Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Iowa, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting, March 11, 2010


Attending:Betty Baker, Jim Baker, Amy Bethel, Kristy Cain, Tom Campbell, Sandee Cook, David Cooper, David Dixon, David Hartman, Tim Hogan, Cheryl Larking, Jan Mackey, Julie Martin, Tom Mass, Jim Pech, Randi Radosevich, Patty Rogers, Ty Stewart, Randy Studer, Shawne Ungs, Matt Walters

Absent:Gina David, Siobhan Harman, Pat Mathson, Cheryl Larkin

Staff Attending:Brenda Miller, Jennifer Hochstein, Jack Reed, Al Smith

The Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Board President, David Hartman at 12:03 P.M. the minutes of the January 14, 2010 were reviewed and approved. Motion approved by David Dixon, seconded by Tim Hogan. All approved.

New staff members, Jennifer Hochstein as Administrative Assistant/Volunteer Coordinator and Jack Reed as Communications/Operations Supervisor were introduced.

Our guest speaker, Kelly Donahue, was unable to attend this meeting due to other engagements

David Dixon reported on the financials. Our contributions are slightly higher this period compared to last year. This is due to receiving the Kiwanis Basketball Jamboree money in February this year where last year we received it in March. The investments (managed funds, etc.) are $2,190,872. We had not received the February Smith Barney statement so this number could be approximately $20,000 higher. For the Property and Equipment, the construction costs will show on this report under the Buildings and Improvements, however, in quick books we are tracking this as a separate line. Motion to approve the financial statements was made by Matt Walters, seconded by Randy Studer and all approved.

Brenda Miller reported that on March 26th, high school basketball player Harrison Barnes will be at the Ronald McDonald House for a press conference. We will keep the board posted as to the time and festivities. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Also the same evening we are having a check presentation at the Iowa Energy game. Buresh Home Solutions sponsored the 3 point shots with the proceeds benefiting the Ronald McDonald House.

Brenda Miller presented the Staff Reports and Occupancy Reports. She explained that the staff was surprised on the percent occupied being so low due to the high needs of the families occupying the house at the time and the drastic changes in staff.

David Dixon informed members of the IT Task Force budget being $10,000 due to the wiring requirements after the remodel.

Jim Pech reported on the Family Room. We are waiting for the contracts to be returned by Mercy Hospital. Jan Mackey spoke for Mercy regarding that they are $1 million short of their$5 million goal in the preliminary campaign and would begin the silent phase of fundraising when goal was reached, hopefully by the end of the year.

Tom Mass reported on the Property Committee and how the first phase of the remodel project began Monday, March 8th with rooms 203, 210 and 211 taking about 30 days and that the remodel should be completed by August.

Brenda Miller reported on the Gala Event. The event is November 13th at the Meadows Convention Center in Altoona. We need help from the board obtaining auction items and attendees.

Brenda Miller reported on the Run for Ronald. Scheel’s donated $500. Brenda has also submitted grant requests for sponsorship to Home Depot and Kohl’s. The event is at the Miracle Field this year. We will celebrate our 10th Anniversary with activities for the families after the race. The families can also stay and watch the Miracle League play on their opening day.

Tim Hogan reported on the Golf Event. The mailings have been sent out and we received a few sponsor/golfer forms back. We need help securing items for the auction raffle. He also mentioned that the golf committee is looking at other options with items. Rather than having such a large number of live auctions, possibly have a silent auction as well.

David Cooper brought us up to date with the Clay Shoot event. He will be meeting with McDonald Owner/Operator, John Blattert on March25th. John has been involved in other Clay Shoot events.

Randi Radosevich talked about the upcoming Spring Fling Fundraiser that will take place at Pal Joey’s on Saturday, May 1st. This event will consist of 10 vendors for a day of shopping. RMH will be selling the tables to the vendors for charity money, SYSCO will be donating burgers to sell lunches and most vendors will give items for upcoming event auctions. The fundraiser will be advertised through KIOA the previous week.

Old Business:Jim Baker asked about the status of the Scholarship and Grants committee. The scholarship committee will meet after April 1st. The deadline of the scholarships was February 16th and the House should receive our applications somewhere around April 1st. The grants committee will meet the middle of May to review any grants received.

New Business:Brochure on RMH. Include key people- Marge Davis-1st Executive Director of House-in regards to Room 208.

Good News:Sandy Cook reported that Dice has chosen RMH as one of their charities of choice this year. We were nominated by one of her fellow employees.

Adjourned at 12:40 P.M. Motioned by Jim Pech, seconded by David Dixon and all approved.