Texas History

Fort Burrows

“Some times life comes up with a better idea. Don’t plan so hard.”

Leon’s Uncle, Retired Congressman from Florida, 1976

"If the Bay of Pigs had been successful, would there ever have been a "Cuban Missile Crisis"?

18.5 - Texas and the World

Democrats and Republicans in the Great State of Texas


communism - an economic system in which the state owns the land and means

of production

free enterprise - an economic system characterized by private or corporate

ownership of capital - used by the USA and the West

capital - a stock of accumulated goods

The Cold War Hits Home

After WWII, the Soviet Union’s goal was to expand its control by spreading communism to other nations

The people in a communist nation have no say in public affairs

The US opposed communism. Instead, it promoted democracy and free enterprise

Free enterprise in the West is investments that are determined by private decision rather than state control and determined in a free market

Several times, the Soviet Union and the US came close to war

The two forces never directly faced each other in battle

T War in Korea

The Soviet Union installed a communist government in North Korea

@  In 1950, North Korean troops tried to reunite Korea by force

@  North Koreans ( the Soviets ) crossed the 38th parallel that divided the country

@  Their goal was to make South Korea communists also

@  The US joined United Nations’ Forces to defend South Korea

@  Texas reopened Harlingen and Dyess Air Force Bases

@  The war ended in 1953 with a cease-fire; neither side gaining any territory

@  1,700 Texans died out of 3 million total killed

T War in Vietnam

@  Communists also controlled North Vietnam
@  These troops began to enter South Vietnam in 1956
@  The United States began to send ‘Military Advisors’ to Vietnam in 1956
@  By the mid 1960s, hundreds of thousands US troops were sent to defend South Vietnam
@  Public support of the war began shrinking as the war progressed
@  More than 3,400 Texans had died
@  By 1973, American soldiers were back at home
@  In 1975, the government of South Vietnam fell to North Vietnam
@  By 1981, many Vietnamese refugees had come to live in Texas /

d  Vietnam Military Honor: Texan Medal of Honor

Anderson , Richard Allen - USMC, Houston, Benavidez, Roy Perez - Army, Cuero,
Creek, Thomas Elbert - USMC, Amarillo Gonzalez, Alfredo "Freddy" - USMC, Edinburg
Law, Robert David - Army, Fort Worth Lee, Milton Arthur - Army, San Antonio
McCleery, Finnis Dawson - Army, Stephenville McNerney, David Herbert - Army, Fort Bliss Sasser, Clarence Eugene - Army, Chenango Steindam, Russell Albert - Army, Austin Wilson, Alfred Mac - USMC, Abilene Young, Marvin Rex - Army, Alpine

Medal of Honor recipients were BORN in the State of Texas but either moved to/or enlisted in military service in another state to which their award is accredited. By virtue of their birth, they are still among our "Home Town Texan Heroes".

Austin, William Grafton - Army, Galveston McLennon, John - Army, Fort Belknap
Sampler, Samuel M. - Army, Decatur Herrera, Silvestre Santana - Army, El Paso
Kane, John Riley - Army AC, McGregor Morgan, John Cary "Red" - Army AC, Vernon
Turner, George Benton - Army, Longview Austin, Oscar Palmer - USMC, Nacogdoches
Bennett, Steven Logan - USAF, Palestine Ferguson, Frederick Edgar - Army, Pilot Point
Graves, Terrence Collinson - USMC, Corpus Christi Keith, Miguel - USMC, San Antonio

T Lyndon Johnson’s Decision

Y  In 1968, the US was divided over the Vietnam War

Y  Many blamed President Johnson for the conflict

Y  Anti-war protests became common

Y  The Vietnam War had taken its toll on President Johnson

Y  He had faced mounting criticism and pressure as he had led the nation into war

ý  People in the US began questioning America’s role in Vietnam

ý  Too many American soldiers were dying

ý  Many thought it was foolish to be involved in another country’s war

Y  In 1968, many Americans were protesting the war and blaming Johnson

Y  Johnson was in poor health and had previously had a heart attack

ý  This made it difficult for him to run the country

ý  He was suffering from poor health

ý  He announced he would not run for re-election

Y  In March of 1968, he announced that he would not seek re-election

Y  Texas had played a key role in the affairs of the nation: politics, industry, and technology

1. Under communism, who owns the land and the means of production?

A. the military B. the state C. one ruler D. private citizens

2. Which economic system is used by the United States?

A. communism B. socialism C. bartering D. free enterprise

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