Making Time for Professional Development

Presented by:

Dawn Capes

PowerPoint presentation available after FETC at


“Benefits of Online Learning.” Children’s and Women’s Health Centre of British Columbia. 2001. Online. Internet. Accessed March 20, 2003. Available

“Benefits of Online Learning.” ERI Economic Research Institute. Copyright 2000-2003. On-line. Internet. Accessed March 20, 2003. Available

“Benefits of Online Learning.” ExecuTrain. Virtual Campus. 2003. Online. Internet. Accessed March 20, 2003. Available

“Benefits of Online Learning.” Virtual Academy. Online. Internet. Accessed March 20, 2003. Available

“Benefits of Online Learning.” Wide World. Online Professional Development for Teachers and Students. Online. Internet. Accessed March 20, 2003. Available

Bobendrier, Laura. “Evaluating Distance-Education Programs.” Click On 2000. Online. Internet. Accessed March 20, 2003. Available

“Educational Benefits of Online Learning.” Blackboard. 2000. Online. Internet. Accessed March 20, 2003. Available

Howell, Dr. Joseph. “The “Two Out of Three” Test: Justifying Instructional Technology Development.” 2003. (Beacon staff member. Article currently unpublished.)

Nielsen, Jakob. Designing Web Usability. New Riders. 1999.

Making Time © Dev. 01.09.04

TITLE-- title is relevant and appealing / CONVENTIONS-- spelling is error free; punctuation and capitalization are uniform and rule-based; grammar is accurate; "Author's License" is for emphasis or to improve voice / VOICE-- tone fits topic or purpose; story draws educator in and makes educator feel connected; writing style is collegial, friendly & informative / CONTENT ALIGNMENT-- develops and appropriately targets the purpose; teaches, reinforces, and/or uses the skills related to achieving the purpose / LAYOUT-- presentation of lesson is organized; scrolling should be limited to less than 5 text pages
DETAILS-- details are clear and to the point; details are accurate and have been researched; details are used selectively; details provide information necessary for educator success; details work together to focus lesson / READABILITY-- readability level is appropriate for educators; complexity of sentences fits audience; word, sentence, and ¶ length fit audience; important terms are italicized or boldfaced; topic headings provide guidance; information is in manageable amounts for audience reading ability / RELEVANCE-- addresses purpose; employs real-world classroom situations or problems; educator recognizes a reason to proceed through the lesson / CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT--clear objective; strong models and examples; addresses misconceptions; relates to world of educator / GRAPHICS-- graphics have visual appeal; graphics are clear; graphics are relevant to the audience; graphic sizes enhance content and do not distract; graphics bring story to life; graphics load quickly; lesson does not suffer from graphic overload; text in graphics is clear
ORGANIZATION-- easy to see where lesson is headed; story and instruction are logically sequenced; order and placement of lesson com-ponents promote understanding; understanding grows; transitions are strong and purposeful, pacing is natural and effective; lesson provides various opportunities for educator response / WORD CHOICE-- word use is economical and appropriate; tone is friendly; writing style is appealing to audience; words produce imagery; verbs are descriptive and use active voice; words prompt connections / LEARNER RESPONSE--provides a variety of responses; provides educator interaction; common errors or misconceptions are anticipated and addressed in answer choices / PRACTICE-- uses appropriate interactivity for the practice provided; provides enough practice to develop concept; uses a variety of interactivity / SPACING-- spacing promotes clean appearance; spacing facilitates natural flow for reading
STRUCTURE-- introduction grabs audience's attention and provides clues of what is to come; lesson parts add up to the whole; lesson structure includes teaching, modeling, practice, and review; there is a sense of closure; and educator leaves wanting more / COMPREHENSION-- educator can grasp message; importance of lesson is obvious; lesson contains varying levels of comprehension; prior knowledge is activated; reflection is encouraged; lesson provides for repetition of key concepts, ideas and vocabulary / FEEDBACK-- actively engages participant; incorrect response feedback suggest re-think; questions direct and guide, correct response guides to related concepts; corrective feedback for misconceptions / HIGHER-ORDER THINKING SKILLS-- models and applies higher-order thinking skills; requires the use of higher-order skills in practice problems / TEXT-- amount of text and sentence length is appropriate; text contains cognitive breaks
FLUENCY-- smooth logical flow to text; components are inserted strategically to enhance flow of lesson; vocabulary is appropriate and avoids jargon; wording is clear and concise; accurate pacing provides for an easy read / LENGTH--text contains cognitive breaks; divisions within the lesson are paced to facilitate learning / LEARNING-- activity is enhanced by attention to multiple modalities & promotes opportunity for participant application / INTERACTIVITY-- placement of interactivity support the natural flow of the lesson; instructions are provided for interactivity NAVIGATION-- in course introduction or 1st chapter, instructions are presented to help the educator navigate smoothly from page to page and concept to concept
MULTICULTURAL--lessons are balanced culturally, ethnically, & racially / TRACKED ASSESSMENTS-- Evaluation criteria or guidelines should be stated; objectives of the course are documented and measured; assessment method matches the purpose

Making Time © Dev. 01.09.04

Making Time © Dev. 01.09.04