Office of the Executive Engineer

Rajshahi O&M Division

BWDB, Rajshahi

Invitation for Tenders (IFT)

Tender No. Raj-04/2010-11.

1. / Ministry/ Division / Ministry of Water Resources
2. / Agency / Bangladesh Water Development Board
3. / Procuring Entity Name / Executive Engineer, Rajshahi O & M Division, BWDB, Rajshahi.
4. / Procuring Entity Code / Not used at present
5. / Procuring Entity District / Rajshahi.
6. / Invitation for / WORKS
(A)Bank Revetment Work at Mridhapara & Goalmanda , Breach Closing Work at Mridhapara & Dayerhat , Re-construction of River Side Slope & Repairing Work of Embankment at Goalmanda & Repairing and Maintenance of Drainage / Flushing Regulators at Different Locationsin connection with Chalan Beel Polder – D Projectunder Rajshahi O&M Division, BWDB, Rajshahi during the year 2010-11.
(B) Re-construction of Embankment Along Earlier Alignment from KM. 9.240 to KM. 9.740 ( Physical Length = 0.500 Km ) & Repairing of Damages from KM. 6.500 to KM. 8.500 in connection with Rajshahi Town Protection Project under Rajshahi O&M Division, BWDB, Rajshahi during the year 2010-11.
7. / Invitation Ref No / T-6/215(50)
8. / Date / 23-01-2011
9. / Procurement Method / NCT / Open Tendering Method (OTM)
10. / Budget and Source of Funds / Non-Development Revenue Budget / GOB
11. / Development Partners (if applicable) / N/A
12. / Project / Programme Code / 5974
13. / Project / Programme Name / Repair & Maintenance Works under Non-Development Revenue Budget during FY 2010-11
(1) Reconstruction / Breach Closing of Embankment form KM. 15.855 to KM. 16.105 ( Physical Length = 0.250 KM ) including River Side Protection Work at Mridhapara in connection with Chalan Beel Polder – D Projectin Upazilla Manda, District Naogaonunder Non-Development Revenue Budgetunder Rajshahi O&M Division, BWDB, Rajshahi during the year 2010-11.
(2)Reconstruction of River Side Slope including Repairing of the Embankment from KM. 14.030 to KM. 14.300 ( Physical Length = 0.270 KM ) and River Side Protection Work at Goalmanda in connection with Chalan Beel Polder – D Project in Upazilla Manda, District Naogaonunder Non-Development Revenue Budget under Rajshahi O&M Division, BWDB, Rajshahi during the year 2010-11.
(3)Breach Closing Work of Embankment at Dayerhat from KM. 33.600 to KM. 33.630 ( Physical Length = 0.030 KM ) in connection with Chalan Beel Polder – D Project in Upazilla Baghmara, District Rajshahi under Non-Development Revenue Budget under Rajshahi O&M Division, BWDB, Rajshahi during the year 2010-11.
(4)Repairing and Maintenance Work of 10 (Ten) Nos Drainage / Flushing Regulators ( Beel Pabony, Goalmanda, Monglardara, Kalamara, Salda, Ratandanga, Dhangapara, Kashimala, Chandpur & Gobindapur Regulator ) in connection with Chalan Beel Polder – D Project in Upazilla Manda, Tanore, Mohanpur & Baghmara of District Naogaon &Rajshahi under Non-Development Revenue Budget under Rajshahi O&M Division, BWDB, Rajshahi during the year 2010-11.
(5) Reconstruction of Embankment Along Earlier Alignment from KM. 9.240 to KM. 9.740 ( Physical Length = 0.500 KM ) & Repairing of Damages from KM. 6.500 to KM. 8.500 ( Physical Length = 2.500 KM ) in connection with Rajshahi Town Protection Project in Rajshahi Sadar District Rajshahi under Non-Development Revenue Budget under Rajshahi O&M Division, BWDB, Rajshahi during the year 2010-11.
14. / Tender Package No. / 05 ( Five Nos ) - CBP-02 , CBP-03 , CBP-04 , CBP-05 & RTPP-01
15 / Tender Package Name / CBP-02 , CBP-03 , CBP-04 , CBP-05 & RTPP-01
16. / Tender Publication Date / 23-01-2011
17. / Tender Last Selling Date / 22-02-2011
18. / Tender Closing Date and Time
1)Commissioner, Rajshahi Division, Rajshahi.
2) Office of the Superintendent of Police, Rajshahi.
3) Executive Engineer, Rajshahi O&M Division, BWDB, Rajshahi. / Date / Time
23-02-2011 / 12:00 hrs.
12:00 hrs.
12:00 hrs.
19. / Tender Opening Date and Time / 23-02-2011 at 13.00 hours.
20. / Name & Address of the Office (s) / Address(s) :-
-Selling Tender Document (Principal) / Agrani Bank, WAPDA Irrigation Branch, Sopura, Rajshahi.
-Selling Tender Documents (Others) / 1. Manager, Janata Bank, Dilkusha Corporate Branch,
29 Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka.
2. Janata Bank, BSCIC Branch, Bogra.
-Receiving Tender Document / 1. Commissioner, Rajshahi Division, Rajshahi.
2. Office of the Superintendent of Police, Rajshahi.
3. Executive Engineer, Rajshahi O&MDivision, BWDB, Rajshahi.
-Opening Tender Document / 1. Office of the Executive Engineer, Rajshahi O&M Division,
BWDB, Rajshahi.
21. / Place/Date/Time of Pre-Tender Meeting (Optional) / Shall not be held.
22. / Eligibility of Tenderer / Any individual(s)/ Firm(s) who fulfill the qualification(s) criteria of each package as stipulated in the Tender Data Sheet (TDS) and other conditions of the Tender Document as per ITT Clause No. 3( PW-2 ) & ITT Clause No. 5 ( PW-3) ;
23 / Brief Description of Works / The proposed River Bank Protection Work at Mridhapara & Goalmanda on the right bank of the Fakirni river in Upazilla Manda, District Naogaon i/c with Chalan Beel Polder–D Project under Non-Development Revenue Budget during the year 2010-11includes the placement of CC Block on the geo-textile filter on the river bank slope above Average Low Water Level, and the controlled dumping of CC Block below Low Water Level and construction of necessary stairs. In dumping of CC block, procedures adopted in BWDB’s Jamuna–Meghna River Erosion Mitigation Project shall be followed. Earth Work in construction of Embankment shall be followed as per BWDB’s standard specifications laid down in the Tender Document & item description .
The contract will be implemented over a 06 (six) month period starting in February 2011, with Procurement of construction materials and block manufacturing during the period of January 2011 to April 2011, and completion of entire length of protective work within June 2011. During the flood period of 2011, monthly bathymetric surveys will be performed, and security of the completed work shall be maintained by the Contractor.
Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information on the tender and inspect the Tender Documents at the officeof the Executive Engineer, Rajshahi O&M Division, BWDB, Sopura, Rajshahi during office hours on any working day.
24. / Brief Description of Related Services / N/A
Package List
Sl. No / Package No. / Identification of Package / Location (Uapzila & Dist.) / Price of Tender Document In Taka. / Tender Security Amount In Taka. / Time for Completion in days.
26. / CBP-02 / Reconstruction / Breach Closing of Embankment form KM. 15.855 to KM. 16.105 ( Physical Length = 0.250 KM ) including River Side Protection Work at Mridhapara in connection with Chalan Beel Polder – D Project in Upazilla Manda, District Naogaon under Non-Development Revenue Budget under Rajshahi O&M Division, BWDB, Rajshahi during the year 2010-11. / Manda / Noaogaon / 3000/00 / Tk. 3,00,000/00
(Three lakh) only. / 180days

Sl. No / Package No. / Identification of Package / Location (Uapzila & Dist.) / Price of Tender Document In Taka. / Tender Security Amount In Taka. / Time for Completion in days.
CBP-03 / Reconstruction of River Side Slope including Repairing of the Embankment from KM. 14.030 to KM. 14.300 ( Physical Length = 0.270 KM ) and River Side Protection Work at Goalmanda in connection with Chalan Beel Polder – D Project in Upazilla Manda, District Naogaonunder Non-Development Revenue Budget under Rajshahi O&M Division, BWDB, Rajshahi during the year 2010-11. / Manda / Noaogaon / 3000/00 / Tk. 3,20,000/00
(Threelakh twenty thousand ) only. / 180days
CBP-04 / Breach Closing Work of Embankment at Dayerhat from KM. 33.600 to KM. 33.630 ( Physical Length = 0.030 KM ) in connection with Chalan Beel Polder – D Project in Upazilla Baghmara, District Rajshahi under Non-Development Revenue Budget under Rajshahi O&M Division, BWDB, Rajshahi during the year 2010-11. / Baghmara/ Rajshahi / 400/00 / Tk. 16,000/00
( Sixteen thousand ) only . / 180days
CBP-05 / Repairing and Maintenance Work of 10 (Ten) Nos Drainage / Flushing Regulators ( Beel Pabony, Goalmanda, Monglardara, Kalamara, Salda, Ratandanga, Dhangapara, Kashimala, Chandpur & Gobindapur Regulator ) in connection with Chalan Beel Polder – D Project in Upazilla Manda, Tanore, Mohanpur & Baghmara of District Naogaon &Rajshahi under Non-Development Revenue Budget under Rajshahi O&M Division, BWDB, Rajshahi during the year 2010-11. / Manda, Tanore, Mohanpur & Baghmara of District Naogaon &Rajshahi / 750/00 / Tk. 40,000/00
( Forty thousand ) only . / 180days
RTPP-01 / Reconstruction of Embankment Along Earlier Alignment from KM. 9.240 to KM. 9.740 ( Physical Length = 0.500 KM ) & Repairing of Damages from KM. 6.500 to KM. 8.500 ( Physical Length = 2.500 KM ) in connection with Rajshahi Town Protection Project in Rajshahi Sada District Rajshahi under Non-Development Revenue Budget under Rajshahi O&M Division, BWDB, Rajshahi during the year 2010-11. / Rajshahi Sadar , Rajshahi / 750/00 / Tk. 1,00,000/00 ( One lakh) only . / 180days
29. / Name of Official Inviting Tender / Md. Nizamul Haque Bhuiyan
30. / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / Executive Engineer
31. / Address of Official Inviting Tender / Rajshahi O & M Division, BWDB, Rajshahi.
32. / Contact details of Official Inviting Tender / Telephone No. 0721-761521, E-mail:- XEN.Rajshahi @
  1. The work of the packages may be totally dropped, decreased or increased as per field condition/design/budget allocation for which no claim shall be entertained .
  2. Payment shall be made subject to availability of fund. No clam in this regard will be entertained.
  3. If the Tenderer submits any false /incorrect or forged certificate, the tender will be outright rejected and action as per PPR-2008 will be initiated.
  4. The Procuring Entity reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Tenders without assigning any reason what so ever.
  5. Copies of the certificates and other requisite paper (VAT certificate and for Corporation Joint Venture firm, Affidavit certificate in addition each in separate) attested by any 1st class officer on Govt./ Semi-Govt. organisation/ Autonomous bodies or by a Notary public would be acceptable subject to verification of the original ones. For attestation seal with name of the attesting officer is to be stamped below the signature.
  6. Amount of payable Tender Security shall be in the form of Demand Draft or Pay Order of any scheduled bank of Bangladesh in favour of the Accounts Officer, Regional Accounting Centre, BWDB, Rajshahi.
  7. If the Tender submission is not possible on the last date fixed in the notice due to unavoidable circumstances, the Tender Submission & Opening date will automatically be shifted to the next working day.

  1. The work may be totally dropped, decreased or increased. No claim or extra rate will be entertained for cancellation of the tender or issuance of work order with decreased quantity of work. The work order shall be issued after getting clearance from the competent authority of BWDB.
  2. BWDB Monitoring / Design Unit & Other agency of the Govt. will have the authority to supervise the work for both quality and quantity in addition to BWDB field officials.

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(Md. Nizamul Haque Bhuiyan)

Executive Engineer,

Rajshahi O&M Division,

BWDB, Rajshahi.
