Cochise College Governing Board Meeting
Tuesday, September 12, 2000
Tuesday, September 12, 2000
Sierra Vista Campus
6:00 p.m.
1.01 Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Jan Guy, Board Chair at 6:05 p.m.
Board Members Present:
Mrs. Jan Guy
Dr. Randall H. Groth
Mr. Juan P. Flores
Mr. Bob Nelson
Mrs. Jane C. Strain
1.02 Pledge of Allegiance
1.03 Adoption of Agenda
Item 4.05 was removed from the Agenda at the request of Dr. Nicodemus. The remaining Agenda was adopted as published.
1.04 Citizen’s Interim
No information was presented.
1.05 Standing Reports
1.05.1 Representative to the AADGB
Mrs. Guy reported on the Education 2000 Tax Initiative stating that the Governor’s office has asked community colleges to purchase ten tables at an upcoming special event. ACCA agreed that districts would try to support the effort. The College’s share was $2,500, based on a percentage of the projected sales tax revenue. This amount has been raised from within Cochise County by Dr. Nicodemus.
The initiative to repeal the state income tax has been stricken from the ballot by the Supreme Court.
The ACCA Selection Committee is interviewing candidates for the position of Executive Director on
14 September.
On 18 August the Chair of the State Board announced that they would recommend that the Governor’s Task Force on Higher Education create a “Super Board” to oversee K-12, community colleges and universities, eliminating locally elected boards. There is strong support among State Board members, but not among Task Force members.
1.05.2 Senate Report
Dr. Nicodemus noted that there had not been a meeting in September, and that Ray Battee, Senate President, stated that he would attend the Board’s October 2000 meeting.
1.05.3 Student Government
Dr. Nicodemus reported that Student Government officers are being recruited on the Sierra Vista and Douglas campuses and should be in office by the end of September.
1.05.4 College President
Student Newspaper:
Dr. Nicodemus noted that the new College newspaper “Catalyst” publishes its first issue on September 18, 2000, and is producing a minimum of two issues per semester. Associate faculty member, Margaret McKay, has nine students enrolled in this class, which also provides outreach to Benson and Willcox students.
Enrollment Report:
Dr. Joanna Michelich provided 1999/2000 comparative enrollment figures as of August 31. Dr. Michelich stated
that increasing enrollment trends remain the same in Continuing Education, Extended Campus and the Online Campus, with no changes in FTSE or head count prior to second eight-week registration. Benson enrollment and Buena High School dual credit enrollment should increase these preliminary figures.
Update on North Central Association (NCA) April 23-25, Focus Visit:
Dr. Nicodemus stated that a three-member team had been selected for the NCA visit: Dr. Lawrence R. Aufderheide (Chair), Dean of Arts and Humanities, Lakeland Community College, Kirtland, OH; Dr. Christa Adams, President, St. Claire County Community College, Port Huron, MI; Dr. Bob C. Burns, President, North West Arkansas Community College, Bentonville, AR. The purpose of the visit is a follow-up to the comprehensive visit in 1996. Scheduled for a focus visit in Spring 2001, the group will review the College’s success in linking assessment, planning and resource allocation. Student academic achievement will also be reviewed, along with the Online Campus in anticipation of offering online degrees.
Governor Hull’s Visit September 28, 2000:
Gov. Jane Hull will visit the Cochise College Sierra Vista campus on September 28, between 11:00 and 11:30 a.m., and take part in a program celebrating Lifelong Partnerships. Representatives of various College partnerships, along with students, faculty, staff and community members are invited to attend.
1.05.5 Financial Reports Financial Report for the month ending August 31, 2000 was submitted to the Board for their review. The financial report was accepted as presented. A summary is attached.
1.05.6 Focus Report: Online Campus
Dr. Nicodemus introduced Bill Akins, Director of Online Courses, who gave an update on the Online Campus.
Mr. Akin’s focus was on the continued growth and the current trends in demographics. Also discussed in the presentation were the need to get science courses online; online degrees in the foreseeable future; assessment and evaluation methods; readiness for the North Central Accreditation (NCA) visit; external factors affecting online classes; and remaining challenges to achieving goals.
Dr. Nicodemus acknowledged and thanked Mr. Akins for his efforts, and those of the faculty and staff, in making Cochise College a state leader in the area of Online Campus.
2.01 Acceptance of Minutes, Regular Meeting – August 8, 2000
The Minutes of the August 8, 2000 meeting of the Cochise College Governing Board were approved and entered into record.
3.01 Communications
Mrs. Guy presented a plaque to Irma Alejandro, thanking her for her dedication and commitment to the Governing Board while Secretary/Administrative Assistant to the President.
The President acknowledged a card from College employees, Tad and Jenny Patton, thanking the Governing Board, Dr. Nicodemus, faculty and staff for gifts sent to their new son.
3.02 Program Review
Dr. Michelich gave a presentation to introduce the new Program Review process. She began with an overview followed by a definition of “Program Review. ” Stating that its purpose is continuous improvement, Dr. Michelich continued with Scope,
Five Layers of Assessment, and the Criteria for Analysis. Statistics and demographics were included in Additional Data to be provided. Completing the presentation were the Status of the 2000-01 Pilot Process (Fall and Spring), Monitoring Reports, and a question and answer period.
4.01 Consent Agenda*
Mr. Flores moved and Mrs. Strain seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED. The following items were approved:
4.01.1 Faculty; Appointment*
Mark Rinehart, Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach/Instructor on the Douglas Campus, effective September 13, 2000. This is a half time, 9-month position.
4.01.2 Faculty; Appointment*
Kelly Grgas-Wheeler, Assistant Soccer Coach/Resident Hall Assistant on the Douglas Campus, effective September 13, 2000. This is a half time, 9-month position.
4.01.3 Administrative Support; Appointment*
Abigail Stage, Coordinator Community/Youth Programs, effective September 13, 2000. This is a 12-month position.
4.01.4 Classified; Appointment*
Donna Frankel, Administrative Assistant on the Sierra Vista Campus, effective September 13, 2000. This is a
12-month position.
4.01.5 Classified; Appointment*
Martha Skinner, Administrative Assistant on the Douglas Campus, effective September 13, 2000. This is a 12-month position.
4.01.6 Classified; Appointment*
Eddie Moreno, Custodian on the Douglas Campus, effective September 13, 2000. This is a 12-month position.
4.01.7 Classified; Appointment*
Art Valdez, Shipping/Receiving Clerk on the Douglas Campus, effective September 13, 2000. This is a 12-month position.
4.01.8 Classified; Appointment*
Michael Morrison, Aviation Mechanic on the Douglas Campus, effective September 13, 2000. This is a 12-month position.
4.01.9 Faculty; Resignation*
Jim Madril, Psychology Instructor on the Sierra Vista Campus, effective January 03, 2001.
4.01.10 Classified; Resignation*
Susan Fitch, Shipping/Receiving Clerk on the Douglas Campus, effective August 03, 2000.
4.01.11 Classified; Resignation*
Debra Cline, Secretary on the Sierra Vista Campus, effective August 23, 2000.
The new, and some previously hired, employees were introduced. Dr. Michelich introduced Michael Morrison, Abigail Stage, Donna Frankel, Martha Skinner and Trina Smolen.
4.02 Full-Time Position
Mrs. Strain moved and Mr. Nelson seconded a motion to approve the combining of two part-time positions in the Development Office into one full-time position, with costs shared by the College and the Cochise College Foundation. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.03 Classified; Appointment
Mr. Flores moved and Mrs. Strain seconded a motion to approve Sheila Selby as Secretary on the Douglas Campus, effective September 13, 2000. This is a 12-month position. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.04 Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Sierra Vista for Joint Sponsorship of Cultural Events
Mr. Nelson moved and Mrs. Strain seconded a motion to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Sierra Vista for
Joint Sponsorship of Cultural Events. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.06 Intergovernmental Agreement with Central Arizona College for Programs of Study in Dietetic Education and Child Development Associate
Mr. Flores moved and Mrs. Strain seconded a motion to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with Central Arizona College for Programs of Study in Dietetic Education and Child Development Associate. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
Dr. Groth had excused himself from the meeting prior to the Consent Agenda and was not available for remarks.
Mr. Nelson had no remarks.
Mrs. Strain commented that she was privileged to attend Fall Convocation and would someday like to attend Associate Faculty Convocation, schedule permitting. She was excited to see the way faculty and staff committed themselves to being a learning institution and moving toward improvements that will give the College a competitive advantage if our target market changes in the future. Mrs. Strain stated that with Mrs. Guy’s leadership, she is sure the Board will be charging ahead with business improvements for flexible, responsive and revenue-producing activities.
Mr. Flores welcomed the new employees.
Mrs. Guy had no comments.
Mrs. Guy adjourned the meeting at 7:05 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Ms. Karen Price, Administrative Assistant, Office of the President
Dr. Randall H. Groth, Secretary to the Governing Board
kp 9/15/00