UNK Staff Senate

Monthly Meeting Minutes

Nebraskan Student Union, Sandhills Room

August 16th, 2016 10:30 a.m.

Category / Name
Administrative/Managerial Professional: / Scott Benson – Vice President
Chelsea Swarm - Treasurer
Aaron Estes – Secretary
Brette Ensz
Dylan Evans
Office: / Carissa Sanny
Emily Beaman
Barb Wayman
Service: / Wilma Heinowski
Kevin Hunt – President
Jeff Morehead
Past President Ex-Officio / Mary Chinnock Petroski
Holly Peterson


Administrative/Managerial Professional: Chris Moran

I.  Call to Order – 10:30 a.m.

II.  Roll Call

III.  August Employee Achievement Award Recognition – Kenny Sogar

IV.  Adoption of Agenda – Motion: Heinowski, 2nd: Beaman, unanimous approval

V.  Treasurer’s Report (Chelsea)

a.  Monthly Treasurer’s Report

i.  Budget for this year went down by $132, but had carry forward from last year to make up for it.

VI.  Correspondence (Aaron)

a.  No Report

VII.  Committee Reports and Updates (Scott)

a.  Professional Development

i.  Poker Walk went well

b.  Employee Recognition

i.  Paula Fuestman is the new chair

c.  Communications

i.  Recently added a new member

d.  Policy

i.  No updates

VIII.  Current Business

a.  Faculty/Staff Senates Potluck Spring (inviting student government and Chancellor’s cabinet)

i.  May look at doing it earlier in the spring semester

b.  Hockey Game – fundraiser

i.  Will check into Friday, February 24th, as there seems to be little conflict with UNK and KHS basketball

ii. Could consider partnering with the Alumni Association

c.  Athletic Game fall / winter / spring

i.  Will work with Athletics on dates for volleyball and soccer

d.  Service fall (First Year Program) / Blue & gold Lunch, Move in

i.  Will coordinate lunch distribution during the faculty/new student lunch that takes place on the Saturday before classes start

ii. Brainstormed ideas for spring

e.  Guest speakers – campus leaders or speaker to raise awareness about something

i.  Lee Purdy has requested to speak

ii. Talked about possibilities such as the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor of Business and Finance, the Student Body President, Enrollment Management, and UNK PD.

iii.  Will discuss further at the next exec meeting.

f.  Survey

i.  Will develop one survey with skip logic so staff at different levels would be asked different questions.

ii. Hoping to understand what opportunities would be attractive to staff and supervisors

iii.  Will look into collaborating with the Professional Development Committee and Leadership UNK

1.  Several senators volunteered to participate – Dylan, Carissa, Scott and Wilma – and there was also discussion about limiting the size of the group.

g.  Equity Access and Diversity Committee

i.  Aaron Estes will serve on this committee.

IX.  Future Business

a.  Brette and Dylan expressed interest in the Professional Conduct Committee. The senate will vote in September.

X.  Announcements

a.  Area Updates & Open Comments

XI.  Adjournment

a.  Next meeting: Motion: Sanny, 2nd: Heinowski, unanimous approval

Tuesday, September 20th, 2016 10:30 a.m.

Cedar Room, Nebraskan Student Union