MY Access! Planning Matrix

School:______El Morro Elementary______

Teacher:____Jameson, Kaplan, Montes, Velotta______

Subject and Grade:______All Subjects, 5th Grade______

Timelines / State Standards Learning Objectives / Readings (Title, Author, Text, pp #s) / MY Access! Writing Prompt / Instructional Strategies, direct instruction, research, debate, reading, writing and revision strategies, modeling, etc. / Assessment goals and alignment (CST, TAKS, Terra Nova, local or district
September / CACS Writing 2.4
Written and Oral English Language Conventions 1.0 / “Class President” by Johanna Hurwitz from Open Court Page 20 / Student Leader,
Persuasive / Read & discuss story; Model & Pre-write (My Access!); Draft; Revise; Edit; Final / Online score assigned to individual after evaluating final draft; teacher evaluation
November / CACS Writing 1.1 & 2.1
Earth Science 5,
Written and Oral English Language Conventions 1.0 / Astronomy Unit, Open Court unit 2
Scott Foresman Science / Blast Off,
Narrative / Complete entire astronomy literary unit; Model & Pre-write (My Access!); Draft; Edit; Revise; Final / Online score assigned to individual after evaluating final draft; teacher evaluation
January / CACS Writing 1.3 & 2.4
Written and Oral English Language Conventions 1.0
History 5.5 & 5.6 / American Revolution Unit, Harcourt Reflections History Text / Loyalists vs. Patriots,
Persuasive / Direct Instruction through Harcourt and other Rev. War readings; Model & Pre-write (My Access!); Draft; Revise; Edit; Final / Online score assigned to individual after evaluating final draft; teacher evaluation
March / CACS Writing 2.2
Reading 2.4 & 3.3
Written and Oral English Language Conventions 1.0 / The Cay, by Theodore Taylor / Character Analysis in The Cay,
Response to Lit / Read story & complete follow-up activities; Model & Pre-write (My Access!); Draft; Revise; Edit; Final / Online score assigned to individual after evaluating final draft; teacher evaluation
May / CACS Writing 1.1 & 2.1
Written and Oral English Language Conventions 1.0 / The Real Story of the Three Little Pigs / Fractured Fairytales,
Narrative / Book discussion of original Three Little Pigs vs. The Real Story of the Three Little Pigs and other fairytales; Model & Pre-write (My Access!); Draft; Revise; Edit; Final / Online score assigned to individual after evaluating final draft; teacher evaluation

MY Access! Planning Matrix

School: Top of the World Elementary School______

Teacher: Teryl Campbell, Susan Dick, Rosie Haynes______

Subject and Grade:_Fifth Grade______

Timelines / State Standards Learning Objectives / Readings (Title, Author, Text, pp #s) / MY Access! Writing Prompt / Instructional Strategies, direct instruction, research, debate, reading, writing and revision strategies, modeling, etc. / Assessment goals and alignment (CST, TAKS, Terra Nova, local or district
September/ October / CACS Writing 2.4
Written and Oral English Language Conventions 1.0
Persuasive / Open Court – Unit 1, Lesson 1 Cooperation & Competition - “Class President” p. 20-33 / Student Leader
(IntelliMetric) / Read & discuss story; Model & Pre-write (My Access!); Draft; Edit; Final / My Access Online Rubric or Teacher Evaluation
November/ December / CACS Writing 1.1 & 2.1
Earth Science 5,
Written and Oral English Language Conventions 1.0
Narrative / Open Court – Unit 2 “Astronomy”
Scott Foresman Science / Blast Off!
(Pilot) / Complete entire astronomy literary unit; Model & Pre-write (My Access!); Draft; Edit; Final / My Access Online Rubric or Teacher Evaluation
January / CACS Writing 1.1 & 2.1
Written and Oral English Language Conventions 1.0 / Variety of original Fairy Tales & fractured fairy tales such as Cinderfella and the True Story of the Three Little Pigs / Fractured Fairytales
(Pilot) / Book discussion of original Three Little Pigs vs. The Real Story of the Three Little Pigs and other fairytales; Model & Pre-write (My Access!); Draft; Edit; Final / My Access Online Rubric or Teacher Evaluation
February / CACS Writing 2.2
Reading 2.4 & 3.3
Written and Oral English Language Conventions 1.0 / The Cay by Theodore Taylor / The Cay
(Pilot) / Read story & complete follow-up activities; Model & Pre-write (My Access!); Draft; Edit; Final / My Access Online Rubric or Teacher Evaluation
March / CACS Writing 1.3 & 2.4
Written and Oral English Language Conventions 1.0
History 5.5 & 5.6 / Harcourt Social Studies unit “Building a New Nation” / Loyalists vs. Patriots
(Pilot) / Direct Instruction through Harcourt and other Rev. War readings; Model & Pre-write (My Access!); Draft; Edit; Final / My Access Online Rubric or Teacher Evaluation
April/May / CACS Writing 2.4
Written and Oral English Language Conventions 1.0
Report of Information / Variety of reference materials / State Brochure (IntelliMetric) or State Report / Instructional Strategies, direct instruction, research, reading, writing and revision strategies, note taking, paraphrasing, summarizing, modeling, etc.
(My Access! - outline) / My Access Online Rubric or Teacher Evaluation

MY Access! Planning Matrix

School:__Thurston Middle School______

Teacher:__Beckley, Bonneville, Pivaroff______

Subject and Grade:__LA 6______

Timelines / State Standards Learning Objectives / Readings (Title, Author, Text, pp #s) / MY Access! Writing Prompt / Instructional Strategies, direct instruction, research, debate, reading, writing and revision strategies, modeling, etc. / Assessment goals and alignment (CST, TAKS, Terra Nova, local or district
1st Semester / Narrative/Descriptive
1.1, 2.1, 3.2-3.8 / “Brother” from I Know Why a Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou / Family and Friendship-
Family and Friendship are very important. We do many fun things with our friends and family. Think about one fun or exciting time you had with a close friend or family member. Write an essay in which you describe one thing you have done with your friend or family member and tell why it was fun. / Topic Sentence prewriting activities
Storytelling strategies
Show not tell
Characterization techniques / MY Access narrative rubric
1st Semester / Response to Literature 3.0-3.8 / Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick
(Core Literature) / The Mighty by Rodman Philbrick- (pilot)
In the book The Mighty, Kevin and Max are very close friends. In a well-developed essay, explain how Max changes as a result of knowing Kevin. Support your analysis with details from the text. / Analyzing Characters
Note-taking for each chapter on how Max is transformed from a loner to a confident, productive. young man. Organizing notes by the relationships that depict Max’s change.
Draft each paragraph to indicate how Max’s change is reflected in the relationships with the characters. Each paragraph must include an embedded quote.
Teach introduction, which includes, (1)lead, (2)title of novel, (3)author, (4) brief single sentence summary of Max’s change, (5)thesis
Conclusion: (1)Begin with a transition such as “In conclusion,” (2)restate the thesis in a different format,
(3) closing remarks that summarize what you said in the essay.
Use models and specific instructions for introductions, embedded quotes and conclusions / MY Access literary rubric
2nd Semester / Persuasive 2.5 / What do Fish have to do with Anything? Avi / How to Handle a Bully-
Imagine that one of your friends is being bullied in school and is unsure of what to do about the situation. He or she has asked for your help. Should your friend speak to an adult at school about this situation? Write a letter to your friend in which you suggest ways that he or she could end the bullying. Be sure to support your opinion with examples and or reasons from your personal experience or readings. / Persuasive - prewriting activities
My Access Persuasive wizard / MY Access persuasive rubric
2nd Semester / Response to Literature 3.0-3.8 / “Ribbons” by Laurence Yep / “Ribbons” by Laurence Yep-
In “Ribbons,” Robin’s life changes dramatically after her grandmother joins the family from China. In a well-reasoned essay, discuss how Robin’s character changes throughout the book. Be sure to support your interpretation with specific details from the story. / Analyzing Characters
Research women and Chinese culture (foot binding) / MY Access literary rubric

MY Access! Planning Matrix

School:______TMS ______

Teacher:______7th grade______

Subject and Grade:______Language Arts______

Timelines / State Standards Learning Objectives / Readings (Title, Author, Text, pp #s) / MY Access! Writing Prompt / Instructional Strategies, direct instruction, research, debate, reading, writing and revision strategies, modeling, etc. / Assessment goals and alignment (CST, TAKS, Terra Nova, local or district
Weeks 5-9
Narratives / CC.LA.WR. APP 2.1 / The Mason-Dixon Memory pg. 357
Fish Cheeks pg. 351 [whole class]
A Rice Sandwich pg. 140
Smallest Dragonboy pg.
Narration Writer’sWorkshop pg.534
--Consider jigsawing several stories-- / Feeling Like An Outsider [Autobiographical Narrative]
Going Home From the Middle of Nowhere [Descriptive Narrative] / Students will understand the elements and purpose of a personal narrative essay, including descriptive detail, setting, characters, rising action, suspense and dialogue. / MYAccess informative rubric
Week 13-16
Lit Response / CC.LA.WR. APP 2.2 / Fish Cheeks pg. 351
(already read once)
Writer’sWorkshop pg. 563
True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle / Fish Cheeks [whole class modeling]
The Smallest Dragonboy
Life Lesson in Charlotte Doyle / Students will understand the elements and purpose of a literature response, including hook, thesis, summary statement, evidence and explanation of opinions / MYAccess lit response rubric
Weeks 19-24
Mini-Research / CC.LA.WR. APP 2.4
CC.LA.WR. APP 2.3 / Bargain pg. 236
After Twenty Years pg. 224
[Use upper two stories to model critical thinking & counter arguments]
Writer’s Workshop Persuasion / Petitioning Parents for a Privilege
[whole class model]
Guilty or Not Guilty in Guthrie’s Bargain / Students will understand the elements and purpose of a persuasive essay, including stating a position, defending their opinion with evidence, statistics, examples and/or / MYAccess persuasive rubric
Weeks 25-27
Summary / CC.LA.WR. APP 2.5 / Midwife’s Apprentice / Students will understand the elements and purpose of a essay, including