Use the words below two times each in the blanks throughout the short story to practice using multiple meanings!


paint bark kind watch

mean round check trip


Johnny began to JUMP up and down because he was so excited. He was going to PAINT a picture. He found all of the supplies he needed, including blue, green, brown, and yellow PAINT . First he painted a ROUND shaped sun and then a tree. On the tree, he needed to put brown paint to look like the BARK on the tree trunk. Finally he added some mountains and a ski JUMP .

Johnny’s dog sat to WATCH Johnny paint his picture, but started to BARK loudly. Johnny was a KIND boy, so he checked his WATCH and realized it was his dog’s dinner time! When Johnny went to get the dog food he started to TRIP over his art supplies. Finally, he got to the food and fed his dog. Then, Johnny ordered himself a pizza for dinner and went back to CHECK on his painting.

A little while later, the pizza delivery boy arrived at his door. Johnny gave the delivery boy a CHECK to pay for the pizza. Johnny asked the delivery boy, “What KIND of pizza did I order again? I can’t remember!” The delivery boy told him it was plain cheese.

The pizza delivery person could see Johnny’s painting that was in the house. He liked it so much he gave him a quick ROUND of applause and said, “I would love to someday take a TRIP to that place, you know what I MEAN ?” Johnny thanked the delivery person and told him he did not seem like a MEAN person at all and told him to have a great night delivering the rest of his pizzas.

By, Katherine Toone 2009