2012—2013 Faculty Development Report

Committee Members: Brandon Baker, Michael Bonnal, Amy Brock-Horn, Aniekan Ebiefung (Chair), Helen Eigenberg, Cuilan Gao, Sumith Gunasekera, Joshua Hamblen, Lingju Kong, Heather Palmer, Margaret Warren-King, Katherine Winters

Total Amount Available to Committee: $25,000.00

Total Amount Used for Funding $24,907:00 Balance: $93.00


Round / Number Applied / Number Funded / Percentage Funded %
July 15 / 14 / 10 / 71.43
September 15 / 20 / 12 / 60
January 15 / 20 / 11 / 55
April 15 / 18 / 9 / 50
Total / 72 / 42 / 58.33
Round / Amount Requested $ / Amount Funded $ / Percentage Funded %
July 15 / 17,076.45 / 3,471 / 20.33
September 15 / 22,188.45 / 7,225 / 32.56
January 15 / 27,004 / 6950 / 25.74
April 15 / 22,283.26 / 7,261 / 32.58
Total / 88,552.16 / 24,907 / 28.13


July 2012 Round

Name / Department / Proposal Title / Requested Amount / Funded
Allen, Tatian / Physics / Present a paper at the Materials Science and Tech 2012 Conference / 1000 / 500
Byard, Benjamin / Civil Engineering / To present a peer-reviewed publication and participate in committees at the American Concrete Inst. Conference / 1500 / 0
Chatzimanolis, Hope / Biological
Sciences / Departmental Seminar / 1500 / 500
Graef, John / Math / Travel support to present a plenary lecture in Greece / 1147 / 500
Harris, Colleen / Library / Attendance and presentation of refereed paper at the 2nd global conference on writing / 1500 / 500
Kong, Lingju / Math / Participation at the AMS Southeastern Chapter Fall meeting / 644 / 322
Leodan, Andrew / Presentation at the AMS Southeastern Chapter Fall meeting / 498 / 249
LaBiana, Mary / Southeast center for education in Arts / Cross processing: Rendering the past and present / 1500 / 0
McGuffee, Karen / Criminal Justice / American Association for paralegal education annual conference 2012 / 1000 / 200
Noe, Marcia / Women’s Studies / Departmental Workshop / 1000 / 500
Sweetman, Patrick / Theatre and Speech / Intro to Eccentric Performing with Avner Eisenberg and Judy Goell / 1662.45 / 0
Shepherd, Deborah / Management / Training in SAS software / 1125 / 0
Wang, Lingjun / Physics/Geology / Presenting a Plenary lecture at the 8th international Conference of Applied and Theoretical Mechanics at Montreux, Switzerland / 1500 / 500
Yaqub, Raziq / Electrical Engineering / IEEE International Energy Conference, Florence Italy / 1500 / 200
17076.45 / 3971

September 2012 Round

Name / Department / Proposal Title / Amount
Requested / Amount Funded
Giffin Phillip / Economics / Departmental Seminars (Five Scheduled) / $ 1,000.00 / 500
Matthews John / MATH / Departmental Seminars (Five Scheduled) / $ 1,500.00
Adams Valarie / Library / Attendance: 2012 OLAC (Online Audiovisual Catalogers) Biennial Conference / $ 700.00 / 500
Bailey Andrew / H.H.P. / Oral Presentation & Attendance: International Conference of the Association for Experiential Education / $ 605.00 / 500
Bonnal Michael / Economics / Oral Presentation & Attendance: 2012 SEA (Southern Economic Association) Annual Meeting / $ 1,000.00 / 800
Brock-Hon Amy / Geology / Oral Presentation & Attendance: 2012 GSA (Geological Society of America) Annual Meeting / $ 693.00 / 600
Clark Amanda / Psychology / Oral Presentation & Attendance: 23rd Annual Neuroscience Conference / $ 1,390.00
Colston Marisa / H.H.P. / Oral Presentation & Attendance: 2013 NATA (National Athletic Trainers' Association) Educators' Conference / $ 975.00 / 400
Dale Barry / PHYT / Attendance: TIGRR (Training in Grantsmanship for Rehabilitation Research) / $ 1,000.00
Ebiefung Aniekan / MATH / Oral Presentation & Attendance: 2012 Annual Meeting of the Southern Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences / $ 853.70 / 800
Foerder Preston / Psychology / Workshop: Bioacoustics Research Program - Cornell Lab of Ornithology / $ 1,500.00
Franklin Catharine / History / Oral Presentation & Attendance: 52nd Annual WHA (Western History Association) Conference / $ 750.00 / 500
Ingram Debbie / PHYT / Oral Presentation & Attendance: 2012 APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) Combined Sections Meeting / $ 1,898.00 / 800
Jackson Richard / English / Oral Presentation & Attendance: 2012 TCTE (TN Council of Teachers of English) / $ 1,550.00
Park Seong / CRMJ / Oral Presentation & Attendance 2012 ASC (American Society of Criminology) Conference / $ 2,370.40 / 800
Symes Steven / Chemistry / Poster Presentation & Attendance: 2012 SERMACS (Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society) Conference / $ 1,000.00
Tucker Jim / SOE / Attendance: 15th Annual ISEEP (International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry) Conference / $ 1,578.35
Wang Min / MATH / Oral Presentation & Attendance: International Conference on the Theory, Methods and Applications of Nonlinear Equations / $ 1,100.00 / 800
Welsh Talia / PHIL & REL / Oral Presentation & Attendance: 2012 CSWIP (Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy) Conference / $ 725.00 / 725
$ 22,188.45 / 7725

January 2013 Round

Name / Department / Amount
Requested / Amount Funded / Comment
Covino, Ralph / 1000 / 500
Matthew and Wang / 1500 / 500
Belinsky, Boris / 1488 / 1488 / Money not used -1488
Auchter, Jessica / 1000 / 1000
Liu, Xuhua / 1000 / 700
Gao, Culian / 1500 / 1000
Thompson, Michael / 1012 / 750
Remy, Charles / 940 / 750
Ebbe, Obi / 1000 / 750
Holmes, Ann / 1000 / 500
Symes, Steven / 996 / 500
Bloy, Dylan / 1500 / 0
Etheredge, Jessica / 498 / 0
Khmelko, Irina / 1500 / 0
Tejero, Nikolas / 4750 / 0
Wigal, Cecelia / 2420 / 0
Kazemersky, Philip / 1500 / 0
Mauldin, Marcus / 1000 / 0
Greenwell, Matt / 700 / 0
Toppins, Augusta / 700 / 0
27004 / 8438 / 6950
Name / Department / Proposal Title / Amount Requested / Awarded
Boykin Sarah / INTD / Attendance: Three separate seminars by Design Arts Seminars, Inc. / $ 815.00 / $530
Dale Barry / PHYT / Poster Presentation & Workshop Presentation: 2013 American Physical Therapy Association Meeting / $ 1,000.00
Davidson Susan / NURS / Paper Presentation, Oral Presentation: Sigma Theta Tau International 24th Nursing Research Congress / $ 4,388.00
Doolittle Amy / SOCW / Workshop Presentation, Oral Presentation : 6th Annual Summer Institute: Teaching Children of Poverty / $ 799.00 / $799.00
Garland Tammy / CRMJ / Seminar Attendance: Instructional Leadership Academy / $ 1,000.00
Gunasekera Sumith / MATH / Paper Presentation, Oral Presentation & Attendance: 2013 Joint Statistical Meetings / $ 1,200.00 / $1,200.00
Harman William / PHIL / Paper Presentation: 2013 Meeting The European Association for South East Asian Studies / $ 711.00 / $711.00
Hensley Christopher / CRMJ / Seminar Attendance: Instructional Leadership Academy / $ 1,000.00
Kazemersky Philip / ENGR / Paper Presentation & Attendance: 2013 Production and Operations Managements Society Annual Conference / $ 1,345.00 / 1000
Kendall Catherine / INTD / Paper Presentation: 2013 International Conference on Learning and Administration in Higher Education / $ 1,156.26
Kutz Beverly / Library / Oral Presentation & Attendance: 41st Annual LOEX Conference / $ 621.00 / 621
Lee John / CHEM / Attendance: American Crystallographic Association Summer Course / $ 1,000.00 / 1000
Meadows Carrie / ENGL / Attendance: The Hambridge Center Retreat / $ 400.00 / 400
Robinson Cheryl / EDUC / Oral Presentation & Attendance: 2013 American Association of Family and Consumer Services / $ 1,802.00
Shaheen Aaron / ENGL / Paper Presentation & Oral Presentation: 2013 American Literature Association Annual Conference / $ 1,000.00 / 1000
Smith Cathie / PHYT / Workshop Presentation, Oral Presentation & Attendance: Annual International Symposium on Adapted Physical Activity / $ 1,489.00
Wilkerson Gary / HHP / Attendance: National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting / $ 1,500.00
Wilson Kenyon / MUSIC / Music Presentation & Conference Attendance: 2013 International Trombone Festival / $ 1,057.00
$ 22,283.26 / $7,261

PART III: Rating Rubric and Recommendations

The Faculty Development Grant (FDG) has been in existence for decades, but unfortunately, there are no criteria for ranking proposals to ensure consistency and fairness to all applicants. To solve this problem, the FDG Committee (Committee) has come up with a rating rubric, which it hopes will provide guidance to members when rating proposals. The rubric was used to rate the April 15 round proposals with great success. The rubric is attached as a separate document to this report. The Committee offers the following recommendations:

1. The Committee recommends that these guidelines be posted on the Internet so that all applicants could have access to them. It is the belief of the Committee that this will improve the quality of proposals submitted to the Committee for evaluation.

2. The Committee recommends that a different application form be developed for group proposals.

3. The Committee believes that the current solicitation letter is too verbose and confusing, and should be streamlined.

4. The Committee plans to develop an application form for group proposals next academic year.

5. The Committee plans to explore how the solicitation letter could be simplified next academic year.