6th Grade Spanish

Class Grading & Procedures

¡BIENVENIDOS! I am very happy to have your son/daughter in my class. The overall objective of this program is to develop basic listening, speaking,reading and writing skills in Spanish, while instilling an attitude that learning Spanish is necessary in

today´s world.


  • Textbook, it must be covered with paper at all times
  • Notebook
  • Eraseable pen, pencils and color pencils/crayons


Be prepared, prompt and respectful at all times. All students MUST:

  • Enter the classroom quietly and sit down
  • Have all class materials and supplies ready for class
  • Take out homework and be prepared to show it to the teacher
  • Always get teacher’s permission before leaving the classroom
  • Write homework and clean desk area before departing
  • Remain seated until the teacher dismisses the class


Homework = 10%

  • Due at the beginning of class to get full credit (100%); 80% credit if turned in next Spanish class; maximum 70% credit if is late beyond one class period; zero if not turned in at all
  • If absent, follow the homework guidelines stated in the school handbook
  • Homework is to be done on the student´s notebook with appropriate heading written in Spanish, unless otherwise directed

Class Participation = 30%

Class participation will be graded every two weeks according to the following:

  • Have workbook and supplies ready for class
  • Volunteer to participate in class discussions
  • Stay on task during class

Quizzes = 25%

  • Students will be notified of quizzes in advance
  • All quizzes must be signed and returned the next class day
  • Students will have the opportunity to earn extra credit by completing theassigned materials and turning them in the day of the quiz

Tests = 35%

  • Students will be notified about unit tests at least 1 week in advance.
  • All tests must be signed and returned within two days
  • Students will have the opportunity to earn extra credit by completing the assignedreview materials and turning them in the day of the test


The conduct grade is assessed and recorded daily.


Sra. Giovanna Schillaci

Spanish Teacher

I have read the 6th Grade Spanish class guidelines and grading procedures.

Student’s Name______#______Class______

Parent or Guardian Signature______Phone______

Email address(please print)______

I have read the 6th Grade Spanish class guidelines and grading procedures.

Student’s Name______#______Class______

Parent or Guardian Signature______Phone______

Email address(please print)______

I have read the 6th Grade Spanish class guidelines and grading procedures.

Student’s Name______#______Class______

Parent or Guardian Signature______Phone______

Email address(please print)______

I have read the 6th Grade Spanish class guidelines and grading procedures.

Student’s Name______#______Class______

Parent or Guardian Signature______Phone______

Email address(please print)______

I have read the 6th Grade Spanish class guidelines and grading procedures.

Student’s Name______#______Class______

Parent or Guardian Signature______Phone______

Email address(please print)______