Name: ______

Soul Surfer

By: Bethany Hamilton


Chapter 6 – Dark Hours


Bluffs (p. 83) - cliffs

Convenience (p. 85) - ease

Ornate (p. 88) - elaborately ornamented

Morbid (p. 89) - thinking about gloomy things

Chaos (p. 91) - messy, rushed

1. Why didn’t Bethany’s mom believe that she had been attacked by a shark? ______

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2. Why was Bethany’s dad feeling tortured in the recovery room? ______

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3. How does Noah react to stressful situations? Has this ever happened to you? ______

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4. What can you infer from the fact that Bethany’s dad dragged himself from the recovery room?

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5. Find an example of a simile anywhere in Soul Surfer: ______

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Chapter 7 - Surgery


Avid – (p. 95)- showinggreatenthusiasmfororinterestin

Amputation – (p. 95)- tocutoff(allorpartofalimbordigitofthebody)

Premonition – (p. 96)- feelingofanticipationoforanxietyoverafutureevent

Compensate – (p. 99)- tocounterbalance; beequivalent/equalto

Optimistic – (p. 99)- reflectingafavorableviewofevents; positive outlook

1. Explain why the surgery for Dr. Pierce would be a tough one personally & professionally.

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2. Why did the medics call it a “traumatic amputation?” ______

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3. Why did Bethany think it was so weird that she wasn’t in pain? ______


What was the Doctor’s theory behind it? ______

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4. Why did Bethany have to have two surgeries on her arm? ______

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5. Why was her wound left open after the first surgery? ______

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6. Find an example of a metaphor anywhere in Soul Surfer: ______

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Chapter 8 – The Road Back


Vivid – (p.103) - strikinglybrightorintense

Delirious – (p. 103)- wildwithexcitement,enthusiasm

Eager – (p.105)- impatientlylonging for something

Spunky – (p. 108)- spirited

Grafting – (p.108)- aportionoflivingtissuesurgicallytransplantedfromonepartofan individualtoanother part of that individual.

Degenerative – (p. 115)- todiminishinquality

1. Explain why chapter 8 is titled, “The Road Back.” ______

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2. Bethany told her dad, “I want to be the best surf photographer in the world.” What does she mean by this statement? ______

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3. What changed Bethany’s mind about surfing again? ______

Why do you think she decided she wanted to continue surfing? ______

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4. Bethany put on a brave face for everyone. What does she mean by putting on a brave face? ______

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5. Why couldn’t Bethany go home even though she was told she was allowed to leave the hospital? ______

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6. Why was it so rough on everyone when the nurse came to change Bethany’s bandage?

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7. What impact did the shark attack have on Bethany and her family? ______

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8. Bethany offered to donate money for Dr. Paul Kai to have an expensive eye operation. Kai’s response was, “Thank you. But I think that I am actually able to do more good being blind than I was able to being able to see. I prefer to stay this way.” Later, Bethany understands Kai’s statement and feels the same way. She feels she will be able to do more good having one arm than having two. Why do you think Kai and Bethany feel this way? (Base this on text evidence – use inferences) ______

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Chapter 9 – Why I Do It


Trough – (p. 120)- anylongdepressionorhollow,asbetween2 ridges or waves

Penetrates – (p. 121)- topierceorpassintoorthrough

Fatalistic – (p. 122)- theacceptanceofallthingsandeventsas inevitable

Chumming – (p. 123)- being friendly
Reinvigorated – (p. 126)- refillwithlifeandenergy;reenergize

Antithesis – (p. 128)- thedirectopposite

1. Bethany describes surfing as, “a force that moves your body and soul.” What does she mean by this? ______pg # _____

What activities or sports that you participate in and/or any hobbies that you have make you feel the same way as she does about surfing? ______Explain. ______

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2. When is nature not on your side? ______

When is nature on your side? ______

3. “This is why I endure arms so sore and weak they feel like wet noodles.” The sentence is an example of what type of figurative language. ______

4. “Life is full of what-ifs. You can’t let it hold you back. If you do, you are not really living at all … just kind of going through the motions with no meaning.” What does this quote mean to you? ______

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5. Explain the most interesting fact you learned in the section, “The History of Surfing.” Why did you find that the most interesting? ______

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Chapter 10 –Keeping the Faith


Faith – (p. 134)- confidenceortrustinapersonorthing

Leprosy – (p. 137)- achronic,mildlyinfectiousdisease affecting the peripheral nervous system, skin,andnasalmucosaand variouslycharacterizedbyulcerations,tubercular nodules, and loss of sensationthatsometimes leadstotraumaticamputation ofthe anesthetized part

Sacrificed – (p. 138)- give up (something important/valued) for the sake of other considerations

Sanitation – (p. 139)- thedisposalofsewageandsolidwaste

Wake-boarding – (p. 141)- a surface water sport which involves riding a wakeboardover the surface of a body of water.

1. How can you tell Bethany does not worry about the opinions of others, especially when it comes to her faith? ______

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2.Why do you think Father Damien was a role model for Bethany? ______

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3. In what ways has Bethany been a role model to other kids? Use examples from the text

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4. Find an example of personification anywhere in Soul Surfer: ______

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5. Find an example of hyperbole anywhere in Soul Surfer: ______

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