To think critically and logically about the need to eliminate all forms of discrimination, direct or indirect, in particular racial, against women or derived from sexual orientation or disability
Specific competences
CE30: To develop and evaluate curriculum content through appropriate teaching resources and promote students’ acquisition of competences
CE31: To understand the basic principles of Social Sciences.
CE32: To know the school curriculum of Social Sciences.
CE33: To integrate historical and geographic studies from an instructive and cultural perspective.
CE34: To promote citizens’ democratic education and critical thinking
CE35: To appreciate the relevance of public and private institutions for the peaceful coexistence of people
Themes and contents
Brief description of content
Social Sciences objectives. Epistemology of the Social Sciences. Interdisciplinary aspects of Social Sciences. Current perceptions (approaches and trends). Social Sciences in the School: From Geography and History to Knowledge of the Natural, Social and Cultural Environment (Natural Sciences). Teaching History in Primary School. The History curriculum and the educational value of History at this stage.
The study of time. Perception of historical time. History as a science that deals with time. History teaching objectives. Didactic intervention. Characteristics of traditional history. Features ofpresent-day History. Programming history.
To understand the peculiarities of ancient and modern historiography.
To assess the validity of history for the integral formation of students.
To identify the location and projection of History in the official curriculum.
To know and apply methodological and educational resources for teaching history.
To design instructional models for teaching practice.
To use new technologies. Evaluation and design of resources and materials for teaching history.
Subject units
Unit 1: Didactics of Social Sciences in Primary School
Contents: Epistemology of the Social Sciences. Interdisciplinary aspects of Social Sciences. Current perceptions (approaches and trends). Social Sciences in the School: from Geography and History to Knowledge of the Natural, Social and Cultural Environment (Natural Sciences). Cultural Heritage. Difficulties in teaching Social Sciences. Content selection problems. Assessment in the area of Natural Sciences.
Unit 2: History teaching and learning in Primary School
Contents: History as a scientific discipline. Didactic and educational value of History in Primary School. Teaching and learning of historical time, space and other variables (causality, intentionality, relativism). Difficulties and planning. Design and evaluation of materials for teaching History.
Unit 3: The conceptual framework and the basic notions of History in Primary Education.
Contents: Social change and evolution of societies. The social, political and democratic forms of participation. Institutions and social organization. Political systems. Territorial and political organization of the EU and the State. National, regional and local institutions. Current issues: globalization, capitalism and geopolitical changes. Difficulties in the acquisition of social notions and reality. The concept of Memory. Theoretical History. Research methodology.
Unit 4: Historical knowledge in Primary School
Contents: History, Historiography and Didactics. From Historical Materialism to the Annales School. Main current historiographical trends: History and Gender and History of Daily Life. Evolution of historical eras societies: Prehistoric, Classical Antiquity, Middle Ages, the Age of Discovery, the Industrial Revolution and the Twentieth Century. The historical construction of Spain. Current Spain democratization process.
Unit 5: History methodology and resources
Contents: Innovative methodologies for teaching History. Procedural models. The historical method as a History teaching methodology. Materials, resources and tools for History teaching and learning. History teaching sources: photography, cinema, mass media. The use of Information and Communication technology.
Training activities
Student working hours per unit / Attendance / Monitoring / Autonomous
Total / LG / ST / PS
1 / 24 / 7 / 3 / 14
2 / 32 / 8 / 3 / 21
3 / 31 / 8 / 3 / 20
4 / 31 / 8 / 3 / 20
5 / 25 / 7 / 3 / 15
Global evaluation / 2 / 38 / 15 / 90
LG: Large group (100 students).
SL: Seminar/Laboratory (hospital internship = 7 students; laboratory or field internship = 15; language laboratory or ICT room internship = 30, problem classrooms, seminars or case studies = 40).
ST: Scheduled Tutorial (teacher monitoring, ECTS tutorials).
PS: Personal study, individual or team projects and readings from bibliography
Evaluation system
- Training activities for the presentation of skills and procedures obtained from individual work by the student will be assessed through a written test (70% of total score). This test will assess students’ knowledge and expertise.
- Training activities carried out and submitted by the student during the development of the course (attendance to seminars and individual or collaborative activities and projects) will be subject to continuous assessment and unrecoverable both in ordinary and extraordinary calls. This evaluation, according to the competences related to each training activity, will consider the attendance to classes and seminars, submission of written documents (practices, essays, reports or presentation summaries) and oral presentations. (30% of total score).
In any case, it is necessary to obtain at least 50% of the written test grade to pass the subject
Grading system:
• The current grading system will be applied each time, now, the one in the RD 1125/2003, article 5.
• The results obtained by the student in each of the subjects of the curriculum will be graded according to a numerical scale from 0 to 10, with one decimal, which may be added the corresponding qualitative rating: 0 4.9 : D grade, 5.0 to 6.9: C grade, 7.0 to 8.9: B grade, 9.0 to 10: A grade. The mention “with distinction” may be awarded to students who have achieved a score equal to or above 9.0. Its number will not exceed 5% of the students enrolled in a course in the corresponding academic year, unless the number of students enrolled is less than 20, in which case there would only be one mention.
Assessment criteria:
1.- Clarity, rigour and accuracy in the conceptual and procedural matters related to Social Sciences
2.- Accuracy and creativity with respect to knowledge and application of one’s own teaching methodologies of Geography in Primary School.
3.- Command of the geographical location principle present in all thematic blocks.
4.- Scientific rigour, effort and creativity in presentations, papers, written tests or interventions.
5.- Good command of written and oral expression
6.- Correct spelling
Bibliography and other resources
Basic bibliography
BURKE, P (1994): Formas de hacer historia, Alianza, Madrid.
CARRETERO, M ET ALII (1989): La enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales. Madrid. Visor.
HERNÁNDEZ SANDOICA, E. (2004): Tendencias historiográficas actuales. Escribir Hª de hoy. Madrid. Akal.
PLUCKROSE, (1993): Enseñanza y aprendizaje de la historia. Madrid. Morata.
UBIETO, A. (1988): El entorno, lo que nos rodea, como fuente histórica y materia de estudio. ICE de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
General bibliography
Calaf Masachs, Roser, Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales: Didáctica de la Historia, Oikos-Tau, Vilassar de Mar, 1994.
CARRETERO, M., Construir y enseñar las Ciencias Socialesy la Historia, Aique, Buenos-Aires, 1993.
cooper, H., Didáctica de la Historia en la educación infantil y primaria, Morata, Madrid, 2002.
Domínguez Garrido, Mª C., (coord), Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Madrid, 2004.
Friera, F., Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia, Ediciones de la Torre, Madrid, 1995.
García Ruiz, A. L. (dir), Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales en la educación primaria, Madrid, 1993.
GARCÍA RUÍZ, C. Et al. (2005), Enseñar Ciencias Sociales en una sociedad multicultural. Una mirada desde el mediterráneo.
GARCÍA RUÍZ, A. L. y JIMÉNEZ LÓPEZ, A. (2006), Los principios científicos didácticos: nuevo modelo para la enseñanza de la Geografía y de la Historia. E.U.G. Granada.
HERNÁNDEZ CARDONA, F. X., Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia, Graó, Barcelona, 2002.
HERNÁNDEZ CARDONA, F. X. y FELIU TORRUELLA, María: 12 ideas clave. Enseñar y aprender Historia, Barcelona, Graó, 2011.
MORADIELLOS, Enrique: Clío en las aulas, Badajoz, Diputación Provincial, 2012.
MURPHY, Julia: Más de cien ideas para enseñar Historia (primaria y secundaria), Barcelona, Graó, 2011.
pluckrose, H., Enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Historia, MEC-Morata, Madrid, 2002.
PRATS CUEVAS, Joaquín y otros: Enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Historia en la Educación Básica, México, Secretaría de Educación Pública, 2011.
SATISTEBAN, Antoni, PAGÉS, Joan y otros: Didáctica del Conocimiento del Medio Social y Cultural en la Educación Primaria. Ciencias Sociales para aprender, pensar y actuar, Madrid, Síntesis, 2011.
trepat, C.l A., comes, P., El tiempo y el espacio en la didáctica de las ciencias sociales, Graó, Barcelona, 1998.
Further reading
ALTED, A (1996): Entre el pasado y el presente. Historia y memoria. Madrid. UNED.
ÁLVAREZ SUÁREZ, C.; ARRANZ MÁRQUEZ, L.; CERMEÑO APARICIO, J.(1985-1988): Documentos históricos I, II y III.Zaragoza. Edelvives.
AROSTEGUI, J. (1995): La investigación histórica. Teoría y método. Madrid. Crítica
ARRANZ MÁRQUEZ, L. (Coord.) (1997): Actas del V Congreso sobre el libro de texto y materiales didácticos. 2 vols. Madrid. Universidad Complutense.
AZCONA, J. M.(1990): Debates por una historia viva. Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao
BENEJAM, P. Y PAGÉS, J (1997): Enseñar y aprender Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia en la Educación Secundaria. Barcelona. ICE/Horsori.
BRAUDEL, F. (1990): La Historia y las Ciencias Sociales. Madrid. Alianza.
CARR, R. (1987): ¿Qué es historia? . Barcelona. Ariel.
DUBY, G. (1988): Diálogo sobre la historia. Madrid. Alianza.
FERNÁNDEZ VALENCIA, A. (coord.) (2001): Las mujeres en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales. Madrid. Síntesis.
GONZÁLEZ MARZO, F. (1994): "Las fuentes documentales: Utilización didáctica en la enseñanza de la historia", en Aula de Innovación Educativa, nº 23 (Febrero, 1994). Págs. 65-71.
GUIBERT, E (1994): Tiempo y tiempo histórico. Departamento de Cultura, Gobierno de Navarra.
HERNÁNDEZ SANDOICA, E. (1995): Los caminos de la historia. Madrid. Síntesis.
LE GOFF, J (1991): Pensar la historia. Barcelona. Paidós.
LUC, J. N. (1982): La enseñanza de la historia a través del medio. Madrid. Cincel-Kapelusz.
PAGÉS, P. (1985): Introducción a la Historia. Epistemología y problemas de método. Barcelona. Barcanova.
SAAB, J. ET ALLTT.(1991): Pensar y hacer historia en la escuela media. Buenos Aires. Troquel.
SÁNCHEZ PRIETO, S (1995): ¿Y qué es la historia?. Madrid. Siglo XXI.
TREPAT, C. (1995): Procedimientos en historia. Barcelona. Graó.
VILAR, P (1980): Iniciación al vocabulario del análisis histórico. Barcelona. Crítica.
Office hours
Scheduled tutorials:
Free access tutorials:
Office hours, which depend on the number of lessons, will be announced at the beginning of the course and posted on the office doors, website, etc.