Cub Scout Pack 123 Recruitment Night Preparations

Schedule date with Pack Committee

Date, time, Location

Usually a Friday night before Spring Break and baseball season begins

Reserve Room in the Location for Recruitment Night

Contact Room Reservation person for your pack

Advertisement of the Recruitment Event

Make Postcard or Flier to advertise the event

Post card must have date, time, location, pack website, membership chair contact info.

must also be addressed “family or parents of boy’s name”

Make enough postcards for Boy Kindergartners at elementary schools and any other school wanted (directories needed)

Ask Principals is we can send home cards to students

Postcards must be sent out at least 2 weeks ahead of event

Make Announcement on the Community Boards in towns

Make Announcement on the Park District Signs

Make Announcement in the Northwest Herald.

Make 8 1/2 x 11 poster advertises the event and ask to be hung in the Public Libraries and other places around town (like birthday party locations)

Advertise on the Pack Website,

Make sure your website is current and has all contact information on it

Other Public Calendars…

Star 105

The Patch

Contact Boy Scout Troops to see if they would send 5 or 6 boy scouts to help set up the room, show interested cub scouts around the room and how to race pinewood derby cars, and help clean up the room.

Scout Master Name, phone, and e-mail needed

Contact Den Leaders about Recruitment Night at Committee Meeting

Ask Leaders to bring their den flag, hand books, projects, pinewood derby cars, photos on a poster and anything else they can display their den has worked on.

Ask Den Leaders to share about their den and experiences with new interested families.

Ask Den Leaders to encourage their scouts to come and have fun showing off their projects.

Contact Volunteers from the Pinewood Derby (Track helpers)

Ask volunteers if they could please set up and help take down the pinewood derby track for the Recruitment Night

Set a specific time and get confirmation they are going to help out

You may also want to ask Assistant CubMasters to help here

SNACKS for Recruitment Night

Contact Popcorn/Fundraising Chair or Recruitment Committee Members and ask them if they could please contact Cinemas (and ask if we could have 1 or 2 garbage bags of their popcorn for the event).

These volunteers will also need to make a thermos of water and/or lemonade for drinks and provide utensils, napkins, cups, bowls, etc.

At the Recruitment night, set out the snacks for all in attendance. Please also set out 2 garbage cans.

Decorations for Recruitment Night

Purchase Tablecloths at Party City or the Dollar Tree or Dollar General. 1 orange tablecloth for Tigers, 1 red tablecloth for Wolves, 1 light blue tablecloth for Bears, 1 dark or forest green tablecloth for Webelos, 3 extra blue and 3 extra yellow tablecloths. Show each den leader their assigned table and ask them to set out their den projects.

Blue and Yellow (sets of floor length) balloons are always nice fillers (optional)

Door Directional Signs are needed to help navigate people to the room.

Set up the Already Made Pack Poster boards. There is a hiking, camping, popcorn, pinewood derby, membership, etc. Use the church’s easel to put up the posters around the Recruitment room. Also bring out any pretend campfire or teepees, if you have one.

Bring Name tags, Sign in sheet, extra games and/or crafts

Set out the Pack and American Flags.

Extra Volunteers Needed At the Event

2 Greeters at the door (Welcome and give direction around the room)

Floaters: Cub Master, Committee Chair, and Assistant CubMasters

Pinewood Derby Monitors to watch the boys around the track and help the boys start their cars.

1 extra person to help out at the Membership Table assisting with forms, etc.

Membership/Recruitment Chair Supplies Needed

Cash box for collecting dues from Pack Treasurer


Registration Packets for the Parents to fill out

Pack t-shirts, neckers, slides, and pack patches

*Make sure at the end of the night that you collect all of names and contact information of those that would like to join cub scouts.