

101 English I 1.0

115 English I Pre-AP 1.0

102 English II 1.0

125 English II Pre-AP 1.0

103 English III 1.0

135 AP English Lang & Comp (III) 1.0

104 English IV 1.0

145 AP English Lit & Comp (IV) 1.0

155 English IV-College Prep 1.0

168 Journalism I:Begin Reporting 1.0

161 Journalism II:Gem Newspaper 1.0

162 Journalism II:Beacon Yearbk 1.0

1631 Journalism III:Publ Lab (Sem1)0.5

1632 Journalism III:Publ Lab (Sem2)0.5

1641 Speech Communication I 0.5

1642 Speech Communication II 0.5

1771 Writing w/Lab (Sem 1) 0.5

1772 Writing w/Lab (Sem 2) 0.5

462 Senior Seminar (Sem 1) 0.5

463 Senior Seminar (Sem 2) 0.5


208 Pre-Algebra 1.0

211 Algebra I 1.0

212 Accelerated Algebra I 1.0

225 Algebra I-Honors 1.0

227 Algebra 1.5 1.0

214 Algebra II 1.0

216 Accelerated Algebra II 1.0

217 Algebra II-Pre-AP 1.0

221 Algebra III 1.0

220 Geometry 1.0

222 Accelerated Geometry 1.0

210 Geometry-Pre-AP 1.0

224 Pre-Calculus 1.0

223 Pre-Calculus Pre-AP 1.0

226 AP Calculus AB 1.0

228 AP Calculus BC 1.0

230 Math 116-College Algebra 1.0

232 AP Statistics 1.0

345 Found Personal Finance 1.0

725 AP Computer Science A 1.0

723 Computer Science Principles 1.0


316 Biology 1.0

317 Biology Pre-AP 1.0

318 AP Biology 1.0

306 Intro Chemistry/Physics 1.0

308 Chemistry 1.0

310 Chemistry Pre-AP (Dual Cr) 1.0

312 AP Chemistry 1.0

340 Integrated Science 1.0

320 Conceptual Physics 1.0

323 AP Physics 1 1.0

324 AP Physics 2 1.0

325 Anatomy & Physiology 1.0

326 AP Environmental Science 1.0

336 ST: Genetics 0.5

342 Forensic Science 0.5


402 World Civilization 1.0

406 AP European History 1.0

407 AP World History 1.0

408 US History 1.0

412 AP US History 1.0

414 Political Science 1.0

416 AP Gov’t & Politics: US 1.0

417 AP Comparative Gov't & Poli 1.0

420 Psychology 0.5

422 Law & Justice 0.5

450 HY120 World Civ 1648 1.0

452 AP Psychology 1.0

454 AP Human Geography 1.0


502 Basic Design/Drawing 1.0

504 Painting 0.5

508 Sculpture 0.5

510 Adv Studio 1.0

514 Adv Studio Acceleration 1.0

512 AP Art 1.0



2501 Auto Maint & Light Repair A 1.0

2502 Auto Maint & Light Repair B 1.0

2503 Auto Maint & Light Repair C 1.0

2504 Auto Maint & Light Repair D 1.0

2505 Auto Services Tech A 1.0

2506 Auto Services Tech B 1.0

2507 Auto Services Tech C 1.0

2508 Auto Services Tech D 1.0

2509 Practicum I 1.0

2510 Cooperative Education I 1.0


602 Accounting/Finance Found 1.0

606 Advanced Accounting 1.0

629 Business Principles & Apps 1.0

608 Business Management 1.0

617 Financial Literacy 1.0

628 Personal Finance (Dual Cr) 1.0

631 Business Cooperative-1hr 1.0

632 Business Cooperative-2hr 2.0

634 Principles of Marketing 1.0

635 Entrepreneurship 1.0

638 Advanced Marketing 1.0

644 Sports/Event Marketing 1.0

641 Retailing Cooperative-1hr 1.0

642 Retailing Cooperative-2hr 2.0


1512 Intro Construction Carpentry 1.0

1516 Floor/Wall Framing 1.0

1514 Ceiling/Roofing 1.0

1517 Site Layout/Foundation 1.0

1519 Construction Co-op 2.0


609 ST: Digital Imaging 1.0

610 Digital Literacy 1.0

710 Multimedia Publishing 1.0

721 Advanced Multimedia 1.0

711 Website Publishing 1.0


830 Fashion/Interior Design I 1.0

831 Fashion/Interior Design II 1.0

838 Foods & Nutrition 0.5

839 Foods & Nutrition 1.0

807 Child/Human Development I 1.0

808 Child/Human Development II 1.0

809 Child Development Services I 1.0

810 Child Development Services II 1.0

812 Culinary Skills 1.0

817 Life Skills 1.0

821 Relationships 0.5

840 Parenting 0.5


1530 Principles of Health Science 1.0

1531 Md Sci Anatomy & Physiology 1.0

1532 Emergency Procedures 0.5

1534 Medical Terminology 0.5

1535 Medicaid Nurse Aide 1.0

1536 Health Care Fundamentals 1.0

1537 Health Care Fundamentals 2.0

1538 Health Care Practicum 1.0

1539 Health Care Practicum 2.0

1540 Pass Assured Pharmacy Tech 1.0


901 Spanish I 1.0

902 Spanish II 1.0

909 Accelerated Spanish II 1.0

903 Spanish III 1.0

904 Spanish IV 1.0

905 AP Spanish Language 1.0

908 Spanish 102 (Dual Credit) 1.0

911 French I 1.0

912 French II 1.0

913 French III 1.0

914 French IV 1.0

915 AP French Language 1.0

921 German I 1.0

922 German II 1.0

923 German III 1.0

924 German IV 1.0

925 AP German Language 1.0

926 German 102 (Dual Credit) 1.0


1301 JROTC I 1.0

1302 JROTC II 1.0

1303 JROTC III 1.0

1304 JROTC IV 1.0

1305 JROTC IV: STAFF 1.0


1102 Band: High School 1.0

1103 HS Strings/Orchestra 1.0

1104 A Cappella Adv Mixed Choir 1.0

1105 Bellissima Adv Women's Ch 1.0

1122 Choristers Inter Mixed Choir 1.0

1110 AP Music Theory 1.0

1114 Performing Arts 1.0


1202 Health 0.5

1204 Physical Ed I: Rec Act 0.5

1209 Physical Ed II: Rec Act & WL 0.5

1212 Physical Education: Swim 0.5

1214 Physical Ed: Adv Swimming 0.5

1216 Driver Education (Sem 1) 0.5

1218 Driver Education (Sem 2) 0.5


1144 English I 1.0

1145 English II 1.0

1146 English III 1.0

1147 English IV 1.0

1158 Reading 1.0

1159 Biology 1.0

1167 World Civilization 1.0

1161 US History 1.0

1165 Political Science 1.0

1162 Study Skills 1.0


1752 Elementary School Aide/Tutor 2.0

1761 Work Based Learning 1.0

1762 Work Based Learning 2.0

1750 Renaissance Leadership 1.0

2000 Peer Tutoring 1.0

Each student must enroll for 6 credits per year, 7 credits if the student plans to attend optional EXCEL period.



1623 Intro to Database Design IT170 2.0

1624 Database Systems Imple & Mgmt IT270 2.0

1625 Computer Software Maint ET232 2.0

1601 Computer Hardware Maint ET234 2.0

1602 Virtual Basic I CIS148 2.0

1604 CISCO Internetworking I IT120 2.0

1605 CISCO Internetworking II IT122 2.0

1606 Intro to Geographical Info Sys IT160 2.0

1626 GIS Software Tools IT260 2.0

1607 CISCO Internetworking III IT220 2.0

1608 CISCO Internetworking IV IT222 2.0

1627 Cooperative Education I IT199 2.0

1610 Basic Welding A WLD151 2.0

1611 Basic Welding B WLD152 2.0

1612 Oxy-Fuel Systems WLD100 2.0

1613 Oxy-Fuel Systems Lab WLD101 2.0

1614 Cutting Processes WLD110 2.0

1615 Shielded Metal Arc Weld(SMAW) WLD120 2.0

1616 SMAW Fillet Lab WLD121 2.0

1617 Gas Tungsten Arc Weld (GTAW) WLD130 2.0

1618 GTAW Fillet Lab WLD131 2.0

1619 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) WLD140 2.0

1620 GMAW Fillet Lab WLD141 2.0

1621 GMAW Groove Lab WLD143 2.0

1622 Blueprint Reading for Welding WLD170 2.0

1628 Cooperative Education I WLD199 2.0

110470511P201 Auto Maint & Lt Repair-Engine Repair ADX(150/151) 2.0

110470513P201 Auto Maint & Lt Repair- Manual Transmission AUT130/131 2.0

110470519P501 Auto Services Tech- Brake Systems AUT110/111 2.0

110470521P501 Auto Services Tech- Steering and Suspension AUT160/161 2.0

ALTERNATE COURSES FOR ELECTIVES / (You must choose one for each elective)