·  Open to all PEM students Grades K-6

·  Registration is only $8 and it includes a Camp T-shirts

·  Held November 1st, 2nd, and 3rd

o  Grades 4-6 after school from 3:15 to 4:30 in the 7-8 cafeteria with coach Matiash

o  Grades K-3 from 2:55 to 4:20 on Wrestling Stage at PEM High School with coach Hinrichs

·  What to expect:

o  Coaching by PEM varsity coaches and wrestlers

o  Snacks and games every night

o  Lots of wrestling and fun

·  Please be ready to pick your child up by 4:30 for 4-6 kids and 4:00 for K-3 kids

·  Parents are welcome to come and watch/take pictures on Thursday at 3:30

·  Information about sign-up for Youth Wrestling season will be handed out

·  Any Questions? Please contact Katie Pepin in the Community Education Office at:

o  534-2225 extension 110

·  No experience required. Come to learn and invite your friends!

·  Please preregister by 10/26 especially if you want a shirt. Walk-ins are still welcome at any time. Thank you.

Section 1 AA Champions 2008

State Champion

Blaine Miller

10 Reasons Why You Should Try the Sport of Wrestling!

1.  Wrestling builds Character

·  Wrestling is a very tough and physical sport

·  Wrestling teaches important life skills like self-confidence, hard work, discipline, and dedication

2.  Wrestlers have lots of Opportunity to Participate

·  14 different starters wrestle at the varsity level (second most of any high school sport)

·  Over 30 students wrestled on varsity last year

3.  Wrestling promotes Strong Academics

·  The varsity team averaged a 3.81 GPA last season

·  The PEM varsity team took 3rd in the state last season in Academic All State

4.  Our high school has a Great Tradition

·  PEM is ranked as one of the best programs in the state

·  19 Conference Titles in school history

·  4 trips to Team State in last 10 years

5.  Wrestling is Equal Opportunity

·  Unlike most sports, wrestling does not favor any particular height, weight, stature, age or race

·  Kids wrestling varsity can weigh between 90 to 285 pounds!

·  People can wrestle from age 4 to 80

6.  Wrestling is very Economical

·  Because there is basically no equipment, wrestling is one of the cheapest sports

7.  Wrestling is one of the Oldest and Greatest Sports

·  Wrestling is one of five original Olympic events done in ancient Greece

·  Wrestling is one of only two sports mentioned in the Bible

·  Because there is basically no equipment, wrestling is the truest test of athleticism

8.  Wrestling is one of the Safest Sports

·  An ABC News Report ranks wrestling as one of the least dangerous high school sports

·  Wrestling has few injuries because there is very little equipment, no high speed collisions, and no jumping

9.  Wrestling teaches good Health and Fitness

·  Wrestling teaches healthy weight management and good eating habits

·  Wrestlers are arguably in the best shape of all high school athletes

10. Wrestling teaches and improves Overall Athleticism

·  Most of our wrestlers are great three sport athletes like Jack Ihrke (football, wrestling, and baseball) and Tyler Petit (football, wrestling, and track)