2017-2018 Cross Country Season: Summer Training

Welcome to summer training for Carnegie cross country. While we will provide a suggested schedule for you to follow over the summer, it is up to you to follow through with workouts and keep track of your summer progress. It is imperative that you work out throughout the summer to get ready for the fall season, which is very strenuous! In order to avoid energy and be in top shape, you cannot wait until fall to train!

Workout options

You have the option of joining a summer training program such as Will’s Hills or others that we will discuss today. These programs provide top training opportunities and have the added benefit of training in a group.

You may also choose to follow the suggested training (which will be similar to these programs) or design your own comparable workouts. We will provide a rough schedule here and more specific updates on the CVHS Cross Country website http://www.houstonisd.org/Domain/27358.

Option 1:

Monday: Hill circuits—if you can, find a levee, park with a hill, or bridge it is safe to run on. You can run hard up the hill, easy down it, for about 2 x 10 min or for 25 min straight. You can increase this time as you feel more comfortable.

Tuesday: Slow jog, 2-4 miles (depending on your beginning ability, start with 1 mile and work your way up to 4 miles).

Wednesday: intervals, fartleks, progressive runs, or other speed workouts for 25 min.

Thursday: Slow jog, 2-4 miles OR Strength-training—10 minutes of core exercises and 25 minutes of weights or strength exercises. A list of examples will be posted on the XC website.

Friday: Off OR Core/Strength- training

Saturday: Optional long run. Increase distance weekly, or as you are comfortable. This run should be slow enough that you can talk while running.

Sunday: Off

Option 2:

Monday/Wednesday/Friday: Slow jog, 2-4 miles (depending on your beginning ability, start with 1 mile and work your way up to 4 miles).

Tuesday: Hill circuits—if you can, find a levee, park with a hill, or bridge it is safe to run on. You can run hard up the hill, easy down it, for about 2 x 10 min or for 25 min straight. You can increase this time as you feel more comfortable.

Thursday: Core/Strength- training

It is up to you to determine how much of these workouts you can handle, but by the end of summer, you should be able to do the full workout schedule!

Regardless of your training preferences, you should log ALL workouts here: https://goo.gl/forms/wm4aGYiJGlpJQPxS2

We will begin training together in the fall on Monday, 8/14/17. All paperwork will be due the first day of practice. Runners are not allowed to practice with the team until a physical and medical waiver are submitted.

Dues will be $20 next year, and you will be expected to participate in a fall fundraiser. Dues and fundraisers cover meet registration, bus transportation, food/drink, and anything else we want.

Have a good summer, runners! We look forward to our fall season.

Coach Bohenick and Coach Scott