Landlord Steering Group

Wednesday 4th February 2015

2.30 – 4.30pm

Town Hall, Parade, Leamington Spa

In attendance: Richard Thomas (Chair), Mark Lingard (WDC), Paul Hughes (WDC), Becky Frazer (Secretary/WDC), Paul Chapman (SDC), Mary Latham (NLA), Terry Samuel (Landlord), William Mackinnon-Little (Landlord), Cathy Cattel (Warwick University), Gurmit Singh (Landlord), Janine Curtis (Doorway), Graham Folkes-Skinner (Waste Management – WDC), Norman Walton (Revenues – WDC)


  1. Welcome and Apologies

Apologies received from Mathew Scott, Runjit Bhopal, Ken Bruno, Alex Chard and Bob Berriman.

  1. Minutes of Last meeting/ Matters Arising

TS circulated a newsletter article “Landlords push for council tax exemptions” amongst the group. TS had referred to this article in the previous Landlord Steering Group.

  1. Council Tax Queries

TS advised he had researched the council tax charges for void periods and concluded the arrangements vary across local authorities.NW advised the council tax policy is determined by legislation, not set at local level and there are only two categories eligible for exemption– empty/unfurnished and uninhabitable. NW confirmed landlords could currently receiveone month exemption for unfurnished properties.

TS enquired if the letters from the National Landlords Association (NLA) regarding proposed changes to additional exemptions had been received by Warwick District Council (WDC). NW and PC advised they were unaware of the letter having been received and would make enquiries with their respective local authorities. ML confirmed letters had been sent out by the NLA Chairman.

ML advised the proposed change to council tax would support the aims of WDC to improve housing standards and opposing it could negatively impactthis andlandlords’ attitude towards working with local authorities.ML advised it could deter landlords considering undertaking improvement works. ML reminded the LSG that void periods affect a landlord’s income and costs are likely to be passed to the tenant.

TS advised he would like to propose a council tax exemption for up to one month in furnished properties where a landlord is completing remedial works or works to upgrade the property standardsduring void periods.

TS advised the proposedexemption would significantly help landlords due to large numbers of student tenantsin Leamington on ten or eleven month tenancies. GS confirmed would benefit in cases of student only accommodation that cannot be let to other groups and is void for up to two months each year. ML enquired if NW could quantify the drop in ten and eleven month tenancies and the number of empty homes since the last changes to exemptions were made. NW advised this information would not inform the discussion around housing standards.

CC advised Warwick University looking into ‘Class M’ council tax exemptions. NW advised that under Class M an exemption may be awarded on some student properties that are offered through a university. GS enquired if landlords would be refunded or notified of any overpayment. NW will consult colleagues and feedback at the next LSG. CC advised she thought some universities were unaware of Class M exemptions and it was agreed thatwider promotion was required.

ML advised that council tax is a particular focus for the NLA due to regular landlord feedback that they are reducing stock or ceasing to operate as council tax is an added pressure.

NW advised the financial impact for WDC would be a concern and the proposal will need closer investigation. NW will feedback at the next LSG. WM advised the proposals and any conclusion should be as a result of partnership working between landlords, SDC and WDC. PC advised there would be less of an impact on Stratford district due to the lower numbers of student accommodation.

  1. Student Refuse Update

GFS advised that following landlord feedback he will circulate draft letters regarding refuse at the LSG for approval before sending out.GFS advised he would be keen to invite wider feedback from non LSG members. GS suggested liaising with letting agents who are known to let properties to students.

TS would like details on refuse containers available from WDC, how to order more if existing bins not sufficient for a household and if there would be a cost. GFS advised he would look into sizing guidelines and feedback.

ML proposed larger bins given to HMO’s also be given as standard to student let properties. PH advised the threshold for receiving a larger bin was 6 occupants. TS proposed that this be reduced to 4. GFS advised they are flexible and responsive to household needs where occupants are effectively recycling. ML suggested this be raised at the forum so landlords are aware of potential for extra or larger bins and incorporated into and letters sent to landlords/students. ML offered to display any guidance information or letters to landlords on the NLA website.

WM advised the LSG that landlords can make deposit deductions where a tenant has left refuse behind at the end of a tenancy.

CC enquired how effective additional rubbish collections had been last year. GFS advised they were notfully utilised. CC suggested staggered additional collections as students often move out over a period weeks. TS requested WDC consider providing skips or arranging charity collection points. CC advised that Warwick University have previously used British Heart Foundation for large collections.

  1. Emergency Crash Pad

Janine Curtis from charity Doorway attended to advise suitable rooms in HMO’s were needed for lease to temporarily houseyoung people aged 16-24. They would be housed for up to a few weeks and assisted into permanent accommodation. There is a successful scheme running in Nuneaton and Doorway is looking to expand initially to Stratford and possibly to Leamington at a later date. ML suggested JC attend the Landlord Forum. PH advised it would be useful to have promotional information and testimonials to give to landlords.

  1. AOB

LSG members proposed dates for future meetings and Landlord Forum. BF will re-confirm the Landlord Forum dates when venues have been booked.

  • Steering Group at SDC on 15th April, 1pm to 4.30pm (confirmed)
  • Landlord Forum at Victoria House - 19th May, 5.30pm for 6pm start – 8.30pm (confirmation pending)
  • Steering Group at WDC – 16th September, 2.30pm – 4.30pm (corporate training room)
  • Landlord Forum at Stratford Racecourse – 14th October, 1pm-5pm (confirmation pending)
  • AGM and steering Group at WDC – 3rd Feb 2016, 2pm – 5pm (corporate training room)

ML proposed speakers for the next forum from ‘My Deposits’ and Paul Routledge who operates a tenant referencing service. BF also proposed Solicitors from LDJ to speak on gaining possession and James Davis from Upad who provide an online lettings service.

* Agenda items 6-11 will be discussed at the next Landlord Steering Group.