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All India Regional Rural Bank Employees Association

(A Coordinating Body of National Federation of RRB Officers & National Federation of RRB Employees)

Adviser: Ajit Kumar Ghosh GOLDERS GREEN

President: C. Rajeevan Ground Floor F-G Block

Secretary General: A. Sayeed Khan 1 Nazrul Islam Avenue (VIP ROAD)

Kaikhali Kolkata –700 052

Circular No. 111 Date: - 22-05-2015


All Units/State Federations/C.C. Members/

Office Bearers/ All others concerned

Dear Comrades,

Sub: - Pension Committee Meeting on 20-05-2015, held at NABARD, HO, Mumbai.

A team of AIRRBEA leadership comprising of Com C Rajeevan, Com H N Rao, Com G Hegde, Com S K Dwivedi, Com V K Bannigol, Com K G Madanan and Com Banwarilal reached Mumbai on 19-05-2015, held a meeting in the evening to formulate the strategy/proposals for the meetings of UFRRBU and the Pension Committee respectively. Com V Reddy could not join this programme due to very urgent and pressing engagements at his family/local level.

2. After the first round meeting of Apex Unions on 19-05-2015, we attended the Pension Committee Meeting on behalf of AIRRBEA, NFRRBO, NFRRBE, besides other Apex Unions, and our Units in Kerala Gramin Bank as petitioner representatives before the Hon’ble Supreme Court.

3. This time Pension Committee Meeting was very much on the pointed issues and we are happy to note that all the proposals put forward by the AIRRBEA from time to time in regard to the Parity of Pension Scheme on the basis of the mechanism in NCBs to set up the Pension Fund, to be replicated in RRB sector, were mainly the focus of the discussion in the Meeting.

4. The only thing the Committee wanted to discuss further amongst themselves relates to availability of the exact amount in various avenues, against the approximate amount highlighted by the AIRRBEA.

5. The Committee informed the house that now they will discuss amongst themselves and formulate the stand of the Committee as per the terms of reference of the GOI framed while constituting the Committee dated 02-03-2015 and the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 26-11-2014.

6. Immediately thereafter the Pension Committee will invite all the Unions again for negotiation on the points of difference, if any to reach to an amicable settlement, as per direction of the Hon’ble Court.

7. On conclusion of the Pension Committee Meeting, there was meeting of Apex Unions again on 20-05-2015. In the second round of meeting of Apex Unions leadership, after a thorough discussion, it was decided that – considering the GOI policy and the attempt to privatize the RRBs,

·  the attitude of the GOI/NABARD on Pension Parity issue,

·  on the matter of HR Committee (Mitra Committee) report,

our opposition to all the above, and all unions demanding -

·  Immediate steps/order for full and proper implementation of 10th Bipartite Settlement benefits in RRB sector,

·  Compassionate Appointment Scheme,

·  Regularization of part time/casual/daily waged workers,

·  Graduation and Computer increments,

·  Relaxation in promotion criteria etc. including the demand of IBA to be the Negotiating Forum for RRBs also, -

An agitational programme be chalked out including One Day Strike at the end of June, 2015, to create pressure on the Government. Tentatively the date of Strike was fixed for 30-06-2015, to be finally announced very shortly.

Salary Revision

We attach/enclose the load distribution on Pay Scales for Workmen Staff as finalized on 19-05-2015 and for Officers as finalized on 20-05-2015 at Mumbai, as a part of 10th Bipartite Settlement, final drafts of which are expected to be signed on 25-05-2015.

With greetings

Comradely yours

(A Sayeed Khan)

Secretary General

Enclo/Attachment – as stated above

Load distribution on Pay scales for Workmen Staff.

A. Pay Scales: from 1-11-2012
Clerk: 11765 – 655/3 – 815/3 – 980/3 – 1145/7 – 2120 – 1310/1 – 31540 – 1310 x 8 = 42,020
Sub staff : 9560 – 325/4 – 410 /5 – 490/4 – 570/3 – 655/3 – 18545 – 655 x 8 = 23785
Stagnation increments: 8 : Sub staff: 8 x 2 years ; Clerk : 5 x 3 years + 3 x 2 years
B.  Dearness Allowance: 0.10 % per slab of 4 points over 4440 points
C. HRA : 45 lacs and above: 10 % ; 12-45 lacs & Goa : 9 % ; other centers : 7.5 %
D. Transport Allowance: upto 15th Stage : Rs. 425 and others : Rs. 470
E.  Special Pay:
i)  SWO-B: 820; Head cashier: 1280; Spl. Asst. 1930
ii)  Armed Guard/Bill Collector: 390; Daftary: 560; Head Peon: 740; Driver: 2370; Electrician/AC Plant Helper: 2040, Head messenger in IOB: 1630
F.  PQP : Rs. 410, 800, 1210 , 1620, 2010
G. FPP :
Clerk: 1310 / 1580, 1570, 1550, 1550 / 1450
Sub staff: 655 / 790, 890, 780, 780 / 730
H. Medical Aid : Rs. 2200 per year
I.  Special Allowance ( new allowance ) :
7.75 % of Basic pay; DA is payable on this allowance
The full Settlement is under preparation and is expected to be signed on the 25th May, 2015 (Monday).
Flash: Yesterday, RBI has given its in principle ok for implementing Full holidays on 2nd and 4th Saturday. Matter is being expedited with the Government now.

-  Load distribution on Pay scales for Officers.