Mission Support AllianceAttachment 1, RFP 305827

Statement of Work for

EVOC Observation Platform

Revision 0

Date: 6/26/2017

Revision 0


The Hanford Patrol Training Academy (PTA) trains officers how to drive at high speeds in cases of high speed chase and other general training purposes. This Training is completed on a course and requires instructor visual oversight, which is provided by the instructor via the Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (EVOC) platform. The EVOC Platform provides the instructor with an elevated view so they can see their students and effectively communicate instructions. The Work is located at HAMMER training facility, approximately 5 miles north of Richland, Washington.


MSA requires a subcontractor to perform the design and fabrication required to provide a 6’ wide by 6’ long by approximately 8’ high platform per the attached sketch and this SOW.


The Subcontractor shall provide and manage labor, equipment, materials, and services required to complete the work as depicted/described in this SOW, which includes:

i.Design and fabrication of the EVOC platform ready for installation, see attached sketch for concept.

ii.The platform will be installed on an existing 10’ x 10’ x 4” thick concrete slab with wire mesh reinforcement. The stairs will rest on anexisting concrete slab.

ii.The subcontractor shall provide a set of design drawings and calculation for approval.

iii.The subcontractor shall provide a set of As-Fabricated design drawings and a Washington PE stamped calculation upon completion of fabrication.


The following is intended to be broad in scope, identifying major work elements only, and should not be considered all-inclusive. EVOC Platform shall be designedto meet the following requirements:

i.The platform is to be 6’-0” wide by 6’-0” long and approximately 8’-0” off the ground.

ii.The platform is to have a covering/ceiling for protection from rain/snow/sun which shall be approximately 8’-0” high above the platform and be constructed from sheet metal or similar material.

iii.The platform shall be supplied with OSHA General Code compliant stairs leading up to the final platform elevation.

iv.Capacity of platform is 100 PSF uniform live load.

v.The Platform and stairs shall be galvanized or painted/coated for outdoor use.

vi.The platform shall be designed and fabricated to be assembled in the field with fasteners. The subcontractor shall provide all fasteners required for assembly. All fasteners shall be screened to ensure they are not suspect/counterfeit.

4.1Engineering Requirements


Number / Title
1. / ASCE 7- 10 / Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structure
2. / AWS D1.1 / Structural Welding Code
3. / AISC 360-10 / Steel Construction Manual – 14th Edition

Subcontractor personnel performing engineering services shall have, appropriate training, experience, qualification and/or certification(s) to perform the work required. Documentation/certification of personnel qualifications shall be maintained by the Subcontractor and provided to MSA upon request.

4.2Quality Assurance (QA) Requirements

The work scope described in this SOW has been determined to be General Service, Quality Level 3 by the Design Authority.

The Subcontractor shall provide a legible/reproducible Certificate of Conformance (CoC) that is signed by the Subcontractor’s authorized representative. The CoC shall (as a minimum), identify the appropriate Contract Order number, shall specify the requirements that were met or identify any changes, waivers, or deviations from the contract requirements, shall specify any requirements that have not been met by the contract requirements along with an explanation and means for resolving the issues, and shall specify that all items furnished under this Contract are genuine and have been evaluated for suspect/counterfeit.

The Buyer reserves the right to verify the quality of work at the Subcontractor’s facility, including any lower tier subcontractor’s facility. Access to a facility shall be requested through the Subcontractor and may be performed jointly with the Subcontractor. All requests for site visits will be requested through the Buyer’s Contracting Officer.

The Subcontractor shall be responsible for conformance of all materials and equipment provided by the Subcontractor. Nonconforming conditions shall be documented on the Subcontractor’s nonconformance form. Nonconforming conditions identified with a proposed disposition of “Accept-as-is” or “Repair,” shall be approved by the BTR/CM prior to corrective action being taken by the Subcontractor.

Procurement of Potentially Suspect or Counterfeit Items - The Subcontractor shall warrant that all items furnished under this Subcontract are genuine (i.e. not counterfeit) and match the quality, test reports, markings, and/or fitness for use required by the Subcontract. See Subcontract General Provisions, Suspect or Counterfeit Items.

4.3Government Property

No government-owned property will be used by the Subcontractor.


5.1Work Location / Potential Access Requirements

Work is to be located at the Vendor facility.

5.2Site Access and Work Hours

Hanford personnel at the Hanford Site work a standard 4/10 schedule. The standard work week consist of ten (10) hours of work between 6:00 am and 4:30 pm, with one-half hour designated as an unpaid period for lunch, Monday through Thursday.

Work performed outside normal operating hours shall be coordinated and/or approved through the BTR and/or the Contract Specialist prior to performing the work.


Subcontractor shall participate in all meetings as required by the Buyer’s Technical Representative (BTR).



A final as-built set of drawings and a calculation stamped by a Washington State licensed PE shall be provided for the platform structure.

An EVOC Platform with warranty as described in the Design, SOW, and Subcontract.


Start Date:Date of award

Completion Date: Anticipated in 60 days from award



  • The following items shall be submitted to the Contract Specialist in accordance with the instructions contained in the Attachment A, Submittal Register.
  • The Subcontractor submittals identified herein and summarized on the Submittal Register shall be submitted by the Subcontractor using the Subcontractor Document Submittal Form (CDSF)
  • See
  • Subcontractor information shall be submitted in either hard copy or electronic format (If electronic, it must be viewable using either Microsoft® Windows®, Microsoft® Office, or Adobe® Acrobat® software).

Configuration Management:

Design Analysis documentation shall include (1) through (6) below: (1) definition of the objective of the analysis; (2) definition of analysis inputs and their sources; (3) results of literature searches or other applicable background data; (4) identification of assumptions and indication of those that must be verified as the design proceeds; (5) identification of any computer calculation including computer type, computer program (e.g., name), revision identification, inputs, outputs, evidence of or reference to computer program verification and the bases (or reference thereto) supporting application of the computer program to the specific physical problem; (6) review and approval.



Submittal Register Definitions

1. Numerical submittal sequence number: Example: 1, 2, 3, 4, … (or organized by topics and project assigned coding structure).

2. Number of Copies and electronic and/or hard copy: Example: E (Electronic only), 6 (Six Hard Copies), or Hard, 1: E, 1 (One Hard Copy, and Electronic).

3. Format: Describes the type of submittal required:

DWGAn AutoCAD drawing using the Hanford standard formatting

(See MSC-14660, Off-Site Vendor Directions of the Preparation and Control of Engineering Drawings).

MFCMicrosoft Format Compatible application (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint)

P3A Primavera Project Planner schedule

GENGeneral or Open Format/Media

PDFAdobe Acrobat (Portable Document Format)

4.Submittal Type:

APW = Approval Required Prior to Work (Buyer must approve the Subcontractor’s submittal prior to the Subcontractor being authorized to proceed with any activity/work associated with the submittal).

AP =Approval Required (Buyer must approve the Subcontractor’s submittal, however, work associated with the submittal may proceed prior to Buyer approval).

FIO =For Information Only (the submittal is not subject to review and/or approval).

5. Vendor Information: Mark Yes if document(s) are VI, otherwise leave blank.

6. Description / Document Title: Title or general description of the document.

7. Submittal Date: Actual date or number of Calendar Days before or after a milestone that a submittal is due from the Subcontractor: Example: June 1, 2005 or CD + 60 [60 days after Conceptual Design Complete]

ADate of Award

CDConceptual Design Complete

PDPreliminary Design Complete

FDFinal Design Complete


SCStart of Construction

ECEnd of Construction

8. Buyer Review Time (Work Days): Example: 3 Days

9.Subcontract Reference: Cross reference to the Subcontract requirement that defines this submittal: Example: SOW 3.1.2.

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Updated August 17, 2016

Mission Support AllianceAttachment 1, RFP 305827

Submittal Register:

The Subcontractor shall meet the required schedule and provide the documents specified in accordance with the following submittals.

Subcontract Number and Name: / Revision:
No. / 2.
No. of Copies* (See End Note) / 3.
Format / 4.
Type / 5.
Vendor Information – Mark Yes if VI, Otherwise Leave Blank / 6.
Description / Document Title / 7.
Submittal Date
(Calendar Days) / 8.
Buyer Review Time (Work Days) / 9.
Subcontract Paragraph or Requirement Reference
1 / 1 / PDF / APW / Approval Drawings and Calculation / A+10 / 5 Days / SOW 3.0
2 / 1 / PDF / AP / As-Fabricated Drawings / EC / 5 Days / SOW 3.0
3 / 1 / PDF / AP / Stamped Calculation / EC / 5 Days / SOW 3.0
4 / 1 / PDF / FIO / Design Analysis Documentation / EC / SOW 8.0
5 / 1 / PDF / AP / Platform Warranty / ED / 5 Days / SOW 7.1

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Updated August 17, 2016