1 / Bentley Annual Parish Meeting 2012


Held on

MONDAY 16th April 2012


Mr R. Leonard – BPC Chairman
Mr J. Wilson – BPC Vice-Chairman
Mr B. Dickinson – BPC Councillor
Mr A. Meneghetti – BPC Councillor
Mrs. J. Turner – BPC Councillor
Mr P. Hurley – BPC Councillor
Mrs E. Kleeman – BPC Clerk & RFO
County Councillor M. Kemp-Gee
District Councillor Mr K Carter
Mr M. Ewin – Bentley Memorial Hall
Mr C. Turk – Bentley Pond Officer
Mr A. Wheatley – Bentley Village Store
Mr A. Thomson
Mr M. Ellis – 2nd Bentley Scouts
Mrs P Blizzard – Church Youth/Kick-start
Mr H. Girling
Mr J Aston
Mr W Whitfield – Bentley Memorial Hall and Bentley Allotments / Mr J Harrap
Mrs J Harrap – Bentley Parish Plan Steering Group
Mrs A Joy
Mrs S Cutler
Mr J Horton – B.B.F Car Group
Mrs C Smith – B.B.F Care Group
Mrs H Lanyon – Bentley Church Warden
Mr D Miles – Bentley Footpath Officer
PC Louisa Whatmore
Mr P Callaway – Bentley Primary School
Mrs V Potter – 1st Bentley Rainbows
Mr R Cox
Mr H Chissell – Bentley Fete and Flower Show
Mrs C. Leonard
Mrs S Rowsell
Mr P Rowsell – Bentley Badminton Club
Mrs G Thallon – Bentley Footpaths Officer and Parish Magazine

1.  Apologies for absence

Les Vail, Bruce & Lizzie Powell, David Darrah, Robert Simpson, Claire Hobbs, Richard Davies.

2.  Confirmation and signing of minutes of the APM held on 4th April 2011

The minutes were confirmed and signed

3.  Report from Bentley Parish Chairman Mr R Leonard

Welcome everyone,

The programme for this evening kicks off with a rapid resume from me of what the PC has done or tried to do, over the last year, and a list of aspirations for the coming year.

This will be followed by similar brief addresses by heads or representatives of some of the various groups and organisations which are active in the village.

There will be an opportunity for questions and answers after each address, but please, please keep them short, because otherwise we will be here all night – or to put it another way, there will be less time for mingling and refreshments at the end of proceedings.

What has the PC been doing?

9 meetings since last year and many planning applications involving numerous site visits.

Our preferred projects as listed last July and ones where we hoped to attract grant funding included

- 3 new benches to replace the concrete ones in Carters’ Meadow. NOT YET BEING LOOKED INTO.

- Renewal of gates and fences at the recreation ground. WE NEED TO LIAISE WITH BRGC.

- Purchasing 3 dog bins for around the Village. POSSIBLY, BUT BLACK BINS ARE MULTI-USE.

- A flag pole to fly the new flag from outside the Memorial Hall. Action expected this summer/autumn.

- Additional funds to complete the pathway at the pond – NEARLY DONE mainly thanks to Chris Turk (grants success)

- 3 new noticeboards to replace the decaying boards around the Village – ON THE WAY (grant promised)

- Renovation of the Historic Bentley Archer- ON THE WAY (grant promised)

- Money towards the planting of trees on the verge south of the by-pass – DONE, but more to do! – Chairman had a meeting today with HCC

- Traffic calming measures – WORKING WITH HCC AND SCHOOL ON THIS - action by HCC expected this summer/autumn at School Lane junction.

Main targets for next year

-Completion of projects listed in 2011

-Website improvement and new noticeboards, creation of Village calendar of activities and events – to go on to website. Greater use of electronic transmission of info/news/ questions etc.

- Diamond Jubilee and tree planting with the School. John W and David D to find volunteers (Hugh Chissell and Dick Davies) to organise a village event.

The fete committee will be putting tables out on the recreation ground and it is hoped that residents will all bring their own food/picnics/bbq’s and celebrate together on the Tuesday afternoon. Full details are on the front page of the April newsletter.

In addition to Mrs Harrap is holding a Jubilee Supper on the Friday 1st June.

- General maintenance of village and dealing with planning applications– much unseen work done, and time and effort spent by councillors and the Clerk. Vacancy on BPC...

- Rec Ground car park extension, road safety around School. Speeding traffic, Lorries and Blacknest, signage.

-Traffic implications of Eco Town/Bordon rail link (even though Binsted) Possible 500% increase in traffic movements through the middle of the village by 2026. On top of that we might face an increase in traffic from Froyle when the Lord Mayor Treloar site is developed.

- Naming of Old Main Road, Doctors’ Field road and Station Road.

- LDF (covers now until 2026) – PC monitoring evolution of LDF and Core Strategy, and probably a revision of the SPB. The most important thing is that residents should keep aware, and respond to consultation invitations with their views by writing to EHDC at appropriate stages, and that EHDC should have clear and strong policies about sustainable development.

- Surrey Minerals and Waste Plan - as there is a proposed waste site just on the Surrey border. This had the potential to cause problem from a Highways point of view but there is also some potential environmental impact.

- Implementing recommendations made by the BPP Steering Group.

Finally, big thanks to all the parish Councillors, and to the Pond, Trees and Footpaths Officers who give up their time to keep or make Bentley as good a place as they can, and of course big thanks to our Clerk, Emma Kleeman.

I should also record our thanks to CC Mark Kemp Gee, to District Councillor Ken Carter and to PC Louisa Whatmore for all they have done for us.

4.  Report from PC Whatmore

Louisa has been the beat officer for the Bentley area for 2 years now. Between her and her PCSO they have to cover the whole of the area from East Tisted all the way to Bentley, Froyle and half of Rowledge which is a very large area for 2 people. For this reason she is not always seen around Bentley. From information on www.crimereports.co.uk (which is available to general public) Louisa provided the following information on crimes in Bentley during the past year:-

·  0 x House Burglaries

·  2 x Non- dwelling Burglaries (1x number of items from garage, returned and 1x 2 bikes and a quad bike taken from a garage)

·  5 x Theft from Vehicle (1 fuel theft, 2 gardening tools theft, 1 catalytic converter theft and 1 theft of mirrors)

·  2 x Theft of Vehicle (1 digger and 1 quad bike)

·  Criminal Damage – in all there were 10 vehicles in total during a spate in Oct’11 and Jan’12

Louisa is trained to use a speed laser, however the laser had to be sent off for recalibration in January and it has not yet come back. It is shared over a large area but she is using her best endeavours to get it back in order to use in Bentley and surrounding areas.

Louisa speaks regularly to the campervan owners which move around the Village. As yet she has not been able to use an legal powers as they have not broken any laws to her knowledge, but please contact her if your think they are acting illegally and she will always look into any complaints.

5.  Report from Councillor M Kemp Gee

It has been a good year with plenty of interaction with Bentley. It is a great community – one worth fighting for.

The County Council budget has remained the same for the past 3 years. There is an election next April which might have an impact on the budget.

There have been constant problems with signage for heavy vehicles and there have been issues with the Viola lorries trying to get under the bridge. Plans are in place to resolve the problem once and for all during the next 3 to 4 months. Finally the 40 mph speed limit has been agreed from Bentley all the way through Frith End to the A325.

I have been working hard with in particular with Richard Leonard, Brian Dickenson and Ken Carter. Some of the items worked on are;

·  The Motor Home

·  Purchasing the Old Recreation Ground

·  Restoration of the Memorial Hall

·  Donation towards the Bentley Pond – the work done there is fantastic

It is hoped that the Broad band in Bentley and other rural areas will be better next year – money has been found to go into this.

Richard Leonard explained that the sale of the old recreation ground has been agreed in principal and the purchase is in the hands of solicitors. It is planned that when the land has been obtained the school will be planting trees there as part of Jubilee celebrations which will then create a nice area for residents to enjoy.

Richard Leonard took this opportunity to mention that where the new trees have been planted Highways will be using Dragons Teeth to protect the new trees that BPC planted.

Everyone at the meeting was asked for a show of hands of who is happy to let the motor homes stay in the Village. Not one hand was raised.

6.  Report from District Councillor K Carter

It has been an interesting and busy year following Appointment as Chairman of the District Council in May. This is a Civic appointment not a political one.

The scary bit has been Chairing Full Council and representing the Council on formal occasions. Also a lot of time has been spent attending Civic events across Hampshire including:

· Prize giving with Fred Dinage

· Guest of Honour at D of E Awards in Petersfield

· Representing the Council at formal Services in Winchester Cathedral

· Being presented at a Royal Visit

· Several visits to Churcher’s

· Girl Guide Awards in Portsmouth

I’ve met a lot of interesting people and been to many interesting places:

· Been on a submarine

· Visited Hampshire Records Office

· Going for Tea at the Rose Bowl on Wednesday

· Visited a Vineyard in the New Forest

And lots more…..

My Civic Day comprised of hosting a Civic Disability Conference – relatively successful with some follow up still to complete. Guest speaker Peter Hull. I will continue with this project.

My theme for the year was to champion and promote Affordable Rural Housing and I am delighted to report that in my Ward this year there are now approved plans for 19 Affordable Homes – 9 in Bentley (not too involved in this) and 10 in Binsted. This is really a major achievement and of great value to the community.

Just in case you’re interested I have been involved in quite a lot of Council and other local activities as well.

· Vice Chair of Licensing

· Vice Chair of Larger Council’s Forum

· Vice Chair of Governance Committee

· Shipwright’s Way Steering Committee Member

· Parish and Town Councils Liaison Officer

· Governor at Binsted School

· Board Member of HALC

· Member Alice Holt Forum

· And I’m still Chairman of Binsted Parish Council

Yes, a busy year.

But let me finish by saying that it has been a pleasure working with Bentley Parish Council and I’m also pleased that the Bentley and Binsted Parish Councils are now working together in a number of areas – particularly Highways and Traffic.

Finally I would like to announce that after a break of 40 years cricket will once more be played at the Holt Pound Oval (that’s the original OVAL) this year.

7.  Reports from village groups and associations.


An initial meeting was held at the Memorial Hall on 21st. May 2011

A steering group was set up and after several meetings it was agreed to distribute a flier to all residents inviting them to the launch in October.

Some 70 residents attended the evening. The Steering Group suggested 6 topics/headings to help them compile a questionnaire to circulate to all Bentley residents.

A copy of the questionnaire was distributed to all houses in the village during January. Over 400 copies were delivered and only 164 completed. The steering group are still working on the results and hope to publish them in June. Richard Leonard asked Jane to pass on thanks to everyone for all the hard work they have put into this project.

Harriet Lanyon - St Mary’s Church – 2011 Annual Report to the Parish Council


Our Church focus during 2011 was to increase the attractiveness and relevance of our Church to the local community and to encourage more people to explore the Christian faith.

Yann Dubreuil and his family moved into the Vicarage in Binsted in early January 2011 and his service of induction/admission as vicar of Bentley, Binsted and Froyle took place on 26th January in St Mary’s Church. Mrs Sandy Roberts was appointed as our Benefice administrator, and Harriet Lanyon was appointed as the first of two new Churchwardens, in November.

Services: The timing of the Sunday services at St Mary’s changed twice during the year with the main Sunday service moving initially from 9.30am to 10.30am and then to 11.00am. The format of the Sunday service also changed with the introduction of a block of modern worship songs to supplement the traditional hymns and also the formation of a new choir. We continued to offer a BCP Holy Communion service at 8am and a 6.30pm Evening Praise service each month. Our main Sunday services are continuing to attract many new families into the Church and Bentley School’s festival services in St Mary’s are very popular with up to 300 pupils, teachers and parents crammed into the Church.