Minutes of meeting of Old Road West/Mackenzie Way Patient Participation Group on May31st2016 at Old Road West Surgery


Jim Hancock – Chair (JH)

Marilyn Berry – Secretary (MB)

Colin Ball (CB)

Judith Hathrill (JHa)

Sue Bates (SB)

Ann Whitehorn (AW)

In attendance:

Karen Hoadley (KH) – Practice Manager

Apologies for absence

MB informed the group that she had received a telephone call, followed by a confirming letter, from Sue Preston. Reluctantly, Sue had tendered her resignation from the PPG as she had decided to register with a surgery much nearer to her home. MB read her letter to the group in which Sue said she was sorry to be leaving the Practice. She had always had excellent medical care and she had enjoyed her time on the PPG.

Len Berry


Chris Ball

Horace Sutherland

Sister Helen Ryan (potential new member)

Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes were agreed as correct with no amendments.

Matters arising not on agenda

There were no matters arising.


JH informed the group that he had not received any commitment from Healthwatch re attending the AGM. However, he had been in contact with Rosemary Bolton, Lay Member, Patient and Public Engagement, NHS DGS CCG, and she had agreed to give a presentation on theRoles and Responsibilities of the CCG.

KH said she was hoping to Dr. Sumner twill attend and give the presentation for the Practice. Action KH

The Agenda was discussed and it was agreed JH CB and MB would meet to formalise it.Action JH MB CB.

Work Plan

As discussed at the last meeting, it was decided to leave work plans until after the AGM.

Information from the Chair

JH informed the group that information about the possible closure of the White Horse walk-in clinic closing was incorrect. The walk-in clinic is not closing. However, it is possible that the in house pharmacy will close.

JH gave details of the times the Healthwatch Big Red Bus will be visiting the local areas. They are:

Gravesend, Windmill Street – 13.6.2016 morning

Dartford, High Street – 14.6.2016 morning

Swanley, Town Square, opposite ASDA – 14.6.2016 afternoon.

Healthwatch are continuing to progress work on PPGs. There is no obligation for PPGs to be involved but can choose to be.

News From The Practice

Dr Mann has decided to revert to being a salaried GP instead of Partner due to family commitments.

The Practice is introducing “iPlato” – this is a text messaging reminder service for appointments. The CCG is funding it. It is hoped it will reduce the number of DNAs.

The CQC report has now been published and the Practice graded as overall “Good”. The CQC will be visiting on June 14th to follow-up on the report. KH said there is a possibility that the frequency of CQC inspections may be changed from every 3 years to every 5 years for Practices graded good and above.

Any other business

CB has been attending the CCG meetings on Diabetes Services. They are going to redesign services. CB will be attending the next meeting on June 8th and will report back at the next meeting.

AW told the group that she had attended the End of Life seminar and found it very interesting. She also gave information that Virgin had won the contract to supply Adult Community services for the CCG. There was some discussion and concern about this, especially with reference to whether it would mean staff redundancies.

Date and time of next meeting

The next meeting will be the AGM on July 19th 2016 at 7.00 pm.

The next scheduled PPG meeting will be on September 20th 2016 at 7.00 pm.