Errors in the Text
Page 133
In the brown bubble it should be 6*B9 not 6*B9.
Page 151
In the first green bubble it should be a comma not a period between 8000 and 0.
Page 195, Figure 4.7
In the bottom bubble should be =SUM(B7:B9) and not to E9.
Page 328
At the end of the third line the word should be "custom,” not "customer.”
Page 457
In the Reorder Point Corresponding to a Cycle Service Level of one minus alpha box the formula for R has an equal sign after mu. That should be a plus sign.
Page 506
In the fourth sentence in the paragraph under Jockeying, the word "customer" should be plural.
Page 507
The first sentence in the paragraph under Priority Rules should end with “begin service”not "being service.”
Page 561, Figure 10.3
The box at the bottom of the spreadsheet shouldread "Drag A6:C6 to A105:C105" instead of "Drag A5:C5 to A105:C105".
Errors in the CD
Page CD-10
In footnote 1 the number should be “0000034” and not “.00000034.”
Page CD-13
In the Section Estimating Parameters For the Xbar and R Charts the second line reads, “...mean of standard deviation.” It should read, “...mean or standard deviation.”
Page CD-16
For the Upper Control Limit equation: In both the box and the equation below the box, the UCL equation has a minus sign. It should be a plus sign.
Page CD-45, Figure 11.33
The bubble pointing to cell B5 should have the formula =SUM($B$8:$B$27)/SUM($C$8:$C$27). The bubble pointing to cell E8 should have the formula =B8/C8. It should also continue to contain the words "Drag to Cell E27".
Page CD-105
The number after Caesar's should be “.2524” and not “2524.”
Page CD-106
The number after Caesar's should be “.2281” and not “2281.”
Also, in the problem motivation section (on the CD-ROM) for Chapter 10, in the problem motivation section Conducting Simulations Using Crystal Ball Software the word "earning" in second sentence should be plural.