Mrs. Myers’ Information/Behavior/Discipline/Bathroom Policies


1.  Homework-Your child will be given homework on Friday afternoon. The homework needs to be returned the following Friday morning.

2.  Snack- Your child can bring a healthy snack to eat after our morning recess. PLEASE NO CHIPS, COOKIES, CANDY, FRUIT CUPS, OR FRUIT DRINKS.

3.  Open Communication-Please leave a message in the office or send a note with

your child if you have any questions or concerns. I will get back to you as soon as possible. I want to keep communication open for the well-being and progress of your child. My office hours are Tues.-Fri. 2:30-3:45 if I have no other scheduled meetings. My phone number is 685-7290.

Classroom Behavior Policy:

1.  Be an attentive listener- Listen with your eyes, ears, and heart.

2.  C.A.R.E.-Cooperate-work with your teammates by sharing your thoughts and taking turns. Act Responsibly-Be responsible for your things and actions. Turn your class work and homework in on time. Clean up after yourself. Respect Others-Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Respect others’ right to learn. Ensure Safety-Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

3.  Be Caring-Help others Be Trustworthy-Be honest and tell the truth.

Be Fair-Play by the rules; take turns; be a good sport.

Discipline Policy:

My discipline system consists of pulling cards for breaking any of the classroom behaviors.

A purple card means a Star Student.

A green card is a warning.

A yellow card is a loss of one recess.

A red card is a loss of two recesses.

A blue card is a loss of a week of recesses. Parents will be asked to attend a meeting with Mrs. Myers and Mr. Bates.

I also watch for good behavior and reward accordingly.

1.  verbal praise

2.  stickers-When a child receives 10 stickers in his/her sticker book he/she gets a prize from the prize bag.

3.  lunch club

Bathroom Policy

1.  Go to the bathroom at recess.

2.  Must wait 30 minutes after recess to go to the bathroom during class time. A student will pull a card if he/she asks to go to the bathroom right after recess before the 30 minutes waiting time is up.

3.  Exceptions will be made for students who have physical problems.


Return the bottom portion to Mrs. Myers

I have read and discussed the Information/Behavior/Discipline/Bathroom policies with my child. My child and I understand the consequences of breaking any of the policies.


Child’s Signature Parent Signature