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name of Council

Ref. No: OPP/…..…/..…...

Issued under the Local Government Act 2011 (as amended) Town and Country Planning Act 1954 (as amended)

In pursuance of its powers under the above-mentioned Act,and further to a decision taken by the Permits & Business Monitoring Committeeat its sitting of ...... anOutline Planning Permissionis hereby granted to ………………………….………………………………………………….…….. for the development referred to hereunder with reserved matters as mentioned.




(a)Aspects of a building or place which affect the way it looks, including the exterior of the developmentciting on architectural and structural design.

(b)Accessibility to all routes leading to and within the site, as well as the way they link up to other roads and pathways outside the site.

(c)the improvement or protection of the amenities of the site and the area and the surrounding area, including, if any, planting trees or hedges as a screen (landscaping).

(d)Buildings, routes and open spaces within the development and the way they are laid out in relation to buildings and spaces outside the development.

(e)Information on the size of the development, including the height, width and length of each proposed building.

(f)Environment Impact Assessment, Traffic Impact Assessment, Land Conversion Permit, Preliminary Environmental Report

(g)Notifications procedures.

Chief ExecutiveDate:

Note:An Outline Planning Permission issued by a Local Authority shall:

(a)be valid for a period of 12 months; and

(b)not authorize the holder to start work on the land to which the application relates until and unless a Building and Land Use Permit has been issued.


1.Before starting any other development, e. g. additions, extensions, enclosures, walls, etc on site, developer should apply for a new Building and Land Use Permit.

2.Down pipes should be provided to drain rainwater from roof into an absorption pit.

3.No development should be effected on road reserves.

4.This permit shall be deemed null and void if no construction is started within two years of the date of the permit.

5.All development and construction works to be carried out as per approved plans approved by the Council and approved Building and Land Use Permit.

6.No construction to be carried out on existing drains, absorption pit or sewer line.

7.Neither mixing of concrete nor storage of building materials are allowed on any road.

8.The Council will not be responsible for any structural failure or construction fault.

9.Covered garbage bin to be provided and be readily accessible from the access road.

10.This permit together with the approved plans should be produced upon request by an officer of the Council.

11.All trading activity should be carried out inside the building as per approved plans.

12.All trade waste should be properly collected and disposed to the satisfaction of the Local Authority

13.The permit holder will be solely responsible for any damage caused to neighbouring properties during construction works or any development.

14.For all economic activities the strip of land between the building and the road and all parking space provided shall be tarred, concreted or surfaced to the satisfaction of the Local Authority


1.Where a person has been issued with a Building and Land Use Permit, he shall, before starting any classified trade and at all times in the course of carrying on his classified trade, comply with such guidelines as may be issued by the Fire Services, Sanitary Authority and the Ministry responsible for the subject of environment.

2.Where a person carries out any classified trade within the administrative area of a Local Authority, he shall pay to the Local Authority in respect of the classified trade such fees as may be prescribed by the Council within 15 days after start of classified trade.