2010-2011 HCD Committee/Task Group (CTG)
Business Plan
Committee/Task Group: Membership Committee
Chair:No Chair - Only Co-Chairs
Co-Chair:Douglas B. Dotan
Co-Chair:Paul Grizzell
Members:None – to be added.
CTG VISION (100 WORDS OR LESS):The HCD Membership Committee will support the vision of ASQ and the Health Care division
Communicate to potential, new and existing members the value of participation in the HCD. To develop and implement strategies to attract members to the ASQ HCD and encourage increasing levels of participation, includingparticipation on appropriate committees for sharing their knowledge and experiences with others.
CTG GOALS FOR 2010-2011(MAX OF 3):
Goal #1: Increase total HCD membership by 10% per year.
Goal #2: Retention of new members will increase by 33% each year, reaching 100% retention by 2013.
Goal #3: Implement membership committee to help drive goal accomplishment.
Goal #1: Increase total HCD membership by 10% per year.
- Objective #1: Create a HC SIG in “Top 10” ASQ Sections (Top 10 criteria to be determined) in 2011
- Objective #2: Have a member from each HC SIG participate in the Membership Committee Monthly meetings
- Objective#3: Determine student needs in existing ASQ HC student chapters in 2011. Develop ASQ HC Student Chapters in two identified medical schools, two schools of nursing, two schools of pharmacy, and two health science centers in 2011.
Goal #2: Retention of new members will increase by 33% each year, reaching 100% retention by 2013.
- Objective #1: Develop and implement “Voice of the Customer” survey in partnership with Voice of the Customer committee. Deploy survey in early 2011 to assess member satisfaction and develop retention strategy.
Goal #3: Implement membership committee to help drive goal accomplishment.
- Objective #1: Create a committee of 12 members
- Objective #2: Have on the committee 2 MDs, 2 PharmDs, 2 RNs, 2 QMs, 4 allied health professionals. Responsibilities will include developing and managing student chapters, ASQ Section SIGs, and membership tracking.
- Objective #3: Provide the Leadership Council with quarterly membership reports.
- Responsible Parties:
HCD Chair – send out to, and answer letters from, new members.
Membership Committee Members - Make a phone call and conduct an interview from the membership committee member to find out member interests and offer them opportunities to be engaged on a division committee or at the local SIG level.
Develop an engagement plan on how often in one year one-on-one contact is maintained with a new member.
New members will be asked in these interviews to submit their photograph and a short history of themselves, their achievements, goals, and expectations from their membership – this will be published (with their permission) on the HCD Website and on LinkedIn every month.
New members will be given the name of a contact person in the closest section to where they live or work.
Local section chairs will be notified by e-mail and/or by phone of every HCD new member in their area so they can reach out to them.
- Resources Required - Webmaster – ASQ HQ
ASQ HCD membership database expert – someone to compile membership data based on HCD membership needs. We need to be able to see monthly data on a longitudinal basis.
Sections - The HCD chair, with the help of ASQ HQ, will create contact with the 250 +/- Section Chairs to create a HCD Liaison to sit on the Section Committee and to form a healthcare SIG.
The HCD Education Committee chair will develop with the help of the ASQ HQ and the QMD, an outreach program for local sections to take to local institutions – hold meetings in hospitals and teach courses at colleges.
HC SIGs - We will create healthcare special interest groups (SIGs) – Admin; Clinicians; Blood Banks; Nurses; Quality Managers; QI people and hold meetings of these SIGs in the medical facilities where people work rather than expect them to come to a location away from their workplace. In these SIGs the members will exchange experiences, teach process improvement, change management, and share stories about the environment in which they work.
Students - The HCD Student Liaison chair will work with the Section Healthcare SIG to identify local Med Schools, Nursing Schools, Pharmacy Schools, Radiology Techs, Health Science Centers, and other allied health institutions to make presentations to them at brown-bag lunches. Students will be encouraged to for local chapters and participate in the ‘Nightingale Award’ essay competition.
Listserv - ASQ HQ will be asked to designate someone to lead a HCD Listserv – if it will be a part-time person the HCD/HQ will compensate them for their time.
Baldrige Winners -The Education chair will approach recipients of State Quality Awards and the Baldrige to become corporate members of ASQ and member leaders in the HCD.
- Process/Project Flow with Time Frames
- Chair will send out notice in news letter asking for members to be engaged and serve on the committee.
- All section chairs will be asked in December 2010 to nominate HC SIG leader and provide the HCD membership committee with lists and contact names of local healthcare institutions of higher learning.
- On first week in February 2011 conference call/Webex with all Section SIG representatives to launch membership drive.
- Deliverable(s)
- Reduced attrition, increased new membership, 250 SIGs, Student members, MDs & RNs, and so on.
- Metric(s) For Success (How will we know we have won?)
- When the numbers show it!
- Performance Against Metrics
- Quarterly reports will reflect changes
- Expected ROI(s) for each Action Step
- to HCD Members – more engaged members
- to Other HCD Customers (sections, other divisions, ASQ, community, etc.) – more engaged members
- to HCD – more engaged members
Statistics show that within the first and second years of joining an organization there is a 50% loss of members. In years three to five the attrition is 30% and after five years there is about 80% retention. In spite of these statistics the Healthcare Division continues to show growth. Therefore our problem is not recruiting members it is retention of the members we get. The other challenge is who are the members we attract? We attract relatively few physicians and nurses, unless they are particularly interested in or have roles that require knowledge of process design or quality improvement. ASQ, in general, and the Healthcare Division in particular, attracts performance improvement specialists and consultants. Our quest for membership competes with the healthcare quality organizations that deal with compliance and provide certifications that provide clinical education units. The ASQ education credits have no value to healthcare people. With limited time and resources, when clinicians need to choose which associations to join and where to spend their time, they do not even consider ASQ.