SS8H2c(2)- Explain the development of GA as a royal colony with regard to land ownership, slavery, government, and the impact of the royal governors.
Proprietory colony- governed by a board of trustees
Royal colony- directly governed by the King
In 1752, GA ceased being a proprietory colony and became a royal colony. After this happened, many colonists who had left GA came back. One group were the Puritans who came from South Carolina and settled near what is today Liberty County. The Puritans bought 32,000 acres of land and with their slaves grew rice and indigo. A port was built at nearby Sunbury so they could ship out their crops.
Background reading- “Georgia becomes a royal colony”. Page 142.
Governor John Reynolds
John Reynolds came to GA as the royal governor on October 1, 1754. He was very popular because he felt the colonists should help run the government. Governor Reynolds set up a two chamber legislature to represent the 8 parishes in GA.
Common House of Assessments- the lower governing house
Governor’s council- the upper governing house
In order to be a member of the assembly, you had to own at least 500 acres of land. The King appointed members of the governor’s council.
The Court of Conscience- the court system in GA, presided over by a justice of the peace. Anything not settled in the Court of Conscience was taken to the Governor’s Council.
In 1755, the new government met for the first time in Savannah (the capital). They reorganized the militia and budgeted the building of and repair of roads. They also restricted the rights of slaves,
The government worked well together for a while, but when the assemblymen couldn’t agree, Governor Reynolds disbanned the assembly and sent everyone home. Reynold tried to govern everything himself, but it only made the colonists angry! Many colonists began to complain about Reynolds and the colonists began taking sides of who agreed with Reynolds and who didn’t. Those who didn’t agree with Reynolds wrote complaint letters to the King. Nothing was really done until Reynolds suggested moving Savannah to the Ogeechee River. Finally, Governor Reynolds was replaced.
Background reading- “Georgia’s First Royal Governor and First Government” page 142
Governor Henry Ellis
-Captain Henry Ellis became GA”s second royal governor in February 1757.
-He was a scientist who had travelled all over the world leading voyages.
-Was governor for 3 years and worked at making different political groups get along.
-New colonists came from South Carolina and the West Indies and brought slaves.
-By 1759 GA had a population of about 10,000 (3600 were slaves)
-Ellis was very popular and made many economic gains. Farms were more profitable, more merchants selling goods, and colonists had a variety of cloth, sugar, tools, and seeds to choose from.
-1759- Governor Ellis left GA due to illness.
Background reading- “Governor Henry Ellis” page 146-147
Governor James Wright
-Born in Charleston, but raised in Great Britain
-Became Lieutenant Governor on October 11, 1760
-Served as Attorney General of South Carolina for 21 years.
-Believed Georgia would get better if farms were bigger, trading expanded, and western lands were open to settlers.
-Governor Wright had many successes and was well liked at first.
-Savannah’s defenses were improved and forts were made stronger.
-Sunbury became the official point of entry for shipping from other countries and colonies.
-The legislature worked together to promote economic growth.
-Farmers could borrow more money to buy more land. The amount of owned land grew from 1 million acres to 7 million acres.
-Rice, Indigo, and Silk was exported to Great Britain.
-More schools were started, more people got educated, more books were sold and read.
-The first newspaper in GA was started, “The Georgia Gazette.
-Small homes were torn down and replaced with large, two-story homes made of tabby (a mixture of lime, crushed shells, sand, and water
Background reading, “Governor James Wright” pages 147-148.