Highland School Climate Plan 2016-2017

●  Goal Statement
(Including sub-goals) / To develop and sustain a positive school climate:
A.  School, family and community working together to build a learning community.
B.  Develop practices that support social, emotional, ethical, civic and intellectual skills.
●  Definition of the Need / A positive school climate promotes the learning of all children by educating the whole child.
●  Measures of Current Status
●  Measures of Future Success / School climate can be measured by a reduction in the number of misconduct reports received from school bus drivers. Student attendance.
Student self-assessment via simple survey for grade two students only. It may be a district created survey or a HL created survey. Student attendance data. Observations during lunch/recess. Bus misconduct reports.
●  Rationale
(How it should work and why) / Help students develop interpersonal skills, empathy, assertiveness and caring about others; this will build capacity within and across grade levels supporting a positive school climate.
Tasks / Who / When
2016-2017 / Responsive Classroom Training for: recess and cafeteria aides, certified and non-certified staff members provided by HL teachers who have attended Responsive Classroom. / Adm. / 2016-
Bi-Monthly meetings with recess and cafeteria aides to support and reinforce appropriate school behavior. / Adm. / All Year
Utilize closed circuit television to provide another venue of information sharing for students by students and other adults. / Staff / All Year
Offer multiple opportunities for families to be involved in meaningful school and classroom activities that fit diverse schedules, skills and abilities / Climate Committee Cultural Arts Committee
Literacy Committee
Teachers / All Year
Share information at PTO & PTAC meetings and in the Tiger News on definition of Bullying / Adm. / Fall
School Spirit Days
K-Kids after school club
Safety Patrol / Special Day Committee
Staff / All Year
Fostering an Understanding of Diversity within our Students
●  Goal Statement
(Including sub-goals) / Students will develop respect and empathy for the diversity within the student body.
A.  Students will learn how to look at others from a different point of view.
B.  Students will develop a sense of self and community.
C.  Students will build bridges with other students.
●  Definition of the Need / This is the right age to develop in our students an understanding of the diversity in our world. Developing this understanding will help students as they learn to work and collaborate with others; an important skill to meet the needs of the 21st century and to prepare for college and career readiness.
●  Measures of Current Status
●  Measures of Future Success / Parental feedback from the 2015-16 parent survey.
The HL climate committee will add questions to the 2016-17 survey to address concerns from the 2015-16 survey.
●  Rationale
(How it should work and why) / The climate committee will look to provide resources for classroom teachers as well as plan school wide assemblies to address the issues of diversity. These steps along with student discourse will foster a deeper understanding of diversity and what it means.
Tasks / Who / When
2016-2017 / Research age-appropriate resources for classroom teachers and special area teachers / Climate
Committee / Fall 2016
Research school assemblies that address diversity / Climate Committee
Admin. / Fall 2016
Schedule a meaningful diversity day at HL School / Climate
Committee / Fall/Winter
Seek feedback from staff on success / Climate Committee / Spring
Developing a more Welcoming Environment for Parents
●  Goal Statement
(Including sub-goals) / To create a more welcoming and accessible school environment for parents.
A.  Creating a welcoming environment for all visitors and parents defines who we are as a school community.
B.  School cleanliness, student work on display, bright and cheerful learning spaces contribute to a welcoming environment.
C.  When parents feel welcomed the partnership between home and school is strengthened.
●  Definition of the Need / 2015-16 parent survey indicated that a small percentage parents felt that the school was not welcoming. While not the opinion of many parents, the HL climate committee discussed making the school more welcoming.
●  Measures of Current Status
●  Measures of Future Success / 2015-16 parent survey comments
A welcoming parent walkthrough by parents, community members and district staff.
●  Rationale
(How it should work and why) / Climate committee members will assess the welcoming environment of the building using a standardize survey/checklist instrument. Once the data is collected action steps will be developed and implemented. The survey/checklist will be used a second time to note progress.
Tasks / Who / When
2016-2017 / Research survey/checklist for evaluating welcoming environments / Adm. / Fall 2016
Coffee and … with principal and staff for parents two mornings and two afternoons during the year / Climate Committee / Fall 2016
Use Tools for Schools to measure cleanliness, air quality, etc. of building / School Staff / Fall 2016
Spring 2017
Identify areas of the building, such as cafeteria, for possible school-wide effort to brighten up, create kid-friendly space. / Climate Committee / 2016-17
Informally gather information from friends/parents/colleagues about their experiences when entering schools. How are they made to feel welcome? What specifically do they see, hear, feel? / Climate
Committee / 2016-2017

Comprehensive School Climate Inventory Companion Worksheet Series. Created by the National School Climate Center (NSCC).