Bridgeport, WV

May 17, 2007


Attendees: Debbie Kaplan and Susie Poindexter (new representative for Fall 2007), RESA I; Melinda Gibson, RESA II; Nancy Doss, RESA III; Beth Jordan, RESA IV; Alisa Shepler, RESA V; Diana Baker, RESA VI; Nancy Bradshaw, RESA VII; Sharon Clark, RESA VII; Rebecca King, WVDE

Guest: Laurie Abildso and Jessy Coffman from the West Virginia University Health

Research Center

1. The meeting was called to order by Sharon Clark.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as amended:

a. School Nurse of the Year does not need to be a member of NASN

b. Beth Jordan will present the diabetes intervention guide and Sharon Clark will

present the asthma intervention guide.

3. Debbie introduced Susie Poindexter, the new RESA I council representative.

4. Rebecca introduced Laurie Abildso and Jessy Coffman from the West Virginia

University Health Research Center. They work with health promotion which

includes the Cardiac Project, and spoke to council members about HB 2816 and SB

785, Healthylifestyles Act plus amendments. WV received Robert Wood Johnson

funding for two years to start August 15,

2007. Monies will be used to address nutrition, fitness, health education assessment,

healthy beverages and the healthy lifestyles coalition.

Old Business:

1. Intervention Guides

a. Asthma - corrections and recommendations were made. Rebecca will make

changes in the template and e-mail to council members.

b. Seizures – corrections and recommendations were made. Rebecca will make

changes in the template and e-mail to council members.

c. Allergic reaction – corrections and recommendations were made. Rebecca will

make changes in the template and e-mail to council members.

d. Diabetes – corrections and recommendations were made. Rebecca will make

changes and e-mail council members.

2. Performance Evaluation Guides: Corrections and additions were made. Revisions

will be presented at the next meeting. For a school nurse to evaluate another school

nurse, she must be in compliance with Policy 5310, Section 5.

3. Conjunctivitis recommendation: Diana presented revised recommendations.

Rebecca will have Dr. Khan review and will then send it to council members in

proper format.

4. Immunization recommendation: Rebecca will send to council members in proper format

New Business: None

WVDE update:

1. Electronic Health Care Plans: Money for the first half has not been sent as yet.

Rebecca will let us know when the money is released to the counties.

2. West Virginia University Substitute School Nurse training: There is no money on

the state level for reimbursement of the $157.00 fee.

3. Policy 2525

a. Currently on-line for public comment.

b. Section 8 refers to health issues.

c. Refers to Pre-k only

4. WVDE online training: Any school nurse can sign up to do online training

for over the counter medication administration.

5. Communicable disease training

a. Policy 2423 goes into effect July 1, 2007

b. Rebecca should have the communicable disease training program online by

July 1, 2007. This online training will be an option for counties to utilize in

meeting the policy requirements. Counties may develop their own trainings, etc.

in order to meet the policy requirements.

c. To be completed by all school personnel every two years.

6. Governor and First Lady’s Initiative

a. Would like all kindergarten students present a Health Check screening beginning

the 2008-2009 school year.

b. Secretary Walker of WVDHHR has asked Dr. Steve Paine for

his interpretation for screenings. Dr. Paine’s interpretation is anticipated for June

2007 and will more than likely state that the Health Check will suffice for

screening for first time enterers.

c. Rebecca has requested we align with Pre-k requirements referring to within 45

days of enrollment.

7. Children’s Health Conference will be held in Charleston, October 14-15-16, 2007.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:35pm

The next meeting will be held in Bridgeport, WV November 6, 2007 at 6:00pm and on

November 7, 2007 from 9:00am-12:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Bradshaw, RN, Secretary