FORM B / COURSE PLANclick and type form
Course / Introduction to Community Services
Tutor(s) / TBA / Date / Feb 2013
Part 1 / Overview
Course details / Course description (also include duration, place in overall program, links to accredited courses)
38 weeks, 8thFebruary 2013- 6thDecember 2013,
Possible links to Accredited courses in Community Services (this organisation or another provider),
Focusing on what is out in the community and how the students can access it. Libraries, public transport, medical services, hospitals, local councils, leisure activities etc. visiting these places and documenting such excursions with video or photos to produce YouTube presentations.
Requirements / Pre-requisites, computer skills and access, literacy/numeracy levels etc
No pre-requisities, students who have low literacy skills will be supported with verbal discussions, pictures and mentoring from tutor, volunteer tutor and other students the class can mentor students
Tutor details / Skills, experience, qualifications
The Tutor should hold Certificate II in Information Technology or equilivent qualification or experience. Literacy and numeracy skills to at least a Cert III level, have the ability to manager challenaging behaviours and to work well with groups. Certificate IV in training and Assessment. Possibily a teaching degree but not necessary. Have a friendly disposition, ability to take students on excursions in the public.
Learner cohort
click a checkbox to selector deselect / people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and those who require assistance with English as a second language
people who have been marginalised and have not accessed education, training and employment
people who have experienced barriers to education in the past
people who live in remote and rural areas or who otherwise have limited access to learning opportunities
other (please describe)
people with mild intellectual disabilities,
Outcomes / What do you want your learners to know and do as a result of the course?
At the conclusion of the course it would be expected that students have a better knowledge of local services in their individual local areas. Students may have a better understanding of public services, private services, not-for-profit services etc. Pubic transport, community adovactes, leisure activities available, and to feel more confident about accessing services that the student may wish to access.
Employability / Which employment skills will be addressed in the course? click a checkbox to selector deselect
  • Communicatingspeaking, listening, reading, writing and numeracy

  • Teamwork working in groups, giving feedback

  • Problem solvingworking out ways to do things

  • Initiative and enterprise trying new things, being creative, following up ideas

  • Planning and organising making decisions, organising things

  • Self-management taking responsibility, organising yourself

  • Learning good at learning new things

  • Technology using computers, machines, mobile phones

What strategies will you use to build learners’ employability skills?
Technology- use of digital cameras, laptops, internet, flip videos, manage informaiton, using office equipment.
Communication- students will participate in discussions, negotiating with others, verbal/read and written story telling
Learning- students will identify their own learning styles,learn new skills, think about new ideas, have new experiences
Teamwork- students will work in groups, support others, make recomendations
Problem solving-students will develop solutions, and evaluate results
Planning and organising-students will need to meet timelines, monitor their own progress, set personal and group goals,
Initiative and enterprise- students will need to adapt to change, translae ideas into actions.
Self-management- students will need to be on time to classes and meet at other points within the local areas at specfic times in order to catch a bus, or meet a particular tutor or group
Delivery / What teaching and learning approaches will you use?
Classes will be held in a classroom setting with excursions to public services within the local community that could be held at Kmart, Chirnside Park, Knox and Chadstone shopping centres, local libraries, local businesses, this orgaanisations different campuses, shops, councils, etc. Tutor will assist the class to facilitate decisions and to help the class experience informal learning while out on life skills excursions. The tutor will model and skills and knowledge required for the activity with the students learning through experiences, hands on, written, classroom delivery, portfolio construction, skills set assessments.
Assessment / How will you assess how well learners have achieved their outcomes?
Assessment will take place as an informal component of the class. Checklists of skills and knowledge achieved during and by the conclusion of the course, participation and involvement within the course will be observed and noted on a report at the conclusion of the course.
Evaluation / How will you evaluate the effectiveness of the course and plan improvements?
Student learners review and the course evaluation form will be a main component of the evaluation.
A student lead focus group session with the participants at the conclusion of the course.
On going evaluation from each session with improvements acted upon to ensure a successful class.
This organisation will be participating in local Moderation of the A-frame documents and course. This will be part of a local pre-accredited network.
Acknowledgement / How will you acknowledge what learners have achieved?
Students will receive a participation Certificate, a skills checklist, a portfolio of localised community services available to individual students including a map of all the excursion destinations from the year with a portfolio of the flyers and brochures that the students have produced as well as the YouTube channel that has been created.
Impact / Where will this course lead for most learners? How can you provide support?
Students are particpating for varied reasons, social, personal development, outreach, skills building, employment options, knowledge widening, etc. I would forsee that many of the students would continue with a similar pre-accredited course. The students may pathway through to accredited courses such as the Cert. in General Education for Adults. If students did pathway through to Accredited courses and Literacy and numeracy support was required then they would be able to enrol in a CGEA or Pre-accredited Literacy course which ever was appropriate for the individual. This organisation is happy to offer support in pathwaying students to other local providers, Swinburne, other Learn Local providers if they offered courses that our students wanted to access. This class is for students to access whats available in the community that they Live Local too. It is about connectediness and widening students views of life. It will provide students with tools to help themselves when things in life might get them down, or just break down (EG: washing machine where to get it fixed). It is about independence and self reliance, through this students confidence may increase and enable them to look for further areas of study- literacy and numeracy, VET or short courses

Course deliveryclick a checkbox for any options you plan to use

What / How
embedding skill development
Embed processes
group work and active learning
team projects
problem-based challenges
design sequences
(from idea to implementation)
planning, scheduling and monitoring
learning-to-learn modelling
computer-based tasks and products
Build explicit skills
using email, phone and web tools for group tasks
dealing with different opinions
brainstorming and mapping
task and project planning
work-group collaboration methods
Internet researching
document publishing
organising learning
decision-making in groups
(including meetings)
Add others: / Delivery
teaching and learning methods
group presentation and discussion
group and pair activities
demonstration by tutor or learner
modelling by tutor or learner
self-directed worksheets or units
lecture style presentation
DVD-based activities
case studies
web-based activities
Add others: / Assessment
ways of gathering evidence
questioning and discussion
group work
case study
problem and solution
role play
self assessment
written test
online quiz
action plan
research and data collection
Add others:
How / Which / Where to
improving the course
learner feedback sheet
monitoring during the course
group interviews
in-course reviews (strengths, issues)
post-course surveys
benchmarking other courses
feedback from critical friends
client feedback (employers/community)
Add others: / Acknowledgement
recognising achievement
certificate of participation
exhibition of work
film, computer or oral presentation
letter, note, email
skills portfolio
community recognition
Add others: / Impact
providing pathway support
Internet links
careers advisors
other programs, other providers
community advertisements
Add others:

A-frame Course Plan Part 1: Overview© Copyright State Government of Victoria 20061

January 2011