The Kings of Israel

For this period, most historians follow either the chronology established by William F. Albright or Edwin R. Thiele, both of which are shown below. All dates are BCE.

Albright dates / Thiele dates / Common/Biblical name / Regnal Name and style / Notes
The House of Saul
c.1021–1000 / Saul / שאול בן-קיש מלך ישראל
Shaul ben Qysh, Melek Ysr’al / Killed in battle
c.1000 / Ish-boseth
(Ishbaal) / איש-בשת בן-שאול מלך ישראל
Ish-boshet ben Shaul, Melek Ysr’al / Assassinated
The House of David
c.1000–962 / David / דוד בן-ישי מלך ישראל
Daud ben Yeshy, Melekh Ysr’al / Son-in-law of Saul, brother-in-law of Ish-boseth
c.962–c.922 / Solomon / שלמה בן-דוד מלך ישראל
Shelomoh ben David, Melekh Ysr’al / Son of David by Bathsheba, his rights of succession were disputed by his older half-brother Adonijah
c.922 / Rehoboam / רחבעם בן-שלמה מלך ישראל
Rehovam ben Shelomoh, Melek Ysr’al / Became king of Judah
Israel was divided into northern (Israel) and southern (Judah) kingdoms
The House of Jeroboam
922–901 / 931–910 / Jeroboam I / ירבעם בן-נבט מלך ישראל
Yeroboam ben Nebat, Melek Ysr’al
901–900 / 910–909 / Nadab / נדב בן-ירבעם מלך ישראל
Nadab ben Yeroboam, Melek Ysr’al / Assassinated
The House of Baasha
900–877 / 909–886 / Baasha / בעשא בן-אחיה מלך ישראל
Baasa ben Achiy’a, Melek Ysr’al
877–876 / 886–885 / Elah / אלה בן-בעשא מלך ישראל
’Alah ben Baasa, Melek Ysr’al / Assassinated
The House of Zimri
876 / 885 / Zimri / זמרי מלך ישראל
Zimry, Melek Ysr’al / Servant of Elah, ruled for 7 days
The House of Omri
876–869 / 885–874 / Omri / עמרי מלך ישראל
Omry, Melek Ysr’al / Captain of the Hosts. "Khumri" in some foreign records, founder of a new dynasty.
869–850 / 874–853 / Ahab / אחאב בן-עמרי מלך ישראל
’Ach’ab ben Omry, Melek Ysr’al / Sent troops against the Assyrians in the Battle of Karkar, 853; killed in siege
850–849 / 853–852 / Ahaziah / אחזיהו בן-אחאב מלך ישראל
’Achazyhu ben ’Ach’ab, Melek Ysr’al
849–842 / 852–841 / Joram / יורם בן-אחאב מלך ישראל
Yoram ben ’Ach’ab, Melek Ysr’al / Assassinated
The House of Jehu
842–815 / 841–814 / Jehu / יהוא בן-נמשי מלך ישראל
Yehu’a ben Nimshi, Melek Ysr’al / See Note 1
815–801 / 814–798 / Jehoahaz / יהואחז בן-יהוא מלך ישראל
Yeho’achaz ben Yehu’a, Melek Ysr’al
801–786 / 798–782 / Jehoash
(Joash) / יואש בן-יואחז מלך ישראל
Yeho’ash ben Yeho’achaz, Melek Ysr’al / Jehoash paid tribute to King Adad-nirari III of Assyria (810–783).
786–746 / 782–753 / Jeroboam II / ירבעם בן-יואש מלך ישראל
Yeroboam ben Yeho’ash, Melek Ysr’al / Israel at the height of its power
746 / 753 / Zachariah / זכריה בן-ירבעם מלך ישראל
Zachariah ben Yeroboam, Melek Ysr’al / Assassinated
The House of Jabesh
745 / 752 / Shallum / שלם בן-יבש מלך ישראל
Shallum ben Yabesh, Melek Ysr’al
The Last Houses of Israel
745–738 / 752–742 / Menahem / מנחם בן-גדי מלך ישראל
Menochem ben Gady, Melek Ysr’al
738–737 / 742–740 / Pekahiah / פקחיה בן-מנחם מלך ישראל
Pekahyah ben Menahem, Melek Ysr’al / Assassinated
737–732 / 740–732 / Pekah / פקח בן-רמליהו מלך ישראל
Pekah ben Ramalyhu, Melek Ysr’al / Assassinated
732–722 / 732–722 / Hoshea / הושע בן-אלה מלך ישראל
Hoshe ben ’Alah, Melek Ysr’al / Deposed. See Note 2