Cars Project


Unit 6: Development and Industry


Purpose: To analyze the production and consumption of automobiles from various regions of the globe

Project Instructions: Once you, as an individual, have chosen an automobile (currentmake and model) to research, you will then complete the requirements below. Once you have chosen your current make and model and completed the required research below, create a colorful, neat, sales-floor worthy brochure that depicts your chosen automobile in a fashion that would convince buyers to purchase. It is advised that you have plenty of pictures of your chosen vehicle in action.

Individual: Create a brochure that includes all of the following items:

1)Make and model (current)

2)Performance Indicators/Featuresand Special Features

  1. Fuel Economy
  2. Horsepower
  3. Engine (variations if applicable)
  4. Top Speed and 0-60 mph time
  5. Special Features

3)Classification (luxury, economy, sports, SUV, truck)

4)Base Price vs. Price fully-loaded

5)Pictures of automobile

6)Location(s) of production (cities of production) with a map (identify core, semi-periphery)

7)Parts that give the automobile its value

8)# of cars sold in sales year (2013 or 2014, most recent)

9)Where are your cars sold? (actual figures), with a map

10)Does your automobile producer practice Fordist or Post-Fordist production? Explain

11)How does your automobile producer address “just-in-time delivery?”

12)How does your make and model compare to its competitors?

13)Accessories that can be added to increase the value of your vehicle

Extra Credit: Instead of completing the Allentown Extra Credit Assignment:

Design a video montage that portrays your chosen automobile (current make and model). This video montage can be no longer than 3 minutes and will be presented on Wednesday, Dec.2. This video should be a celebration of automobile engineering excellence for your country. Make sure that you save your movie to a storage device or DVD-R. I would suggest using moviemaker or any compatible video-editing software application. I must receive a copy of your video. You may only complete this in place of the Allentown Extra Credit Opportunity.

Finished Product: Brochure is due on Wednesday Dec. 2

My note to you…

Much like your Grocery Store Field Study, I need to be “wowed” for this project. In being an automobile/vehicle enthusiast, much like many of you, I could discuss vehicles all day long. It’s a shame we only get to do it in the form of a project and one day in class. Don’t make this be a waste of time for you or myself.