Biographical Sketch: Shaoping Xiao

The University of Iowa

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Center for Computer-Aided Design

3131 Seamans Center, Iowa city, IA 52242

Work: (319)335-6009, FAX: (319) 335-5669


Professional Preparation

University of Science and Technology of China / Mechanical and Mechanics Engineering / BS 1995
University of Science and Technology of China / Mechanical and Mechanics Engineering / MS 1998
Northwestern University / Mechanical Engineering / PhD 2002
Northwestern University / Mechanical Engineering / Post Doctorate


Assistant Professor / Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, The University of Iowa / 2003-present

Publications Related to Proposed Project

[1] Mielke, S. L., Troya, D., Zhang, S. L., Xiao, S. P., Car, R., Ruoff, R. S., Schatz, G. C., Belytschko, T., The role of vacancy defects and holes in the fracture of carbon nanotubes, submitted to Chemical Physics Letter

[2] Xiao, S. P., and Belytschko, T., Coupling methods for molecular dynamics with continua, Computer Methods for Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2004, in press

[3] Belytschko, T., and Xiao, S. P., Coupling methods for continuum model with molecular model, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 1(1), p. 115-126, 2003

[4] Belytschko, T., Xiao, S. P., Schatz, G. C. and Ruoff, R., Atomistic simulations for nanotube fracture, Physical Review B, 65, 235430, 2002

[5] Belytschko, T., Xiao, S. P. and Ruoff, R. Effects of Defects on the Strength of Nanotubes: Experimental-Computational Comparisons, e-Print archive, physics/0205090, Los Almos.

Other Significant Publications

[1] Xiao, S. P., A FE-FCT method for the study of shock wave propagation in solids, submitted to Wave Motion

[2] Xiao, S. P., and Belytschko, T., Material stability analysis of particle methods, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 2004, in press

[3] Rabczuk, T., Belytschko, T., Xiao, S. P., Stable particle methods based on Lagrangian kernels, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2004, in press

[4] Belytschko, T., Xiao, S. P., and Parimi, C., Topology optimization with implicit functions and regularization. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 57: 1177-1196, 2003

[5] Belytschko, T., and Xiao, S. P., Stability analysis of particle methods with corrected derivatives. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 43 (3-5): 329-350, 2002

Synergistic Activities

Development of a bridging domain coupling method for continuum model with molecular model as well as its static solution algorithm and dynamic solution algorithm. Stability analysis of meshfree particle methods.

Collaborators and Other Affiliations

·  Past Advisors

Xiaojun Wang (Undergraduate and Master advisor, Professor, University of Science and Technology of China)

Ted Belytschko (PhD and Postdoctoral advisor, Professor, Northwestern University)

·  Students

Weixuan Yang, PhD student, The University of Iowa

Wenyi Hou, PhD student, The University of Iowa

·  Collaborators

Prof. N. Bowden, The University of Iowa, Iowa city, IA

Porf. T. Belytschko, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

Prof. K. K. Choi, The University of Iowa, Iowa city, IA

Prof. Khalid Kader, The University of Iowa, Iowa city, IA

Dr. Jun Ni, The University of Iowa, Iowa city, IA

Prof. S Rahman, The University of Iowa, Iowa city, IA