Response to Local Offer Questions

1. What does your service do?

·  At the Chobham, Bisley & West End Children’s Centre we offer the following services to families with children under 5:

·  Play-and-Learn sessions in Chobham and Bisley. These are universal services for anybody to access. Priority for these sessions are given to families in the centre’s reach area. There are qualified staff in these sessions that can offer support and are able to signpost you to relevant services that can support you and your child if required. Sessions are equipped with a range of equipment and resources that can support children with SEND.

·  Play days for Families with Hearing Impairment (Surrey Teachers for the Deaf).

·  Signposting to services such as:


Surrey Early Support


SLT (Speech & Language Therapy)

Bagshot Children’s Centre- ASD group

Surrey Short Breaks

·  Health Visitor 2 year old development checks

·  The Children’s Centre outreach/family support is able to support families in the Centre and in the home. Family support agreements are reviewed regularly.

·  The Children’s Centre consults with parents and considers the needs of families in the reach area when planning services

2. Where is it located and what areas does it cover?

·  This is a part-time Centre that serves families in Chobham, Bisley and West End in the Surrey Heath Borough. The Centre is based alongside St Lawrence Primary School and runs sessions in the Children’s Centre as well as in Bisley and other venues in the community.

·  The Sure Start play bus is used to deliver services to isolated communities.

·  The Children’s Centre works in partnership with a range of agencies that support families with SEND.

3. Who does your service provide for?

·  The Children’s Centre provides services for families with children 0-5.

·  Most sessions are for children and their parents/carers.

·  Families are required to register with the Children’s Centre to access services.

·  The Centre welcomes all families, however certain sessions are for local families only so it is always best to contact the Centre first.

·  The Children’s Centre is inclusive to all and will endeavour to make reasonable adjustments to meet the individual needs of families.

4. How can I start using the service?

·  Families can access the Children’s Centre directly or they may be referred to the centre by another agency.

·  The majority of sessions offered to families are free of charge. Some sessions ask for a voluntary donations and certain events may require a small fee to cover costs of venue or external providers

5. How are decisions made about who can use your service?

·  The services offered by the Children’s Centre are dependent on the needs in the communities and reach area. The Children’s Centre advisory board is made up of representatives from Schools, Health, Early Years settings, Surrey County Council, parents amongst others. The advisory board meets termly to discuss priorities and target groups to inform service delivery.

·  Parent’s views are constantly sought to inform service delivery and are service users are welcome to contact the Children’s Centre Manager to discuss services.

6. How do you communicate with service users and how are they involved in decision making/planning?

·  The Children’s Centre communicates services through: local advertising, website, email, other agencies, Surrey Family Information Services.

·  Parents and service user views are sought through an annual satisfaction survey and all sessions are regularly evaluated.

·  Staff are trained in Makaton and have completed ELKLAN training to support language and communication.

·  Monthly timetables are available with activity schedules.

·  Signposting for support for ESOL families.

·  Trained staff that can help you support your child’s learning.

·  Centre offers parent training opportunities such as First Aid, Parenting and skills workshops.

7. Is your service fully accessible?

·  The Children’s Centre is wheelchair friendly with ramp access to the front and rear entrances.

·  Toilets are accessible with wheelchairs and are disabled friendly.

8. What training are the staff supporting children and young people with

SEND had or are having?

Children centre staff have undergone the following training to support families with SEND:


·  Equality & Diversity

·  PIMH (Parent Infant Mental Health)

·  ASD

·  Makaton

And works in close partnership with:

·  Surrey Early Support

·  Portage

9. Who can I contact for further information?

·  If you have any concerns about the health or development of your child, your first point of contact should be your GP or Health Visitor.

·  You can also talk to the children’s centre outreach worker if you have any concerns over your child’s development or wellbeing.

The Children’s Centres Information & Advice officer is your first point of contact