Laura Bell-Peters, AURORA

/ Ohio High School Athletic Association
Pre-Season OHSAA Cross Country Invitational - 2012

Thank you for registering your cross country athletes for the 2012 OHSAA Pre-Season Cross Country Invitational. Your school’s registration was submitted by Laura Bell-Peters.

The Pre-Season Invitational is scheduled for Saturday, August 18, 2012 at National Trail Raceway in Hebron the site of the 2012 OHSAA State Cross Country Tournament. The schedule of all races is at the bottom of this email including specific race assignments and times for your athletes.

Event Contract:

A contract for this event will be sent via myOHSAA on May 15, 2012. Please look for the contract in your pending invitations. Contracts should be electronically signed no later than June 8, 2012.

Entry Fee:
Payment of entry fees per the OHSAA contract should be made prior to August 10, 2012. Entry fees on the contract are based upon the number of runners registered per race. Notify the OHSAA by August 10, if the actual number of runners is less than the number registered which would change the fee based upon the fees listed below.

$90.00 per entered Race (5-10 competitors)

$20.00 per Individual (4 or less competitors)

$360.00 max per school (boys and girls entry)


Team awards will be presented to the top three teams in each scored race. Individual awards will be presented to the top 10 % of finishers in all races.

Participant Entry:

Instructions will be sent to each contracted school in late July for the entry of participant names and grades to their assigned races. The OHSAA will utilize for the collection of participant’s information. All runners must be entered at by August 10, 2012.

Spectator Admission:

$6.00 Adults

$4.00 Students

If you have further questions or need assistance, please email Brenda Murray () at the OHSAA office.

Pre-Season Cross Country Invitational Event Schedule:

There will be four scored races for boys and four scored races for girls. There will also be two open races for boys and two open races for girls. Schools were placed into races based on enrollment.

Race Time / Race / Approximate number of schools / Approximate number of competitors
9:30 AM / Boys Scored Race – Section A / 31 / 285
10:10 AM / Boys Scored Race – Section B / 31 / 283
10:50 AM / Boys Open Race – Section 1 / 29 / 285
11:40 AM / Girls Scored Race – Section A / 31 / 282
12:30 PM / Girls Scored Race – Section B / 30 / 289
1:20 PM / Girls Open Race – Section 1 / 30 / 288
2:10 PM / Boys Scored Race – Section C / 31 / 281
2:50 PM / Boys Scored Race – Section D / 34 / 291
3:30 PM / Boys Open Race – Section 2 / 34 / 270
4:20 PM / Girls Scored Race – Section C / 30 / 278
5:10 PM / Girls Scored Race – Section D / 34 / 276
6:00 PM / Girls Open Race – Section 2 / 37 / 282

According to the registration information your school submitted, your school is scheduled to compete in the following races:

Race Assignment / Race Time / Approximate number of runners / Entry Fee
Boys Scored Section B / 10:10:00 AM / 10 / 90
Boys Open Section 1 / 10:50:00 AM / 10 / $90
Girls Scored Section B / 12:30:00 PM / 10 / $90
Girls Open Section A / 1:20:00 PM / 10 / $90

NOTE: Entry fees on the myOHSAA contract are based upon the number of runners registered per race. Notify the OHSAA by August 10, if the actual number of runners is less than the number registered which would change the fee based upon the fees listed in the “Entry fees” section above.