Summer Camp Fingerprinting Information Guide

In order to facilitatefingerprinting for the many participants involved with summer camp programs, we are asking the Directors, Directors appointee(s) or responsible person for each summer camp program to review the information below to ensure they are aware of the process involving Fingerprinting/Criminal History Check.

Location and Hours of Operation forFingerprinting/Criminal History

The fingerprinting building is located at 1420 Wahnish Way on the corner of Wahnish Way and Gamble. For the purpose of scheduling, our hours of operations are Monday through Thursdayfrom8:00AM to 12noon and 2:00PM to 4:00PM. There is a limit to the number of people that can be fingerprinted each day. Please begin scheduling your participants as soon as possible as we anticipate fingerprinting several hundred participants. Once your schedule has been submitted to our office, we will only fingerprint those participants you have scheduled. Should you need to add or subtract from your schedule, you will be required to submit their name to this office via email. Substitution will be accommodated during your scheduledtime; however, addition may have to be scheduled at a later date.

Payment Method

The cost for fingerprinting summer camp program participants is $37.25 per person. As of February 11, 2010, we only acceptmoney orders, cashier checks or departmental budget transfers in this office.Attached to this email is a copy of the budget transfer form should you chose to use this method of payment. If the department or programchooses to pay via budget transfer, the budget transfer form must be completed and returned to this office. Once we have verified that the funds are available in the account listed on the form, fingerprinting can begin. The time period for budget transfer verification takes approximately two working days from the time we receive the properly completed form. Participants can also pay bycredit card at our main Department of Public Safety office (Parking Service Window) located at 2400 Wahnish Way. The participant will be given a receipt by staff which they must bring to this office.

Proper Identification/Fingerprinting/Criminal History Waiver Form

In order to be fingerprinted,summer camp participants are required to present a valid US Government /State identification. No other form of identification will be accepted.

All summer camp participants must sign a FDLE VECH (VolunteerEmployee Criminal History ) Waiver Agreement and Statement before they are fingerprinted. Once we verify that the participants have signed the waiver form, the waiver form must be returned to the Human Resources Office. Under no exception will anyone be fingerprinted without first having signed the waiver.

Fingerprinting/Criminal History Results

It takes approximately 2-4 working daysfor FDLE to return criminal history results to the university. Please ensure that you have scheduled your participants well in advance of this time period to ensure that their results have been returned and are clear to work.

As of November 1, 2010, The Department of Children and Families now determines each participants ability to work based on the results of their criminal history check. You will be notified of their decision by the Coordinator for Summer Programs.

Continued on Next Page

Fingerprinting/Criminal History Contact Information

Michael WatsonKelli Iyanu


Office Fax: 850-599-8025