·  Place your organisation’s logo on the front page.

·  Keep the one-page executive summary to no more than one page.

o  The executive summary is intended to quickly summarise the content of the report.

o  This one page could potentially be used for other purposes by the Investment Committee (under confidentiality).

·  Remove [Date] from the footer of the document and replace with the date submitted.

·  Delete all of the help text in the template, including this guidelines page, before submission.

·  Ensure the document has been approved both the Commercial Lead and the public research organisation representative before submission.

·  Avoid unnecessary duplication of information through the proposal. The template is a guide to ensure key areas are covered by authors in the proposal and to provide a standard layout. It is appropriate to add or remove headings if necessary to avoid repetition. However, please don’t change the layout of the document too much.

·  Ensure that the strategic alignment of your business case ties in with the objectives of the PreSeed Accelerator Fund. These include but are not limited to:

o  Creation of high value jobs in New Zealand

o  Growing revenue of New Zealand located and owned firms through higher export margins

o  Growing investment capital available to New Zealand firms and research organisations for reinvestment into commercialisation

o  Strengthening or protecting an existing competitive advantage that already generates substantial economic benefits for New Zealand

o  Earning income from licensing or selling IP offshore

·  Ensure a good balance between technical information and validating the commercial opportunity. Many proposals contain too much information about the technology, and not enough about the commercial opportunity or plan.

If you have any questions about using this template, please contact KiwiNet by emailing

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Investment Committee Observer Pack

·  KiwiNet Investment Committee (IC) Observers are approved individuals from strategic partner organisations that are invited to every meeting to encourage collaboration and capability development. They have no voting rights.

·  IC Observers are an exclusive list of trusted individuals. Please contact KiwiNet management to obtain a current list of IC Observers.

·  IC Observers receive a confidential Observer Pack one week prior to each IC meeting. The Observer Pack consists of Project Proposals and Previews which will be presented at the IC meeting.

·  If there is any concern about disclosure of sensitive information to IC Observers, you are able to opt-out any Project Proposal or Preview documentation from being included in the Observer Pack.

·  If you would like your project documentation to be opted-out of the Observer Pack, please inform KiwiNet management when submitting your documentation.

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1  [project name] - ONE PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

[The table below is intended to provide a brief summary of key points that will be explained in more detail in the body of this document.]

Overview: Provide a one sentence summary of this project.
Market Pain: What market problem does your technology or expertise aim to solve?
Solution: How does the technology solve this problem?
Project Duration: / Estimated time to market:
Project Budget:
PreSeed Contribution:
(exc. GST) / Estimated revenue to PRO in first 5 years of sales:
External Co-funding: / Estimated export revenue in first 5 years of sales: / Important, refer to KN for advice
Project outcomes: Describe the planned outcomes of this project. / IP Management – Summarise the novelty, IP position and strategy
Commercial Plan – Summarise the commercial objective and business model / Technical development – Summarise development objectives and plan


2.1  Market Pain

[Define the specific problem or opportunity that the proposed technology or expertise aims to solve and how it will do this.]

2.2  Technology Description

[Description of the core technology or expertise in simple terms]

2.3  Novelty

[Describe what aspects of the technology or expertise are novel compared to other technologies or expertise that already exist. It is important to be brief and clear]

2.4  Value Proposition

[Describe new products, services or process improvements that this technology will enable for the end-user and how they are differentiated from competitors (unique selling proposition). It is important to be brief and clear].

2.5  Current Status of the Technology

[Briefly describe the stage of development of the technology or expertise (e.g. just an idea, proved in principle, prototype build, product demonstrated].


3.1  Existing technologies, expertise and key market players

[Describe what other technologies or expertise are available that could be used to address the market pain, including potential competitors working in this space. If none exist, then describe how the market pain is currently mitigated].

3.2  End-users and market size

[Identify the target end-users for the technology or expertise. Who will the ultimate customers be and why would they choose to use your solution? Identify which end-users will ultimately make the purchasing decision. Describe the size of the potential market of the technology or expertise and what percentage of it is realistically accessible, including evidence you have to support the market analysis (market validation). Describe who will be the first initial customers for the technology (the Beachhead Market)]

3.3  Channel to Market

[How will you get your technology into the hands of your end-users? Define the value chain. Identify relevant companies that are operating in the space that could manufacture, distribute or sell the technology. Describe the benefits the technology or expertise provides to potential supply-chain partners that will justify them taking on the new product or services].

3.4  IP intelligence

[Summarise the results of your IP searching including freedom to operate, patentability, trademark ability, etc]


4.1  Business Pitch

[Describe the overall vision for commercialisation of the technology or expertise. This could cover: market opportunity; potential end users; potential licensees, start-up opportunity, etc]

4.2  Return-on-Investment

[Indicate when you expect products or services to be in the market, provide an estimate of financial benefits that will be realised from these at each point along the value chain (e.g. manufacturers, distributers, etc), and highlight any key assumptions. The Investment Committee will be particularly focused on economic benefits to New Zealand including the potential to create jobs. Provide at least back-of-the-envelope style calculations demonstrating the revenue opportunity. Consider expected number of sales as a percentage of the overall market, justify potential licence fees, provide estimates of profit margins, etc]

Time to first sale:
Potential revenue to research organisation in first 5 years of sales:
Potential economic benefit to NZ (export earnings) in first 5 years of sale: / Important, refer to KN for advice
Potential return to the licensee in first 5 years of sales
Key assumptions: / Include reasoning and assumptions to support financial projections.

4.3  Risks and Mitigation

[Outline current and potential commercial issues or risks that may affect pathways to market and identify how you will mitigate these risks. Include Commercial, IP and Technical risks]

[Detail any external mentors or experts which have been recruited to support the project]

Category / Risk / Mitigation

4.4  Strategic Alignment

[Brief summary of how well the project aligns with important strategic objectives such as: the PreSeed Accelerator Fund (refer to Guidelines on page 2); CRI core purpose statements; organisational statement of intent; university research capability; areas of strong/potential national economic growth]

4.5  Vision Matauranga

[Describe potential opportunities to engage with Maori knowledge, resources and people]


5.1  Commercialisation Plan

5.1.1  Commercial Objective

[Statement of the ultimate commercial objective.]

5.1.2  Commercial Strategy

[Outline desired commercial pathway including deal type, deal targets and high level implementation approach]

5.2  IP Management Plan

5.2.1  Protection Strategy

[Outline the required IP protection strategy including: whether patents are to be filed; whether expert advice is needed and why; whether you need to licence in the technology of others etc.]

5.3  Technology Development Plan

5.3.1  Technical Objectives

[Outline high level technical objectives / target outcomes]

5.3.2  Implementation Plan

[Outline implementation approach based on the above requirements.]

5.4  Maori Engagement Plan

[Describe plans for engagement with Maori knowledge, resources and people (if any) for this project]


[List overall project milestones]

ID / Milestone / CM/IP/Tech / Completion Date


7.1  Budgeted project expenses

Cost Source / Q4 2016 / Q1 2017 / Q2 2017 / Q3 2017 / Q4 2017 / Total (exc. GST)
Commercialisation Costs
$- / $- / $- / $- / $- / $-
$- / $- / $- / $- / $- / $-
$- / $- / $- / $- / $- / $-
Technology Development Costs
$- / $- / $- / $- / $- / $-
$- / $- / $- / $- / $- / $-
$- / $- / $- / $- / $- / $-
IP Management Costs (Commercialisation Office)
$- / $- / $- / $- / $- / $-
$- / $- / $- / $- / $- / $-
$- / $- / $- / $- / $- / $-
Total (excl. GST) / $- / $- / $- / $- / $- / $XXXX
PreSeed investment sought (excl. GST) / $XXXX

7.2  Budgeted project revenue

Revenue Source / Amount (exc. GST)
PreSeed investment / $-
[Research organisation] / $-
[Co-investment 1] / $-
[Co-investment 2] / $-
[Co-investment 3] / $-
Total (excl. GST) / $XXXX


8.1  Prior claims to the technology:

[List any potential organisations or individuals who have been involved in developing the technology and who may be able to claim part or full ownership and/or inventorship rights for this technology.]

8.2  Historic and current collaborations and agreements with external parties:

[List historic agreements entered into during the research and development of this technology. For example, non-disclosure agreements, material transfer agreements, memorandums of understanding, research subcontracts, contract research agreements, student IP assignments, etc]

8.3  Historic and current sources of funding, including public research funding:

[List historic public and private research funding sources that were used during the research and development of this technology. For example, when showing how this technology is derived from publically funded research, it is important to list specific contracts.]

8.4  Any other issues/concerns


[Information about key members of the project team. Ensure the team contains the right mix of expertise to deliver both the technical and the commercial aspects of the project plan, including any external experts of mentors, as appropriate. Are there any skills or expertise gaps where further support is needed?]


[PreSeed stands for the Pre Seed Accelerator Fund. It aims to fund pre-commercialisation development only, i.e development of a prototype or similar to the point where the commercial prospect is ‘Investor Ready’]

Checklist / Yes / No
Has the project originated from publically funded research in NZ?
Roughly, what proportion of the project is experimental development? / %
Is the project working towards a “first working prototype”?
Will the project have the potential to create enduring wealth creating capabilities in NZ?
Has a clean title search been completed to confirm ownership of the technology?

11  Project Preparation Checklist

[The questions in the checklist below are based on areas that are often overlooked or not well completed in project proposals.]

Checklist / Yes/No / Comment
Have you completed a patent search and confirmed that you have freedom to operate with this technology?
If you envisage patenting this technology, have you confirmed that it is patentable? (e.g. It is not obvious, it hasn’t been disclosed, it has not been implemented commercially) You may consider providing written confirmation from a patenting expert whose expertise you are confident in.
Have you confirmed from more than one industry or market contact that the market demand for this technology will be as expected?
Have you proven the economic returns to the organisation and benefits to NZ from this technology are realistic given the information available to you at this time?
Have you clearly and concisely defined the novelty of this technology?
Have you recruited the necessary external technical, commercial and market expertise to advise on this project?
PreSeed funding history - Has PreSeed been used to fund development or commercialisation of this technology in the past? If so, please explain.


This document is Confidential to Commercialisation Partner Network (CPN) Investment Committee (IC) members ONLY. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior approval from a CPN IC.