Attachment 2

VISION 2020 UK Social Research Committee

Draft Minutes of Meeting, 25/01/17, 11:00 – 14:00 in Meeting Room 6, Lower Ground Floor, RNIB, 105 Judd Street, London, WC1H9NE


PSPhilippa Simkiss (Chair), RNIB – left 12:55

MBMike Bowen, (Vice Chair), The College of Optometrists (Chaired from 12:55)

CDCatherine Dennison, RNIB

JSJohn Slade, RNIB

LWLynn Watson, Thomas Pocklington Trust

MBrMatt Broom, VISION 2020 UK

MJMercy Jeyasingham, VISION 2020 UK – left 12:00

DRDr Renata Gomes, Blind Veterans UK

In Attendance:

TKTayyaba Kamal (Secretary), VISION 2020 UK


Chris Muldoon, Guide Dogs

Donna O'Brien, SeeAbility

Helen Doyle, Henshaws

John Harris, Royal Society for Blind People

Martin Cordiner, The College of Optometrists

Phil Ambler, Thomas Pocklington Trust

1.Welcome, introductions and apologies for absence (PS)

  • PS welcomed all to the meeting, especially new member RG. Introductions were given and apologies were read out.

2.Declarations of Interest (All)

  • There were no declarations of interest.

3.Notification of any other business (All)

  • There was no notification of any other business.

4.Minutes of the last meeting, 19 October 2016 and matters arising

  • The minutes were approved.
  • Matters arising:
  • Item 6 from 21 July 2016, Black, Asian and Other Minority Ethnic (BAOME) survey
  • 6.1 PA to give results of TPT’s review on BAOME and sight loss to MJ is pending. PA/LW to give details to MJ.
  • 6.2 MJ to get template of equality and impact assessment check list is in progress. MJ has contacted NICE but has had no response so has contacted the previous Chair of the Afiya trust, Sola Afuape.
  • Item 9 from 21 July 2016, Children low vision, (a) Vision screening
  • 9(a).1 CM to update the committee about the sight test vs vision screening campaign with BCUK and BIOS. CM to report at next meeting in April.
  • 9(a).2 MBr to get feedback from Lesley-Anne Baxter, BIOS about her vision screening meeting is pending. MBr reported Lesley-Anne Baxter has informed him it was agreed at the vision screening meeting that vision screening would be orthoptic led. Item now closed.
  • Item 10 from 21 July, Workplan 2016-17
  • MJ to invite someone from NICE to present at the next [October 2016] meeting. This is on hold as MJ’s contact at Public Health England is currently on maternity leave.
  • Item 9.1 from 19 October, Workplan 2016-17
  • MJ to contact Jenny Cook, Chair of VISION 2020 UK CYPVI Committee and John Harris to arrange a meeting after January to discuss reviewing the shared statistics for the VISION 2020 UK CYPVI Committee. MJ to cc PS into emails. This is in progress with the relevant parties communicating and a meeting being set up. PS informed John Harris has had discussions with JS and Sue Keil, RNIB.
  • Item 12 from 19 October, AOB
  • Item 12(a).1 Sense’s future in research – MBr to contact Sense to find out about their future in research following the departure of their research team. There has been no response to MBr’s correspondence. Item now closed.
  • Item 12(c).1 MBr tocirculate information about SAGE Journal and recruitment for Editor-in-Chief to all so recommendations can be made to him of a suitable Editor-in-Chief. There is now a potential candidate for Editor-in-Chief for Sage Publication’s online ‘Sight health and practice’ journal. Item now closed.
  • All other actions were completed or are covered on the agenda.

5.Vision screening for children campaign (CM)

  • CM was not present to give an update so report to be given at next meeting.

6.Update on Research and Practice Day, 4 November 2016 at RNIB, 105 Judd Street (CD)

  • CD informed the Research and Practice Day was a success with 40 attendees. The focus of the day was support in eye clinics.
  • The material from the day is on the RNIB website ( which attendees will be informed of next week.
  • Plans are now being made for this year. CD requested suggestions for themes that could be linked to this committee.
  • It was suggested that the day could feed into Beyond 2020 questions on service delivery.


4.1All to send CD suggestions for Research and Practice Day theme for 2017 –

7.Sight loss statistics postcard (JS)

  • JS informed he is updating RNIB’s ‘Sight loss statistics’ A5 postcard from February 2013 which the sector can use in order to maintain consistency with key messages and statistics.
  • It was agreed the postcard should be published along with the publication of Access Economics 2017.
  • JS’s paper with the recommended changes for the six statements were discussed and the new changes were agreed. Also, the following was agreed:
  • Statement 3 –to include the age for children, i.e. up to 16 years old.
  • To use consistency for numbers, i.e. either written out for numbers under ten or numerals should be used.
  • To replace the Vision Strategy logo with the VISION 2020 UK logo.
  • JS informed he will speak to John Harris about specific children statistics.
  • Next step is for John to update the postcard and speak to the Creative Team to design a new postcard.


7.1JS to update postcard with changes agreed and replace Vision Strategy logo with VISION 2020 UK logo.

7.2JS to speak to Creative Team to design a new postcard.

8.Beyond 2020 research questions (MJ)

  • MJ explained Beyond 2020 was a research project on service improvement involving Richard Wormald, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Anita Lightstone (previous Chief Operating Officer of VISION 2020 UK) and Professor Sir Muir Gray.
  • A seminar was held with 50 attendees from a broad spectrum where 97 service improvement research questions were set. A sub-committee consisting of Anita Lightstone, Richard Wormald, MB and MJ refined the questions down to 17 by removing duplications. The VISION 2020 UK committees then selected their top five research questions.
  • The next step will be to apply to NIHR for a grant for a literature review.
  • Work has also been carried out with Professor Gywn Bevan, LSE about the Star (social and technical allocation of resources) approach of different interventions. Anita is carrying out research in Oxford which is funded by TPT on different treatments and services in the community for age related macular disease which will be compared and a quality-adjusted life year (QALY) put against it to rank their cost effectiveness.
  • MB pointed out that all the top five questions except question four will be underpinned by the National Eye Health Survey. This can therefore be used as an evidence of need for the National Eye Health Survey.
  • It was suggested that:
  • the five questions should be published soon and someone needs to keep tabs on the responses;
  • include the five questions in the annual/bi-annual members briefing asking if anyone has done anything on the questions;
  • feedback should be given to those who attended the Beyond 2020 seminar;
  • a journal paper should be published;
  • MSc student to carry out literature review. Suggestions for organisations to contact included London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, LSE, UCL, Institute of Optometry and Professor Marcella Vortruba at Cardiff University.


8.1All to send MJ a list of people to contact with contact details to get an MSc student to do a literature review -

8.2MJ to look into publicising questions.

9.National Eye Health Survey (MB)

  • MB explained the sector is working with the best prevalence study data we have from a study done in Wales in 1960 and other studies which include sight as part of their data.
  • A Prevalence Study Project Board was set up under VISON 2020 UK 18 months ago to address this issue. Links have been made with the Principle Investigator from VISION 2020 UK Australia who recently carried out a National Eye Health Survey in Australia. A protocol has been created and a proposal of what the survey would require.
  • The cost of the survey for adults is £10 million. If children were to be included the cost would increase to £15 million.
  • It has been decided that a smaller sample at a national level would be more achievable than a large sample. Also organisations like NHS England are interested in national level.
  • A Fundraising Directors meeting was held in November 2015 to share expertise, guidance and to discuss funding.
  • The next step is to get funding and begin the survey this year so that some data can be released in 2020 and the survey completed by 2021.
  • A memorandum of understanding will be circulated to organisations asking for their agreement of the survey, but they do not need to commit anything else.

10.Effectiveness of rehabilitation (CD)

  • CD informed Dr Tom Margrain has published a feasibility trial in the effectiveness of rehabilitation ( He would like to upscale his trial.
  • A sub-committee of the VISION 2020 UK Rehabilitation & Low Vision Committee discussed what they would want from a larger study. This will be discussed further at the next VISION 2020 UK Rehabilitation & Low Vision Committee meeting in February.
  • CD has requested a plain English summary of the publication from Dr Margrain.

11.Knowledge hub (MBr)

  • MBr reported he and Beverley Duguid, TPT are in the planning process and have met with Kings Fund.
  • The knowledge hub would be a central place for people to go to, to find information on sight loss.
  • It was suggested that someone like Google or Microsoft would be able to help design, support and fund this. MBr requested if anyone has any links to Google, Microsoft or anyone else who can help, to send the details to him.


11.1All to send MBr contact details of anyone in Google, Microsoft etc who can help develop the concept, create the hub or support the knowledge hub –

12.SeeAbility research strategy (Attachment Item 12)

  • As Donna O’Brien was not present, all were asked to send their comments to Donna about the research queries in her paper.


12.1All to send comments to Donna O’Brien about the research queries in her paper(Attachment Item 12) –D.O’ .

13.NHS Accessible Information Standard Review – Have Your Say –

  • MBr has been working with the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) and will be producing a response from ADASS. Deadline for consultation is 10 March 2017.
  • MBr asked for comments to be sent to him and also encouraged everyone to send in a response from their organisation.


13.1All to send comments to MBr () for response and to complete a response from their organisation (deadline 10 March 2017).

14.Department of Health: Improving lives: work, health and disability green paper. Consultation – (MBr)

  • MBr explained the green paper is looking to get disabled people into work and organisations to employ disabled people. There will be a VISION 2020 UK Response and also a response from the ADASS PSI network.
  • MBr asked for comments to be sent to him and also encouraged everyone to send in a response from their organisation. Deadline for consultation is 17 February 2017.


14.1All to send comments to MBr () for response and to complete a response from their organisation (deadline 17 February 2017).

15.Workplan 2016-17 (MB)

  • It was agreed the workplan should be based on the calendar year.
  • New items for the workplan were suggested:
  • dashboard/scorecard for Local Authority services;
  • rehabilitation effectiveness study; and
  • National Eye Health Survey – review questions.
  • MB agreed to circulate the NationalEye Health Survey protocol for all to comment on.


15.1TK to update workplan with suggestions.

15.2MB to circulate the National Eye Health Survey protocol for all to comment on.

16.Anything relevant for the cross sector Public Affairs Committee as they engage with parliament? (All)

  • It was suggested the updated shared statistics may be of interest to the Public Affairs Committee.
  • It was agreed it would be useful to have someone from the Public Affairs Committee attend a future meeting to inform this committee about their work.


16.1MJ to speak about the VISION 2020 UK Public Affairs Committee and its work at a future meeting.

17.AOB (MB)

  • There was no Any Other Business.

18.Date of next meeting

Date:19 April 2017

Time:11:00 – 13:00

Venue:Pocklington Hub, (BMA Building) Entrance D, Tavistock House South, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9LG

2017 meeting dates (all 11:00 – 13:00)

  • 11 July 2017, Pocklington Hub, Tavistock Square
  • 2 November 2017, RCOphth

Summary of Actions Table

Item / Meeting date / Action / Member
(19/10/16) / Black, Asian and Other Minority Ethnic (BAOME) survey
PA[/LW] to give results of TPT’s review on BAOME and sight loss to MJ.
MJ to get template of equality and impact assessment check list to be used for all VISION 2020 UK documents as a checklist to ensure the impact on BAOME communities has been thought about and addressed.
Children low vision, Vision screening
CM to update the committee about the sight test vs vision screening campaign with BCUK and BIOS.
Workplan 2016-17
MJ to invite someone from NICE to present at a future meeting. On hold as contact is on maternity leave.
MJ to contact Jenny Cook, Chair of VISION 2020 UK CYPVI Committee and John Harris to arrange a meeting after January to discuss reviewing the shared statistics for the VISION 2020 UK CYPVI Committee. MJ to cc PS into emails. 25/01/16 – Meeting being set up with JH and Jenny Cook. / PA / LW
(on hold)
(25/01/17) / Update on Research and Practice Day, 4 November 2016 at RNIB, 105 Judd Street
All to send CD suggestions for Research and Practice Day theme for 2017 – / ALL
(25/01/17) / Sight loss statistics postcard
JS to update postcard with changes agreed and replace Vision Strategy logo with VISION 2020 UK logo.
JS to speak to Creative Team to design a new postcard. / JS
(25/01/17) / Beyond 2020 research questions
All to send MJ a list of people to contact with contact details to get an MSc student to do a literature review –
MJ to look into publicising questions. / ALL
(25/01/17) / Knowledge hub
All to send MBr contact details of anyone in Google, Microsoft etc who can help develop the concept, create the hub or support the knowledge hub – / ALL
(25/01/17) / SeeAbility research strategy
All to send comments to Donna O’Brien about the research queries in her paper(Attachment Item 12) – D.O’ / ALL
(25/01/17) / NHS Accessible Information Standard Review – Have Your Say–
All to send comments to MBr () for response and to complete a response from their organisation (deadline 10 March). / ALL
(25/01/17) / Department of Health: Improving lives: work, health and disability green paper. Consultation –
All to send comments to MBr () for response and to complete a response from their organisation (deadline 17 February 2017). / ALL
(25/01/17) / Workplan 2016-17
TK to update workplan with suggestions.
MB to circulate the National Eye Health Survey protocol for all to comment on. / TK
(25/01/17) / Anything relevant for the cross sector Public Affairs Committee as they engage with parliament?
MJ to speak about the VISION 2020 UK Public Affairs Committee and its work at a future meeting. / MJ



VISION 2020 UK 2nd Floor, 105 Judd Street, London WC1H 9NE

Reg. Company No. 7850769 Charity No. 1146746/SC046837