Getting Started Guide

Adding Course Outcomes to Tracdat

Tracdat website (this is accessible from anywhere):

Login: Use your regular COS login username and password (the same way you login to your computer or campus email).

Step 1: Adding a course outcome
1. Before starting, if you teach in more than one department/division, check to be sure you are in the correct unit at the very top of the page. Use the drop-down arrow to select the appropriate department (discipline).

2. In the Home screen, you will see the summary of all the outcomes work for that discipline: the courses in the discipline, how many outcomes, how many assessed, etc.

3. Click on the Course Outcomes and Assessment tab. Then look for the action button at the bottom of the screen. Click on Add New Course Outcome.

4. Complete the fields. You can name the outcome however you like. State the outcome in terms of what students will be able to do (understand, perform, etc.) by the end of the course. Remember—about as many course outcomes as the course has units, as a rule of thumb. Choose the assessment cycle for the course (when it will next be assessed). The Course Outcome Status will be active (all previous outcomes should be inactive). The Start Date is the day you entered the outcome into Tracdat (the date the outcome became active).

5. Look for the ACTION button at the bottom of the page. Click Save Changes.

6. Next, click on the Assessment Plan tab and then on the ACTION button Add New Assessment Plan.

7. Add your Assessment Plan, including the Assessment Type and Outcome Goals and any Notes that might be helpful. Remember the ACTION button and Save Changes.

8. After you have results for the outcome assessment, click on the Assessment Results tab. Find the ACTION button and click on Add Assessment Results.

9. You’ll see the list of outcomes in the next screen. Select the outcome for which you have assessment results:

10. Then click on Select in the pop-up box:

11. In the next screen, add your assessment results, including an analysis of the results. Find the ACTION button at the bottom and Save Changes.

12. Almost finished! For the last step, add an Improvement Plan.

13. Complete the Improvement Plan page and Save Changes.