
Final Project: Globalization and You

Introduction: You are to complete parts: 1, 2, 3, and 4 on your own by June 2, 2015. Part 5 will be a partner based project that is due on June 8, 2015. This will allow you to collaborate with a partner to create a presentation together that is original and will illustrate your topic. You are required to do RESEARCH – do not rely on one source. Having multiple sources and examples will enhance and support your research. You must turn in your own work – plagiarism will automatically earn you a zero on the entire project including presentation points. You must have a bibliography - make sure all websites used are in it. DO not use: Wikipedia or! If you have any direct quotes or statistical information you must use foot-notes or parenthetical citations. If you do not turn in a bibliography – you will automatically earn a zero on the entire project. Your written project must be typed and have a cover page.

Part 1: The Workforce and You

Part one is about you. Answer all questions in number 1 that pertain to your particular situation. You must do the required research for number 2 through 4 answering all questions. Each answer must be in paragraph form (minimum of 5 sentences).

1.  What industry do you want to eventually enter? What is your dream/ideal job?

·  Does your occupation require you to have a high school diploma, AA degree, BA/BS degree, or an even higher level of education? If you plan on attending a college/university/trade school, what will be your field of study and/or educational goal(s)?

·  If you plan on going straight into the workforce, what type of job do you want?

·  If you are not planning on attending a university/trade school and do not know what type of job you want, give at least three different industries that you would find interesting to work in.

2. Go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( website; use the Occupational Outlook Handbook 2015. Using your “dream job” or “job” idea, answer the following questions:

1.  What is the average salary for your dream job?

2.  Is there projected job growth in your chosen occupation?

3.  What are the minimum educational requirements for your chosen occupation?

4.  What are the overall job opportunities for your chosen occupation?

3  Is there a global job market for your chosen occupation? If so, in what ways? Give examples of places in the world that you have found jobs in your occupation. Support with research and facts.

Part 2: Research the US Economy

Answer the following questions using internet research with examples to support your answers. Make sure your resources are reliable; you must have minimum of 3 different resources and do not use Wikipedia. Each answer must be in paragraph form (minimum of 5 sentences).

1.  What type of economic system does the United State use? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. economy? Be specific, explain and support your answer with evidence

2.  What are free trade agreements and why is it important for the US to have them with other countries? What countries does the U.S. currently have major trade agreements with? When people trade, how do both sides benefit?

3.  What role does the U.S. play in the global economy? Is the U.S. an economic leader in the global economy? Explain and support your answer with evidence

4.  What will the U.S. have to change in order to compete and be successful in the global economy? Explain and support your answer with evidence.

Part 3: Research Globalization

Answer the following questions using internet research. Please make sure your resources are reliable; you must have minimum of 3 different resources and do not use Wikipedia. Each answer must be in paragraph form and have specific facts supporting your answers. (Minimum of 5 sentences)

1.  What is globalization? How new is globalization? What has led to increased globalization?

2.  Why is it important to understand economic globalization? What are positives and negatives of globalization? How has globalization changed the world today? How has globalization impacted your life?

3.  What roles do the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and World Trade Organization (WTO) play in globalization?

4.  What is outsourcing? Who is affected by outsourcing? What is a positive and negative of outsourcing? What are sweatshops? Who is affected by sweatshops? What is a positive and negative of sweatshops? What are global environmental problems? Who is affected by environmental problems? What is a positive or overall negative of global environmental problems? Will your career choice be affected by outsourcing, sweatshops, or the global environmental problems? Which one would have the greatest impact on your career choice? You must have factual evidence to support your answer.

Part 4: Research paper: Pick one of the following topics to do a 3 page research paper (minimum 3 paragraphs per page). Please make sure your resources are reliable; you must have a minimum of 3 different resources and do not use Wikipedia! Tie your research topic into how globalization and your topic affect your future as member of the working world. Pick one of the following topics:

Globalization & Environmental Problems Globalization & Sweat Shops Globalization & Outsourcing

Part 5: Multimedia Presentation: Create a multimedia presentation or a short video to illustrate your topic. Your presentation will be 5 -7 minutes in length. It may be pre-recorded or live. Be creative – you will teach the class about your topic and how it fits into their lives.

Examples: Short film Interactive – get your audience involved Power point

Part 6: Presentation Partners will sign up for presentations on May 21, 2015 (you must have the same topic as your partner) which will be held Monday, June 8 and during the designated period for your final exam. Presenters will have 5 -7 minutes to present. You will receive an additional 20 points for being an active participant on presentation days. You are required to attend the final day! It is your responsibility to make sure all technology needed is available on my laptop or in my room. Do not come to class unprepared to make your presentation – you will not have another chance to do the presentation. Be prepared – make all necessary arraignments the week of June 2, 2015.

Part 7: Break down of points

Part 1 / You & the Workforce Questions / 15
Part 2 / US Economy Questions / 40
Part 3 / Globalization Questions / 40
Part 4 / Research Paper (Formal Paper) / 100
Part 5 / Multimedia Presentation
Creativity – presentation - 10 / 50
Part 6 / Presentation days / 20
Part 7:
Additional point / Overall Quality - 25
TYPED -Minimal Spelling & Grammar Errors - Margins and Font - 15
Effort & Research - 25
Bibliography (20)------/ 85
If missing = 0 on entire project
Total points / available / 350


Final Project: Globalization and You

Scheduled Computer Lab Days:

B1 / 5/5/15
B1 / 5/6/15
B1-Lab / 5/7/15
B1-Lab / 5/8/15
B1-Lab / 5/11/15
B1 / 5/12/15
B1 / 5/13/15 Library
B1 / 5/15/15
Library / 5/18/15
Library / 5/19/15
Library / 5/20/15
Library / 5/21/15
Library / 5/22/15
Library / 6/1/15
B1*** last day for project
B1 / 6/3/15
B1 / 6/4/15

If you are absent on any of the days listed below – your project is still due on 6/2/2015 – your paper is due at the beginning of class! If you are absent on due date – you MUST email to me by the beginning of your class time. If your paper is late then it is worth 50% - no exceptions!!

Presentations – you must be prepared to go on Monday, June 8, 2015. I will be drawing names randomly for both June 8th and the day of your final. If you have not pretested your technology or flash drive and have an issue at the time of your presentation then you will be asked to present without it. If you choose not to continue you will not receive any credit for the presentation portion of you grade. It is your responsibility to make sure all technology needed is available on my laptop or in my room. Do not come to class unprepared to make your presentation – you will not have another chance to do the presentation. Be prepared – make all necessary arraignments the week of June 2, 2015.

Reminder: You are required to attend the final day! You must be present both days to receive 20 points participation credit. If you are absent one day then you do not receive the 20 points participation portion of your grade.

**** Any student going on a school sponsored trip the last week of May should plan on having their project completely finished prior to departure****

Section of Paper / Suggested timeline (Recommended for success)
Part 1: The Workforce and You / Completed by Week 1 5/8/15
Part 2: Research the US Economy / Completed by Week 1 5/8/15
Part 3: Research Globalization / Completed by Week 2 5/15/15
Part 4: Research paper: Globalization and You / Started on during week 2 and Completed by Week 3 – 5/22/15 -revisions during last week of May
Part 5: Multimedia Presentation / During first week of June finished by 6/4/15

By signing below, you and your student are aware of the requirements for the final project. You also understand that this project is 1/3 of your student’s grade. If your student currently has a grade of a C+ or below it is imperative that they complete the project to successfully pass Economics and graduate from Fortuna High School. Your student will receive 3 weeks in a computer lab and then is required to complete the project on their own outside of class. The Final Project is due June 2, 2015 at the beginning of class. If you have any questions, please call me at 725-4461 ext. 3046 or email me at . Thank you!

Rachel J. Heavilin

Economics Teacher

Student Name: ______Student Signature ______Date: ______

Parent Signature ______Date: ______

(Parent/Guardian must sign even if student is 18)

______Yes, I would like a copy of this agreement of understanding. (I will make a copy and send it home with your student upon receipt)

Please turn in by May 1, 2015 – both signatures required for 5 extra credit points.