Annual Award - Information and How to Enter

The Cleveland Institution of Engineers holds an annual competition for the best written paper sponsored by the Materials Processing Institute. The paper has to cover a topic related to Engineering, Materials Science, Plant or Processes relevant to the Teesside area and must not have been previously published.

The competition is open to members of all local Engineering organisations, local educational establishments and qualified private individuals. There is no age limit.

The prize for the winning paper is £400 cash with a prize of £100 for the runner-up. The winner’s prize is payable after the paper has been presented at a CIE general meeting.

Initial abstracts of approximately 500 words should be submitted to the CIE, The deadline for abstracts is the 2ndof October 2017. Judging of the abstracts will take two weeks from the deadline. From the abstracts two individuals will be asked to complete a full paper for the 30th of November 2017.

These will then be judged and a winner selected to present the paper on 6/3/18.

Abstracts may be submitted by e-mail to , or on paper to the address below.

Please send paper abstracts to:

Mrs S M Parker
73 The Slayde
TS15 9HZ

Cleveland Institution of Engineers Annual Award Rules

  1. The Award will be presented annually for the best written paper covering Engineering, Materials Science, Plant or Processes relevant to the Teesside area.
  2. Entrants to be from all local Engineering organisations, local educational establishments and qualified private individuals.
  3. Competition consists of two stages:-
    3.1 Initial abstracts of approximately 500 words each, submitted to the CIE, by2ndOctober 2017.
    3.2 Notified finalists to submit full papers of between 3000 and 4000 words, by the 30th November 2017 to a CIE panel which will select the winner.
  4. The paper must not have been previously published.
  5. Judging panel to consist of at least three persons comprised:- The President, if he/she wishes. At least one external independent member. Maximum of one person per single organisation.
  6. The winner must present his/her paper at a General Meeting of the Cleveland Institution of Engineers, on 6th March 2018 to qualify for the award.
  7. No prize money will be paid until the presentation of the paper to a CIE meeting has taken place.
  8. The prize for this award is £400, with a runner-up prize of £100

Applicants please note: The CIE holds this competition in the highest regard, and will only confer the CIE award to a paper which meets the exacting standards we expect of such a prestigious award. The CIE reserves the right to not give the award if, in the opinion of the judges, no paper submitted is of the standard to merit the award. The opinion of the judging panel is final. In the event that the award is not presented, a substitute lecture will be added to the programme. Any applicant whose paper has not won the award is welcome to apply in subsequent years, providing the entry rule criteria can be satisfied.

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