A Parent-Teacher-Community Organization


May 5th, 2014

The meeting of the Clarke Elementary PTCO was held at 5:30pm at Clarke Elementary. In attendance were 2013-2014 board members President Carrie Benda, Vice-President Sue Scrivner, Treasurer Tonya Gonseth, Secretary Peggy Lundquist, and School Liaison Kim Schade.

Principal’s Update. Yearbooks were distributed today.

The limo rides were today and the kids loved it.

The third grade field trip to Redfern Timber was cancelled due to rain. There will be no rain date.

This summer there will be Special Ed Summer School, a K-2nd grade Summer School, TAG camp, and there is staff going to St. Louis for a training. Some classrooms are also being moved.

Class lists will be available at registration this year.

Teachers’ last day is May 27th.

Teacher Update. None.

Committee Reports

Carnival. PTCO will need to pay the Sophomore Class Prom committee $235 for help they gave at the carnival and for blowing up balloons. They had 20-30 volunteers present.

Conference Food. None.

Cookie Dough. The large payment for cookie dough hasn’t come through yet. One child left cookie dough on the wrong person’s doorstep. His mother will pay the customer for their order. One customer paid for their order but it was never received, but those were the only delivery issues Nikki Smith had heard about. The board was interested in signing the contract for next year. Nikki will ask about prices for next year and email it to the board. Dates will be approximately the same. Nikki also said she would like to have more communication next year to parents about selling and what the money goes to.

Movie Night. None.

T- Shirts. None.

Yearbook. Books were delivered today. There have been no problems reported.

Newsletter. There was discussion about printing up something to put on the back of the lunch menus that will be included in the registration packets with information about PTCO.

Vendor Fair. None

Treasurer’s Report. Tonya said that she would handle field trip money through August. The board is still looking for a treasurer. Tonya stated that there is currently around $76,000 in the account. The second grade did not go to Living History Farms, so that will amount will not be taken from the funds, but there will be a $415 cancellation fee that will. There will be a PO for the Science Center coming as well. The first grade still has $750 in their account. Tonya never received a copy of the request for PTCO’s portion of the third grade’s trip to the fairgrounds, but only milk was paid for out of their account. The third grade couldn’t go to Redfern Timber, so that money will also remain. The fifth grade will be going to the Lyric Theater and has a request for mileage and drivers, but the PO hasn’t been received.

The staff refrigerator funds have now been taken from the correct place and is reflected in the report.

Lindsay Diehl is working on a PO for playground equipment. The elementary has gotten permission to address the drainage and retaining wall issues in the primary playground area. More work to the playgrounds is still needed.

After commitments, the PTCO account has approximately $32,000.

Mrs. Kiger discusses with the board the more thorough procedure that will now be used for field trip requests and how that should help make keeping track of those funds easier next year.

Field Trips. Mileage is now being calculated starting from the bus barn so the requests will need to reflect that next year. The new mileage rate won’t be announced until October. The board discussed increasing it in advance so costs will be covered. The board decided to keep field trip funds at $1800 per grade level for next school year.

The Family First Empowerment area will give PTCO a grant for 30% off one field trip per grade level. This can be applied for every year in May.

The fifth grade requested $230 for a trip to Alley Bowl. First grade requested $63.81 for materials for a Fun Day at school. Both were approved.

Old Business. Sheila Overton told the group that the lease for the High School iPads is three years long and will expire at the end of next year. That is something they will need to be thinking about and looking at in the upcoming school year.

There was more discussion on committee heads for next year. Jill Domina agreed to do Conference Food again. Jackie Shinn and Lindsay Boehlke said they would co-chair Spring Carnival. Carrie will do vendor fair for one more year. Heather Kent agreed to work on Movie Nights. Peggy Lundquist will put together yearbooks for next year. Scrap Crop will be headed by Tonya and Heather. Nikki will do cookie dough another year, although she is looking for someone to help that can take it over.

Teacher Appreciation Day is Friday. Snacks will be left in the lounge and Tonya will leave a Thank You card from PTCO also.

Carrie requested quotes for a new storage space but hasn’t gotten any calls back yet. Mrs. Kiger emailed to ask about the legality of moving the property off campus, but hasn’t gotten a response yet.

The board may meet again in the summer to discuss a Mission Statement and Bylaws, but otherwise there won’t be meetings over the summer.

New Business. There are Summer Awards at the High School on May 20th. Jill Domina and Lindsay Wade volunteered to sell t-shirts there.

There being no other business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Peggy Lundquist, Secretary, Clarke Elementary PTCO




May 5th, 2014

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