Sample 2015- 16 Curriculum Team Goals

District Strategic Actions:

A.  Increase the quality of inquiry through problem solving and questioning

B.  Create and utilize valid assessments and analyze this data to drive instruction

Language Arts, Social Studies

A.  Continue to modify lessons to include close reading, expository and persuasive writing, and DOK activities. Collaborative grade level work is encouraged.

B.  Continue to modify unit assessments and activities to promote Connecticut Core Standards in Reading and Writing and to model SBA/SAT platforms, test items, and/or performance tasks. Submit copies of revisions by November 20th and April 8th. Collaborative grade level work is encouraged.

þ  Select two units of your choice- (preferably a unit to be taught after November and after March)

þ  List unit goals to reflect the CT Core Standards (CT Social Studies Framework) and DOK

þ  Provide one example of a level 3 DOK task

þ  List and provide two samples of close reading (with potential close reading and student centered questions) and two samples of writing assignments (with feedback)

þ  Submit two assessments analyzing the alignment of unit goals and DOK


A.  Continue implementing “shifted” practices/student centered learning throughout the school year.

B.  Utilize the STAR data (domain and skill level) and Renaissance Learning supports to inform instruction

C.  Utilize student work and inquiry/performance tasks data to modify instruction and learning opportunities. Collaborative grade level work is encouraged

D.  Based upon analysis of the CSDE’s model math curricula for Algebra I (invite grade 8), Algebra II, and Geometry determine the elements that should be integrated into the respective Math Curriculum. Collaborative grade level work is encouraged Submit a list of activities by course, by unit by November 20th and April 8th.

World Language

A.  Continue the curriculum revision process for all courses.

þ  Utilize the ACTFL curriculum standards (Can do statements) in every unit

þ  Integrate fluency standards (oral, written, reading, and speaking) at every level

þ  Modify assessments to reflect the new ACTFL standards and DOK principles

þ  Designing the grading system to incorporate the fluency standards in at least one unit.

þ  Curriculum Revision goal for each teacher is to complete at least two units by June 1st and all levels by June, 2017. Each committee member shall submit to the Team Leader their curriculum revision drafts after the meetings for November, January, and March. Feedback will be provided on an on-going basis.


A.  Utilize the information from the Summer Institute attended by Sharon Mlyneic to design/modify lessons and/or assessments to include informational text reading and writing components. Choose 2 lessons/assessments in Health or PE in each grade (2 through 12). For each modified lesson include the following: copy of previous activity (unless brand new), notation about the change(s), and a copy of the revised activity(s). Feedback will be provided as necessary. Submit copies of revisions by November 20th and April 8th.


A.  Modify unit assessments and activities to promote Connecticut Core Standards in Reading and Writing.

B.  Use achievement data and resources from the CSDE, NGSS, and DOK principles to establish targets for improvement and to create an action plan that includes

§  Reviewing data to assess proficiency of targeted areas for improvement and responding accordingly.

§  Integrating the NGSS Science Practices to develop inquiry skills into all units and activities

§  Modifying assessments to provide data about students’ proficiency with CMT/CAPT assessments

§  Utilizing students’ informational text reading levels (STAR data) to plan instruction.

§  Increasing the use of informational text reading, expository and persuasive writing during units and assessments

§  Modify assessments for the selected units to reflect alignment to rigorous unit goals and DOK principles.

Sample Template for Submitting Lessons for Review

Teacher: / School:
Name of Unit:
Grade level: / Targeted Implementation Date:
List Unit Goals (with Parenthetical Reference to DOK Level)- NOT Essential Questions
Submitted an Activity that reflects modifications.
Attach a copy of the original activity and the modified version. If the activity is new, label it as such.
Activity One:
Targeted Skills/Practices:
Brief Narrative Describing the Modification:
Assessment One:
Targeted Skill(s):
Brief Narrative Describing the Modification:
Attach a Sample of Informational Text Reading (max. of two pages) for this Unit
Potential Close Reading/Higher Level Thinking Questions (4 to 6)
Attach One Example of a Planned Extended Writing Assignment (Informational or Persuasive/Argument) for the Unit- do not submit student work samples
Attach One Example of a Unit Assessment (preferably a summative):
Identify the unit goals to which each assessment item is aligned and DOK level