School Year



“Fairness is giving a child what he/she needs, not treating them all the same.”

Student & Parent Handbook


Harmony elementary school 2013-2014

The Harmony Hawks

100 Murphy Road, Middletown, NJ 07748

(Click the address for driving directions)

Phone 732-671-2111 • Fax 732-671-3449

Table of Contents

Scroll to each section or simply click on the topic

School Staff & Assignments 3

Harmony Vision Statement 4

Pupil Safety 5-7

Student Absences & Dismissal 7-8

School Day/Hours 9

Student Drop-off/Transportation 9-10

Field Trips & Chaperones 10-11

Class Parent(s) 11

Fifth Grade Activities 12

Parent Teacher Organization 13

Change of Address and Phone Number 14

Custody and Guardianship 14

Personal Items 14

Public Complaints Inquiries 15-16

Class Celebrations 16

School Lunch 17

Birthday Recognition 17

Parent and Student Sign-off Sheet 18

School Staff

Principal / Mr. Erik M. Paulson / Technology Specialist / Mr. Jesse Herbert
Pre-School / Ms. Briana AmatoRoom 4 / Reading Specialist / Mrs. Laurie Brooks
Pre-School / Mrs. Maura McKennaRoom 2 / Mathematics Specialist / Mrs. Valerie DeMatteo
Pre-School / Mrs. Laura StrattonRoom 3 / Art / Mrs. Laurie Macintyre
Pre-School / Ms. Michele VentricelliRoom 15 / Health/P.E. / Mr. Justin McGhee
Pre-School / Ms. Stacey AngusRoom 1 / P.E.(Thursday Only) / Mr. Bart Lombardi
Pre-School / Mrs. Megan Esposito Room 17 / Music / Ms. Andrea Riemen
Kindergarten / Mr. Matthew GarofoloRoom 8 / Spanish / Mrs. Jamie Siebert
Kindergarten / Mrs. Carol RyserRoom 7 / Instrumental Music / Mrs. Abby Lavender
Kindergarten / Mrs. Phyllis SavioRoom 9 / Speech / Mrs. Rhonda Yabko
Grade One / Mrs. Maria MarichRoom 12 / Speech / Mrs. Anna Farro
Grade One / Mrs. Vanessa EckertRoom 10 / Speech / Mrs. Ashley Collins
Grade One / Ms. Kim KastenRoom 13 / ESL / Mrs. Laurie Weimer
Grade Two / Mrs. Elizabeth LaneRoom 22 / Child Study Team / Mrs. Danielle Galiszewski
Grade Two / Mrs. Dina HommasRoom 24 / Ms. Bree Twill
Grade Two / Mrs. Jessica WintersRoom 19 / Mrs. Diane Hennessey
Grade Three / Ms. Sara MarcelloRoom 20 / Nurse / Mrs. Jeannie Trotta
Grade Three / Ms. Alyson DunzelloRoom 18
Grade Three / Mrs. Lori Iadisernia Room 16 / SBSS / Mrs. Shannon Medeiros
Grade Four / Mrs. Megan Carey Room 32
Grade Four / Mrs. Barbara ErmidesRoom 30
Grade Four / Mrs. Darlene MargulisRoom 33
Grade Four / Mr. Michael KelleherRoom 25 / Secretary Main Office
Grade Five / Mrs. Lynn JaniakRoom 26 / Secretary Main Office / Mrs. Vivian Tito
Grade Five / Mrs. Debbie CortaleRoom 27 / Secretary CST / Mrs. Grace Schiraldi
LLD K-1 / Mrs. Jill WisialkoRoom 11
LLD 2-3 / Ms. Tiffany BetzRoom 29 / Head Custodian / Mr. John Chambers
LLD 4-5 / Mrs. Kristen CoxRoom 31 / Custodian / Mr. William Harris
Co-Teacher / Mrs. Kristin Michaels / Custodian / Mr. William Pankenier
Co-Teacher / Mrs. Christy McCray
Co-Teacher / Ms. Alexis Petite
Co-Teacher / Ms. Beth D'Errico
Co-Teacher / Ms. Patricia Baliatico


Harmony’s Vision Statement

As professional educators, we believe that Harmony School offers a comprehensive education rooted in the belief that students will become life-long problem solvers. Through daily infusion of technology in our instruction, the students at Harmony will be armed with the decision making skills to contribute in the 21st century democratic society. Our dedication is rooted in the belief that all students learn through appropriate and natural social interactions, where all genres and styles of communication are facilitated. We believe that strong parental relationships will help achieve our vision and enable students to adopt the values that we model on a daily basis. We view our school as a professional learning community that routinely seeks new information and techniques to acquire the skill set needed in order to achieve our educational and social goals.

Pupil Safety

(Further explanations can be obtained through the district policies and regulations)

(District Regulation - 8420.1 - FIRE DRILLS) There will be at least one fire drill each month within school hours, including any summer months during which the school is open for instructional programs. Attempts will be made to conduct drills in various weather conditions and at various times of the school day. Fire drills will always be unannounced to school staff and pupils.

(District Regulation – 8420 - EMERGENCY AND NON-FIRE EVACUATION PLAN) The need for orderly and safe evacuation during certain situations is critical to the safety of the occupants of a school building. If such a threat is deemed immediate, credible, and reasonable, the Principal or designee may order a non-fire building evacuation. In the event the Principal or designee believes a threat does not exist or immediate evacuation is not required, the Principal or designee shall review the situation with the Superintendent of Schools, who may consult with local law enforcement officials to review the threat risk.

(District Regulation - 8420.7 - LOCKDOWN PROCEDURES) In the event it is determined by the Principal or designee a circumstance or situation requires the school building’s occupants to remain secure within the school building, the Principal or designee may implement lockdown procedures. Safety procedures shall be enacted during a lockdown which shall begin with notification to the building’s occupants that all occupants should commence lockdown procedures. The notification may be a public address announcement or may be a discreet notification depending on the circumstance or situation.

(District Regulation - 8441 - CARE OF INJURED AND ILL PERSONS)

A. Immediate Attention

1. The injury or illness shall be reported immediately to the school nurse or, in the absence of the school nurse, to the Principal. The report may be made directly (over an intercom) or by another adult or by a pupil messenger.

2. If it is clearly evident that the illness or injury is serious, emergency medical assistance shall be immediately summoned by telephone call to 911.

3. The victim shall be examined for breathing obstructions, bleeding, and broken bones.

4. The victim shall be checked for the presence of a necklace or bracelet that identifies a particular medical problem such as diabetes or epilepsy.

5. The victim will not be moved, except as may be absolutely necessary to remove the person from a dangerous environment. If necessary, furniture or equipment will be moved to permit space around the victim.

6. The victim should be made as comfortable as possible, without moving him/her, by loosening binding clothing and providing warm coverings.

7. No food or liquid should be given to the victim except on the orders of a health professional.

8. The victim should be calmed with assurances that he/she is receiving or is about to receive aid.

B. Emergency First Aid Procedures

The school nurse shall administer the following emergency first aid procedures, as appropriate to the victim's illness or injury. If the school nurse or other health professional is not available or cannot be summoned quickly or the victim's illness or injury is so serious as to warrant immediate attention, these first aid procedures may be followed by the responsible adult present.












C. Routine First Aid Care

The school nurse shall administer first aid procedures for the following items, as appropriate to the victim's illness or injury. If the school nurse or other health professional is not available or cannot be summoned quickly, these first aid procedures may be followed by the responsible adult present.




4. BLISTERS (other than those caused by burns)












16. NOSEBLEEDS (not associated with head injury)






Student Absences & Dismissal

(District Regulation – 5200 – Attendance) Regular school attendance is a basic responsibility of the parent or legal guardian and student. Under the law, it is the parents' or legal guardians' responsibility to ensure that their children attend school. Students missing school and/or class on a regular basis are clearly impeding and complicating the learning process for all involved.

“Attendance” is a pupil's presence in school and in the classroom to which he/she is assigned at the times scheduled for instruction or other school activities. A pupil will be considered to have attended school if he/she has been present at least four (4) hours during the school day. Lunch does not count for the 4-hour requirement. For an absence or illness to be excused, the pupil must submit a doctor’s note within three (3) days of return to school. The Middletown Township School District will send letters to parents/guardians at specific milestones of 4, 8, 12, and 16 absences. Student attendance can also be monitored on the parent portal.

(District Regulation - 8601 - SCHOOL DISMISSAL FORM)

Request for Supervision at Dismissal from School for Pupils in Grades K to 5

Parent/Legal Guardian Name: ______

Phone Numbers: ______, ______, ______

Home Work Cell

Child’s Name/Grade ______Teacher’s Name ______

Child’s Name/Grade ______Teacher’s Name ______

Child’s Name/Grade ______Teacher’s Name ______

In accordance with Board of Education Policy, I am requesting my child(ren) listed above not be permitted to walk home from school alone unless escorted by a parent or an escort. Therefore, I am requesting the school only release my child(ren) listed above to a parent/legal guardian or the escorts I designate. I acknowledge I have received and reviewed Board Policy 8601 and understand my obligations in authorizing the school district to maintain supervision of my child(ren) after school dismissal including, but not limited to:

1. I and/or my designated escort may not be able to enter the school building until a time designated by the Principal or program administrator, which may be after other children are dismissed from school.

2. I and/or my designated escort will enter the school building and go directly to the location in the building the Principal or program administrator designates to pick-up my child(ren). I or my designated escort will leave the school building promptly upon picking-up the child(ren).

3. I understand this Request shall be for every school day, including half-session and early closing days due to emergencies, and shall apply for the duration of time designated in Board Policy 8601.

4. I acknowledge a parent or designated escort is provided permission to enter the school building for the purpose to pick-up their child(ren). I or my designated escort agrees to pick-up my child(ren) in accordance with the timelines established by the Principal or program.(photo identification must be available upon request of the Principal or program administrator before pick-up is completed.)

The following persons are designated to pick up my child(ren) after school dismissal in accordance with the terms of Board Policy 8601:

Parent/Legal Guardian:




Parent/Legal Guardian Signature:

______Date: ______

School Day/Hours

Regular School Hours / Inclement Weather Delayed Opening* / Inclement Weather Early Dismissal / Planned Early Dismissal**
Elementary School
Staff Time / 8:30-3:15 / 10:10-3:15 / 8:30-1:45 / 8:30-1:45
Student Time / 8:55-3:00 / 10:25-3:00 / 8:55-1:30 / 8:55-1:30
Pre-School Programs
Half Day Program AM / 8:45-11:15 / 10:45-12:15 / 8:45-10:15 / 8:45-10:15
Half Day Program PM / 12:15-2:45 / 1:15-2:45 / No PM Program / 11:45-1:15
Self-Contained Program / 8:45-1:45 / 10:30-1:45 / 8:45-11:45 / 8:45-11:45

* Buses will pickup students 90 minutes later than the regular schedule.

** The dates for planned early dismissals at the elementary level (conferences, end of year, day before

Thanksgiving, etc.) may be found in the Elementary School Parent/Student Handbook (also

available online at the district website).

Student Drop-off/Transportation

Walkers – Student walkers must remain on all sidewalks to and from school. They are only permitted to cross the road where a designated crossing guard is on duty. Walkers are not permitted to arrive or leave prior to and/or after the normally scheduled student times. In the event that this circumstance applies, parent(s) and/or guardian(s) must escort the student.

Parental Drop-off - Drop-off procedures in the side parking lot: Private vehicles use the car lane closest to the building for drop off. Children disembark from the passenger side doors onto the sidewalks and go directly into the school. Do not walk around to let your child out of the car unless the child has a project or some other unwieldy item he/she does not normally use. Once the child has cleared the car, leave the line and continue out of the parking lot back onto Murphy Road. Cars behind the lead car may use the lane to their left to exit the line and proceed out of the lot. Do not walk the children between the cars. If you parked in the lot, take the children up to the sidewalk and enter the school. Do not park in the drop-off lane.

Parking on Murphy Road is prohibited by order of the Middletown Police Department. Dropping students off and/or picking students up on Murphy Road is not safe and will be reported to the appropriate authorities. Parking is allowed in the neighborhoods adjacent to the school where you can escort your child to the closest crossing guard.

The parking lot on school grounds will be closed every afternoon beginning at 2:40pm.

Field Trips & Chaperones

(District Regulation - 2340 - FIELD TRIPS) Field trips that take pupils away from school during regular school hours can be justified only if such trips serve viable educational purposes and comply with the requirements and objectives as outlined in Board policy and are approved by the Principal. If medical considerations are included in the trip proposal, the Principal shall seek approval from the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction. For students requiring medication, please refer to Policy No. 5141.2.1

1. No student shall be permitted to take a field trip that has not turned in a permission slip signed by his or her parent or legal guardian.

2. The teacher shall turn over all permission slips to the Principal or designee prior to departure and the slips shall be maintained for the current school year in the office of the Principal.