Matthew 6:5-15

Pastor John Wertz, Jr.

St. Michael Lutheran Church

September 21, 2014

Whenever we take youth on a trip,

- whether it is to Confirmation Camp -

- or to the Junior High Servant Event -

- or to a Virginia Synod Youth Event,

- I always try and send out a note -

- that provides some basic information -

- that I think the group needs to know -

- before they set out on the journey. -

- The note typically includes things like -

- estimated departure and arrival times,

- a little information on where we are going -

- and a few suggestions of what you should -

- and should not pack -

- and while everything on the list is helpful to know,

- there are always a few things I try to highlight

- so when we go to camp -

- I always encourage kids to remember to bring,

- an extra pair of shoes

- that you don’t mind getting wet

- and on the mission trip -

- the note stresses the importance of sunscreen and a water bottle -

- To make sure the point gets across,

- I try my best to keep the note to one page -

- try to keep it simple and direct -

- try to provide the practical, useful information they need -

- to help them be properly prepared -

- for the journey that is ahead of them.

- Now in our readings today -

- from the Gospel of Matthew,

- we get a small sample of the basic information -

- that Jesus is providing to the disciples. -

- as they begin to follow him.

- Throughout these three chapters in Matthew -

- from Chapter 5 through the end of Chapter 7 -

- you find practical and -

- useful teachings

- that will help the followers of Jesus -

- to be properly prepared -

- for their journey of faith

- in the world - -

- The Sermon on the Mount -

- as this whole section is called, -

- addresses a wide range of topics -

- including the blessings we heard last Sunday -

- guidance about our role as witnesses to God’s love

- and advice about personal relationships -

- there’s a word about loving your neighbor -

- and a few thoughts on charity, fasting, and judging others

- but if I could only highlight one section in particular -

- amongst all these important teachings that Jesus shares, -

- I think it would probably be this prayer - -

- this model of prayer that Jesus provides his disciples -

- a prayer and an example -

- which has become core to the faith and life -

- of so many people - -

- For as we gear up for our life of faith, -

- as we look for ways to grow our life of faith this week,

- I think it is helpful for us to highlight the Lord’s Prayer -

- as both a prayer that we can pray -

- and as a model to help us strengthen our life of prayer.

- "Pray then in this way:”

- Jesus says,

”Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.

- Your kingdom come.

- Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

- Give us this day our daily bread.

- And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

- And do not bring us to the time of trial,

but rescue us from the evil one." (Matt 6:9-13)

- It’s not a long prayer.

- It’s not a complicated prayer.

- but by listening to what Jesus says

- and by looking at how Jesus says it,

- I think you and I can gather some wonderful insights

- into how to pray.

- Let’s start with the prayer itself - -

- it is a simple, direct conversation with God.

- It begins by addressing God with the word,

- “Father”

- Jesus doesn’t use long complicated titles

- just - “Father”

- and then he starts talking, - -

- offering praise to God

- and then asking for God’s help and guidance.

- It’s more like a conversation than a speech

- and it reminds us

- that you don’t need a seminary education

- or a formal structure to pray to God

- just turn to God and start talking. - - -

- first offering praise and thanksgiving for God’s love and care

- and then sharing your need, concern or joy

- It’s a simple model that anyone can follow

- Address

- Praise

- Share

- If you are having trouble figuring out how to pray

- try those three steps as a starting point

- You could be driving in your car

- you could be sitting at your desk

- you could be laying in your bed

- wherever you are

- whatever you have to say

- you can share that with God

- in prayer.

- Simply address, - -

- praise, - - - and share, - - -

- and you are praying.

- Now some people are skilled at praying long, complicated prayers, and that’s great,

- intricately structured, beautifully worded, lengthy prayers -

- can be inspiring, uplifting and helpful,

- but looking this model Jesus offers

- reminds us that prayers can take a variety of forms.

- In fact, a prayer could be as simple as

“Lord - Thank You!”

- Prayers can be lifted up in songs -

- or shared in the silence of our thoughts - -

- Remember, your prayer only needs include

- whatever it takes to communicate your

- praise, need, concern or joy to God.

- And not only do does the Lord’s prayer provide a simple, direct model of prayer

- we also see a basic assumption that prayer -

- will be a part of our lives -

- Jesus doesn’t say -

- “if you pray . . .” -

- or “you might consider praying” - - -

- He simply says

“Pray then in this way” -

- just do it

- For it is the praying, you see, that is the important part, - -

- pick a form that works for you -

- and trust that like most skills -

- the more you practice -

- the more you work to develop that skill -

- the better you will get,

- and the more natural the activity

- will become

- So follow Jesus’ guidance for the disciples -

- pick a time -

- pick a place -

- and start talking to God directly

- offer praise and thanksgiving for God’s love and care

- and share your need, concern or joy - -

- open the dialogue -

- open the conversation -

- and see where it goes -

- see what it can mean

- in your life - -

- In fact, why don’t we take moment

- and offer a prayer right now

- it doesn’t have to be complicated,

- you don’t need to speak it aloud

- in the silence of your hearts -

- just address God,

- give thanks to God

- and share something with God

- Go ahead -

- closer your eyes

- give it a try -

- and after a moment,

- I’ll gather us back with an Amen -

. . . Amen

- It really is that simple -

- address,

- praise -

- share

- and trust in the good news that when you pray,

- God, who loved us and cared for us

- enough to send Jesus to save us,

- will hear and respond

- to this prayer

- and to every prayer we offer.